Are adults becoming less Intelligent? OECD study on intelligence :marseynooticeglow: :marseybigbrain:

!neolibs new The Economist article

Finland will rejoice at the results: it comes top of the rankings in all three fields. People in the Netherlands, Norway and Japan, who performed better than average across the disciplines, will also be pleased. England has risen up the league table in the ten years since the tests were last run, owing to better performances among young adults. By contrast, America's results are heading south. Similarly, Chile, Italy, Poland and Portugal all boast a high share of people who score below the norm. Almost half of Chileans score badly enough to place in the bottom two categories in both maths and reading, compared with just 8% of Japanese people.

Chile :marseyflagchile: is the kid who gets a D on a class where everyone has an F lmao, the absolute state of Latin America !latinx

Increased migration offers some explanation. Adults who are not native speakers of their local language tend to do worse in tests that involve juggling words



Schleicher, head of education and skills at the oecd, speculates that many adults are now getting much less practice than they used to reading long and complex texts. Blame TikTok.


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In my grandfather's copy of The Brothers Karamazov there's a list of classic book. Like 40 of them. It would be bad enough if it was just his checkmarks, but it was both him and his sister.


They must have done this in those few years before they both fought in WW2.


There's moments when I feel like I'm not living up to my true potential.

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You've been going through classics. Are they on the list?

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No Goosebumps isn't on there.

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U can always cope by telling yourself he never actually read all those

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School is getting dumbed down everywhere. Nooo, you can't ask little Timmy to read books about dead authors, they're racist, hard to read, outdated, and cruel! :soycry: Susan can't do math because of this made up disorder my therapist pulled out of her butt so we can pay her more, you can't make her divide two digit numbers, it's ableism! :soymad: I'm a shit parent and can't get my kids to read books, make their homework, pay attention to the lectures, sit still in school or even attend. Clearly school is too hard! :soyjaktantrum:

Only crackers and chinks pass these tests, better make them easier or we'll get accused of racism again :marseysuit: Just pass everyone or people will stop paying tuition :marseycheers: I can't teach for shit and would rather spend the class lecturing kids about frick knows what or maybe I'll just complain about my life :marseywomanmoment2: Nooo, you don't understand, kids these days need modern and engaging classes that teach them nothing and just makes everyone lose a few hours of their lives for nothing! :marseyjanny2:

Teachers: :marseydrunk: :marseypills:

Parents: :marseylaptopangry2: :marseysleep:

Kids: :marseyphoneglued: :marseycrayoneater:

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Teachers: :marseydrunk: :marseypills:

Parents: :marseylaptopangry2: :marseysleep:

Kids: :marseyphoneglued: :marseycrayoneater:

Me: :marseydrunk: :marseypills: :marseyphoneglued: :marseycrayoneater: :marseylaptopangry2: :marseysleep:


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Me in the morning: :marseypills: :marseyphoneglued:

Me at work: :marseycrayoneater: :marseylaptopangry2:

Me at night: :marseydrunk: :marseysleep:

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Nooo, you can't ask little Timmy to read books about dead authors


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You can't ask Tyrone to read anything, not even Harry Potter :marseyshrug:

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It started with Tyrone and now applies to Timmy as well. Can't have them treated differently, they all have to be down at the same level.

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Yeah but it all started when they insited on not failing PoC (People of Crime) which caused PoC (People of Caucasia) to get dragged down with them

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This is good for rDrama


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I would love to recruit more Latin Americans. Unfortunately the !macacos who score below primary level can barely speak Portuguese, let alone anything in English besides "gudi mornin" or "de bukis on de teibol".

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It's so true. @BWC is r-slurred :marseysmug2:

Personally I wish we had more (any?) Japs.

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Japs can't handle the banter

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That's not true I invited my south American bf and now he stalks my profile to make sure I don't flirt with anyone

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Are you :gay:

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That's because your bf is part of the educated English speaking class.

