Keffals has been spending her catboy dollars on cocaine. Gofundme grift on the poors.


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this will be my last tweet for a while


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@Absinthe discuss

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Are we sure it's not powder HRT?

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anyone r-slurred enough to donate to these "fundraisers" deserves to be grifted tbqh

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the grift continues


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>Addiction is a disease

One of the best diseases to have! :marseydrunk: :marseycocaine::marseyjunkie:

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The worst disease you can have

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Addiction is a disease so I don't have to take responsibility or make amends.

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No doubt he believes this, but the X-Anonymous (AA, NA, etc) philosophy says that addiction is a disease, but you still must rectify your misdeeds.

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"disease" as in the physical effect of a cause resulting in not being healthy, even if it's not from a pathogen or genetic mutation

if you've done enough horse to permanently disrupt your dopamine pathway, you now have that as a "disease," even though it's self inflicted and your own fault and you've been an r-slured butthole

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If Keffals isn't lying about going to rehab (which he is), it's only to speedrun to the 13th step for new catboys.

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Wait so it's real, she's actually railing lines?

She's definitely gonna get dramatard of the year if this keeps up

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In all my time being a dumbass growing up I've never known anyone to fatally OD from doing lines. If she almost died more than once she's shooting up:marseyjunkie:

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never known anyone to fatally OD from doing lines

To be fair that was probably before the feds started cutting everything with fentanyl

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I've seen someon OD on coke, but it was probably cut with something that caused the OD and not the coke itself.

Nobody ODs on flake.

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If you're fat enough you can

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She probably didn't OD, it's just bonus dramatics to elicit extra sympathy.

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He might be boofing fent though

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Seems wasteful of xher griftbux. Would probably be cheaper to start smoking meth. Would probably make keffals actually interesting for once.

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Nobody can beat the gunt.

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I'm currently looking into inpatient rehab...

Every rehab clinic in Canada right now:


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This will be my last tweet for a while

Okay, see you next week :#marseywave2:

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O/U is @ 3.5 days

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More like tomorrow

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lmao she didn't deny it hahahahaha that's where the money went. hahahahaha

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Pointing out something a transwoman did wrong? :soyreddit: How dare you put forth strong and compelling evidence of their misdeeds, BIGOT! :soyreddit:

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I spent all my money on cocaine. Please give me more money to get off of cocaine :marseybeggar:

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(I will actually be using it to buy more cocaine :marseyrapscallion:)

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Well, how will I know if I beat my cocaine addiction if I don't have enough cocaine around to say no to?


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Addiction is a disease

neighbor it's coke. just don't buy the coke

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Even in her tweets she still shifts the responsibility of her addiction to others, go queen :marseypass:

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Isn't admitting it's a grift grounds for lawsuit?

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Basically, it depends on the advertising (fraud) and spending (embezzlement).

"Give me money because :marseytransattentionseeker:! or :marseyblm:" is legal. "We're raising funds to help the black and trans community" is legal, so long as they deliver 'enough' to whomever they're collecting donations for.

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not gonna lie I always see this ''addictions is a disease'' but... you're an adult, you know you're taking an addictive substance. Is it really a surprise when you get addicted? Should we feel sorry, like you just accidentally just happened to fall and cocaine got in your nose? Multiple times, because I doubt you'd get addicted off one line.

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>I have committed crimes but it's ok, I'm going to rehab. Please donate on Twitch.


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Dsp needs your funds to buy treasure packs for mobile wwe wrestlemania

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Sure they choose. Nobody forces coke up your nose to start with, and nobody keeps putting it there every weekend for a few months and than a couple of evenings during the week additionally for a few more months, and then maybe a little in the morning, to get them started after that, and so on. They do it to themselves.

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I am being harassed online gib mony

:marseyret#ard4: duuhhh ok

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Donating to an addict to give them enough funds to OD is based as frick though

If only it was fent or heroin instead of coke, though, so that he would :marseycantsneed: himself instead of just having a lot of fun

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I wonder if she will get audited by the Canadian IRS for failing to pay income tax.

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someone post this on /r/agedlikemilk


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>Kiwifarms stronger than ever

>Keffals crack addicted depression whore

Who won?

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How DARE you accuse Queen Keffals of committing a crime they she herself admitted to! :soyreddit: You sound like a KIWIFARMER and as such everything you say is a lie, goodbye. :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Chud autism has more staying power than train autism confirmed

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41% of the time, every time

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:marseyouroboros: is undefeated

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how do you even get addicted to cocaine lmao

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Get more money than you know what to do with, stock up on the best Colombian blow money can buy, snort it all in a week, spiral into depression because nothing hits nearly as good, assume the depression is from withdrawals and you got addicted to cocaine. Been there before ngl

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spiral into depression because nothing hits nearly as good, assume the depression is from withdrawals


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The middle class white mans addiction

My friend knew this successful middle aged lawyer dude who got caught snorting cocaine during a trial because he kept going to the bathroom then came back one time with white on his nose. Then the bailiffs brought him to security room and he coptd to be a degenerate junkie.

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how do you not

not that i would know :marseyangel: :marseycracka: :marseysingapore:

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i thought it didn't cause physical dependence

also i've done coke several times (in minecraft :marseysweating:) and i never felt anything

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Boy was snorting corn starch

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That premium yayo


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This neighbor snorted baking soda

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You'd know a thing or two about that, right?

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Hi Bitwarden :marseywave:

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bad coke? it makes you very euphoric or so I've heard

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how many marseys were made under the influence?

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None on coke :#marseyrain: :#marseygunshotsuicide:

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yeah though i always did it with a friend and he claimed it worked but i never felt it :marseyshrug:

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You do know you can lidocaine-test it at least, right?

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No, I'm not a junkie so idk what that is

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Everything about this comment is r-slurred

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Yea junkies are the best for medical advice

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Darn were you on something else like alcohol? Alcohol always masks shit. Coke is god darn great.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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been both drunk and not, never experienced the cocaine high :marseysadcat:

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fake coke lmao oldest trick in the book

:#marseyemojirofl: :#marseyemojirofl: :#marseyemojirofl:

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:marseygossip: Herro ... Singapore Porice

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Don't you guys get the death penalty for weed over there or something?

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yeah that's why i dont do drugs + drugs are bad


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You do cocaine and find out it feels really good. Then you stop doing cocaine and find out that feels really bad.

Once you've done it a few times, your pretty much good.

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At least it went to a fun addiction instead of a shitty one like meth or heroin

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what's the coolest addiction, Doc?

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Alcohol as it’s socially acceptable and can be used in public

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Garry chess says booze cruise rights! :#marseysteer::#marseydrunk:

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Legalize drunk driving


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Back when doctors could practice real medicine. 5 shots minimum

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How can you call yourself a doctor and not recommend laudanum?

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Because I’m not an opiate addict, just an alcoholic

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Seems boring.

Very trite addiction.

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Still smoking

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heroin gives higher high tho

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You also end up in the middle of nowhere swaying back and forth though

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Get your goddarned cursor off those screenshots right fricking now

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How does that even happen, I thought screenshots autoremove the cursor

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Taking a pic of the screen?


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Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Fabrico which was 0 days 08 hours 58 minutes and 11 seconds

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███                                                          6  02-17
████                                                         8  02-18
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