Lmao get out of here bitter betty. My last two relationships have been with guys that made SIGNIFICANTLY less than me (I’m in tech) and nowhere near 6 figures. I’m going on a date tomorrow with a guy who works in the service industry and I am REALLY interested in him. Money doesn’t matter to everyone, it’s connection and emotional availability for me. As long as a guy can pay for his own life and isn’t leeching off me I couldn’t care less.
Source: 34/F mom who is NOT significantly overweight or desperate. I also work remotely and love to travel.
A redditor telling you they’re not significantly overweight is like 190lbs at 5’8”
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Posting history reveals she's an alcoholic too
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Work retail jobs, date retail women. There's really no shame in it as long as you aren't settling for the single moms or get niche interest women with wealthy families to simp for you that works for me
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me and a friend were talking about the single mom thing and im trying to figure out why they are subconsciously revolting, i think its just that being a single mother signifies that they make awful decisions, if her husband died as opposed to her just breaking up would this make it better?
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I think a lot of the "ew" factor of single moms is that they expect you to provide for someone else's children. When it's an empty nester single mom and that's not a factor, then you're just left with an attractive older woman who has tons of alimony cash to spend on you. It's honestly a really good time for a few months.
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depends on if he od'd or not lol, but for the most part id say yeah it does. still wouldnt date one though.
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Retail women are dating white collar or well paid blue collar men
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Lmfaoooo you don't know how truly rarted retail working women are they literally all cheat.
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For Chad no
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So I need uhhhh wait what is this even saying
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Basically if you're a nord you win the genetic lottery.
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Incel body dysmorphia just proves how much dudes really rock.
Compare THAT min-maxed turboautism fuelled dysmorphia to your average foid nonsense.
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The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can't have them, no one will. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.
https://archive.ph/?url=https%3A//old.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/1032kiw/women_would_you_date_a_guy_working_in_retail_in&run=1 (click to archive)
I'll be real with you, unless you're VERY good looking where you clearly get tons of female attention or you're the store owner making good money, I'm here to tell you that most women will not even look your way. They'll view a guy working retail in his 30s for his main job as pathetic, unmotivated, and unable to financially provide. Sure you might be able to get a significantly overweight single mom that will take what she can get, but that's probably about it.:
https://archive.ph/?url=https%3A//old.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/1032kiw/women_would_you_date_a_guy_working_in_retail_in/j2wj1ne/%3Fcontext%3D3&run=1 (click to archive)
higher value women wont. if that is the best she can get then sure. there aint gonna be any beauty queens dating a retail worker bro.:
https://archive.ph/?url=https%3A//old.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/1032kiw/women_would_you_date_a_guy_working_in_retail_in/j2wi9rv/%3Fcontext%3D3&run=1 (click to archive)
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