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that's kinda hot. reminds me of in new moon when jacob starts dating bella and edward gets all possessive and creeping on her hahaha OwU

team vampire every day

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:#marseyagreesuperspeed: :#marseychartuptrend:

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@Fresh_Start assume there is ant colony logic too it. Recent study suggests that 25% of ants were never observed too work and we are basically giant ants.

2.5 out of 10 humans will always be heavily regarded or life as if they were and there is no way around it.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Social media accounts should require 18+ ID to sign up, TikTok should be banned altogether, and owning a smart phone should be illegal for children. :marseyagreefast: The trend would go in the opposite direction pretty quickly.

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owning a smart phone should be illegal for everyone

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Do you think rdrama dot net should be legally required to verify a government photo ID for every user? Would you send it to aevann?

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I think the social goods brought about by such regulation (which isn't specific to rdrama and I'm not sure regulatory bodies could bring to bear smaller platforms as easily) outweigh the negatives and tradeoffs, yes. :marseyshrug:

I'm probably one of the only particularly active users who wouldn't risk getting fired or socially ostracized for things I've said here though the association would obviously not be a positive, either. IDK what I would personally do at that point. How about you, in such a hypothetical?

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I doubt my job would fire me for anything I post here, partly because I'm not full chud but mostly because I never directly reference my employer.

But I'm not uploading my ID. So for me effectively it would mean leaving all affected websites. Maybe not such a huge loss but I also don't think it'll be at all effective - VPNs still exist and would only explode in popularity.

I see it as being a pointless overreach, just like the laws in some red states to try to do this for porn websites.

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VPNs still exist and would only explode in popularity.

I see it as being a pointless overreach, just like the laws in some red states to try to do this for porn websites.

Children in particular didn't have easy access to pornography before the internet and I do think something needs to be done. I'm open to alternative solutions if you have any recommendations. I'm not a politician and it isn't a topic I've given specific attention.

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It's a complicated question but I don't think restricting access to the internet is a good thing for children.

The internet is a feature of modern life everywhere, kids who turn 18 without knowing to access it will be in disadvantage and they can become even worse porn addicts due to backlash.

Unfortunately, it seems like the best option for parents is to explain stuff instead of creating an over-protective bubble which will inevitably burst violently.

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I'm not invested enough in this topic to try to pull statistics forming a more elaborate response at the moment.

It's a complicated question but I don't think restricting access to the internet is a good thing for children.

Why? We accept alcohol as a feature of life best kept to adults, for instance. What differentiates the two to you and @merry_tempmas?

The internet is a feature of modern life everywhere, kids who turn 18 without knowing to access it will be in disadvantage

Sure, but millenials are far more tech literate than are the zoomers. Perhaps a delayed introduction is healthy?

they can become even worse porn addicts due to backlash

Meh, I recognize this as a popular talking point but dunno that this is a provable phenomenon and/or more poignantly a robust reason to prohibit children accessing it. I love you enough to not ping on this :marseymoidmoment: advocating for children having access to pornography as a ratio win.

Unfortunately, it seems like the best option for parents is to explain stuff instead of creating an over-protective bubble which will inevitably burst violently.

I'm not a "Trad Cath" or a fundie, FWIW this is my intention.

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We accept alcohol as a feature of life best kept to adults, for instance.

There are medical reasons for this.

I say this as someone who thinks the drinking age should be 18 though.

Sure, but millenials are far more tech literate than are the zoomers. Perhaps a delayed introduction is healthy?

I think this is more related to modern interfaces than to when technology was introduced to someone.

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Why? We accept alcohol as a feature of life best kept to adults, for instance. What differentiates the two to you and

The Internet is a useful tool and a necessity in life, alcohol is just a drug which you can live without.

advocating for children having access to pornography as a ratio win.

I'm not advocating for that lol, but it's no secret teenagers are shitheads and they always get secretly access to what they want.

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I agree, but I see it as more of a Pandora's box. Pornography is widely available and short of a total ban there's just nothing the government can do.

I see it as primarily a parenting issue. Most parents these days are very lazy (or maybe they always were).

My parents for example did not allow me to have a computer in my room at all. The shared family computer was in the middle of the first floor of the house so it was easy to monitor. But I know most parents aren't like this, not these days at least.

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How about you, in such a hypothetical?

I would stop posting and say goodbye to rdrama lmao

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I would expect rdrama dot net to get away with it since its not hosted by someone in yurop or burgerland. Same way all of the piracy websites stay up.

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You dont need to send an actual document to verify id or age. The mechanisms exist on many passports to generate zero knowledge proofs of id, minimum age, etc. It is certainly possible to implement age requirements and proof of personhood in a privacy preserving way.

And yes, I think children shouldn't be allowed on rdrama and that age should be verified here, especially considering how many groomercord users are here.

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Thoughts on modern day teachers and their troublesome unions?

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In the USA at least I don't see the unions as the primary factor in what ails the public school system but I'm increasingly sympathetic to a voucher system to allow parents to opt out with subsidization. :marseyhibernian: Mostly I just want gibs to send my kids to Catholic schools.

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Ban public :marseyfreedomofspeech: unions

Government employees should :marseynorm: not be in a union :marseysaluteussr:

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Modern American teachers union is a corrupt hellhole that should be utterly destroyed after the shit they pulled during covid. I don't know how to do that, though, and they'll guarantee the kids will suffer whatever is tried.

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None in Japan can speak American (the only language that matters) so functionally, they are all illiterate.

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:hmm: idk I watch that Jap street interviewer sometimes and he seems to get a lot of westoids, mutts and native Jap english speakers. Some even say they can't understand Bongs because they're so used to hearing Amerikkkan English :marseyxd:

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Ngl I've almost never seen a japanese person (in japan) speak proper english. Even when I was travelling with friends who obviously couldn't speak Japanese, they just refused to try some English. Exception are ppl who spent significant time abroad, obv

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tbh I have a masters degree in math and I don't know if I remember how to do long division :marseygigaretard:

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It is a well known fact that having a !mathematics degree renders you unable to perform basic arithmetic

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What's this sokatowah thing the kids keep saying?

Is that a !hawktuah meme?

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I tell my calc kids this all the time. I've seen them forget that you can multiply the top and bottom of a fraction without changing its value while finding the derivative of a parametric equation.

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PhD in mathematics. Got a C this fall in "Accounting Basics for Lawyers."

I don't get it. I can understand algebraic geometry just fine, but my brain can't figure out how to do closing entries for an expense account.

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I took Partial Diffs as my final math course at the same time as Quantum.

The final was 2 questions, 4 or 5 pages of calculations.

I got them both wrong, but not too wrong.

I passed geg.

!r-slurs !ifrickinglovescience !mathematics !physics I have since learned more from YouTube Indians for free in less time than university professors.

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At my last job interview I struggled to do some sort of basic multiplication and was off by several orders of magnitude. Still got the job. 500k per year baby :marseyretardchad:

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Not surprising. I've forgotten most if not all math I learned past 8th grade. Turns out I was right and would never use any of it

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lol my niece is doing long division and asked me for help the other day. :crap: it took me a while to remember

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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:marseyreportercnn!: IT's getting worse!

>no comparison with 10 years ago


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Total ! R-slurs (too broke to ping :marseycoomer3: ) victory :marseyhappening:

I do blame tiktok and social media tbqh. Many folx ( :marseyme: ) I know, especially boomers have gone full r-slur due to the sneed tok mind virus. It's fascinating to observe.

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too broke to ping

well well well

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Sweden is really high. People made fun of this image, but it's actually proving to be a success story of immigrant integration into a culture.

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Any comments on Chile since it's at the bottom of the graph?

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While there are plenty of highly educated and intelligent people in Chile and South America, fact remains the average Chilean or South American in the street is still quite uneducated and uncultured when compared to Europeans and North Americans.

Public k-12 education is not very good, the universities are top notch (hence why many get accepted to do their masters and PhD's in Europe and the United States) but you'll see many people who get into public universities come from elite private schools or where just outstanding public school students who get scholarships (college is not free in Chile, unlike Argentina, Chile is similar to the US as most people take student loans to go to college). Regular people will attend minor private universities.

Most of the middle class formed in the past few decades after the end of the dictatorship (Chile for instance had a poverty rate of 50% in 1990 lmao, which declined to less than 10% in just 30 years) so it will take decades to catch up. It's not comparable to Europe and North America where the level has been declining though, this is the most educated countries like Chile have ever been.

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Sounds pretty comfy, I'd like to have a serf/servant underclass too

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Unironically why the !macacos upper-middle-class has no interest in moving despite whining.

If you're moderately well off on a country like Brazil you can buy a large house on a gated community, hire a maid, travel to Europe for vacations, there are also great restaurants, malls and activities in both large and medium sized cities of the South/Southeast.

The average living standards for normal people are not as good like in Europe/North America but are much better than India or Sub-Saharan Africa. I think mediocrity is the term which characterizes modern day Latin America much more than poverty.

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you can buy a large house on a gated community, hire a maid, travel to Europe for vacations


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Yep. Are you familiar with Ribbonfarm's "premium mediocre" concept? For some reason it always bubbles up to the forefront of my mind when I go visit Brazil.

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Darn I thought Chile was one of the more developed LA countries.

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Chile is the most developed country in South America.

However education is a consequence of development, not a cause, Europe/North America/Japan are more educated because they developed a century ago, you need money first then you have the income for education and is not just from school it comes from the house as well, so it's a process which takes time. The education performance in Chile has been on a rise in the past decades, the kids being born to college educated people today will have a reading culture from home.

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education is a consequence of development, not a cause

I've actually been banging on about this TRVTHNVKE whenever fellow Americans debate about teacher salaries and funding schools. It's pointless if the neighborhoods themselves are not developed. There's no lesson plan or popular role model that will magically uplift people living in poverty.

I guess this whole thing with Chile is one of those things where the country is actually developed enough for these statistics to be reliable collected.

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Chile was part of this study because Chile is a member of the OECD, which is a group made of the 38 most developed economies worldwide. So Chile is like low tier among the top of the world.

I've actually been banging on about this TRVTHNVKE whenever fellow Americans debate about teacher salaries and funding schools. It's pointless if the neighborhoods themselves are not developed

True, families need jobs and an income first and foremost. I've seen a @Redactor0 comment where he mentioned his grandfather reading Dostoyevsky, this is the type of developed word acculturation I'm talking about. My grandfather couldn't even afford shoes let alone books when he was a kid and couldn't attend High School because he had to work from an early age. Then my father and his sister were the first to go to college in the family and the first who actually read for pleasure. Education is a long term multigenerational process.

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Definitely they are, for example I didn't read any of that

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>More recently, the trend in some countries has been that of stagnation or decline. The cause of this is hotly debated.


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What is going on with South Korea?

@KoreanGrinchKing explain.

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Kids brains are fried from TikTok/Instagram/video games and depressed.

After-school academies and universities are getting too expensive.

Women hoarding all the good promotions so the moids aren't even bothering anymore.

Young adults aren't saving for the future and aren't planning on getting married so they're just blowing their money on more booze and vacations instead.

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:!#marseyparty:HYVÄ SUOMI! :#marseyparty:

:#marseyflagfinland: :#marseyflagfinland: :#marseyflagfinland: :#marseyflagfinland: :#marseyflagfinland:

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Expect these numbers to sink like a rock next time. Covid closings fricked these kids up royally.

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