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Lost $80 on shitty Chinese Tesla knockoff call options, the markets have fallen. :chuditsover:


Dude lost $80 and wants courts to get involved lol

Your shill it example an retail down more than 60% just on amc ,, you cheer fake post showing large transactions

😂 did pfof hold a gun to your head and force you to buy that call on this shitty butt stock. Take a look in the mirror and accept some responsibility for your bad decision.

Ur mother did .. I did it all for her .. with recent buy in an money inflow should have more movement . An Evs are about too have there turn in rotation. , PFOF SHOWES THEM ALL OUR TRADES OP

Hey OP, You need to stop getting so defensive about people's shitposting comments. half of them are legit just trying to get a reaction out of you. I too expected NIO to go up because of the new battery they just announced. But hedge fricks dont give a frick, they will do crime day in and day out as long as their punishment is an itty bitty slap on the wrist fine. Yeah PFOF needs to fricking go. It by default causes market makers to make dark pools. which is very against the free market and price discovery. But what really needs to happen is jail time for these fricks. Above and beyond banning PFOF. Also shorting should be illegal.Edit: Also you only have yourself to kick in the butt for buying options. That's your mistake. coming and bitching that you made a bad move will only make people laugh at you.

I know I watch some of their accounts an other comments .. some of them are bot/ hive no mind of their own. Will praise 100k trade or 1m trade when it's fake an put out too manipulate,then bash everyday traders like themselves ..

OP either has room temperature IQ or is just terrible at shit posting

Or your a shill .. you're not yep like an follow fake trade post op

Of course, OP is also an AMC and GME holder. Reminder if you're invested in a stock with any sort of community present on Reddit you need to sell immediately.

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plebbitors and 4cuckers getting involved in the stock market will always be the funniest shit i've ever seen on the internet


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I only got into WSB's a few months before the GME rally. But still, the r-slurs there then were a lot better than the r-slurs there now. And they often lost more money doing dumber shit. Meme stock cult lost its appeal quick.

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2016 era WSB was hilarious. The era of the infinite money glitch and the Canadian larper who live streamed himself losing money while wearing a wolf mask and self-published an autismal ebook was absolute peak internet community shit right there

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The kind of dipshit WSB was created to mock suddenly had the support of every redditor, after the GME pump. Sub instantly became a Gambler's Anonymous support group

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Kill redditors. Behead redditors. Roundhouse kick a redditor into the concrete. Slam dunk a redditor baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy snoos. Defecate in a redditors food. Launch redditors into the sun. Stir fry redditors in a wok. Toss redditors into active volcanoes. Urinate into a redditors gas tank. Judo throw redditors into a wood chipper. Twist redditors heads off. Report redditors to the IRS. Karate chop redditors in half. Curb stomp pregnant black redditors. Trap redditors in quicksand. Crush redditors in the trash compactor. Liquefy redditors in a vat of acid. Eat redditors. Dissect redditors. Exterminate redditors in the gas chamber. Stomp redditor skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate redditors in the oven. Lobotomize redditors. Mandatory abortions for redditors. Grind redditor fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown redditors in fried chicken grease. Vaporize redditors with a ray gun. Kick old redditors down the stairs. Feed redditors to alligators. Slice redditors with a katana.


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I was on a few years before GameStop and it's just so pathetic now. They're all trying to recreate the magic for selfish reason instead of laughing at GUH-like yolos.


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wsb was hilarious when they'd call each other cute twinks.

Then aoc and her strag brigade tried to co-opt the gamestop shit and it went to shit real quick.

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The day the whole gamestop thing went from meme to social crusade was the day wsb died

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I bought 5 AMD stock things when it was around $80 per stalks and now its like $140, I don't mean to brag but I'm kind of a genius when it comes to stalking if I do say so myself



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you don't profit until you sell

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A yuuuuge problem with the internet is that you can't see that the guy you're talking investments with is a Doordash driver who can't even open a checking account.

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Meanwhile, me with THREE checking accounts:


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Stop trying to make platy happen, it's not going to happen

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LMFAO he started a subreddit to seethe about it more: https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPFOF

Welcome to BanPFOF

Created Jul 24, 2023

1 Members

As successful as the average dramatard bait subreddit though

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literally lasted longer than most gayops before the big jannie

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Stick your peepee in a glory hole, get sucked and find out it was another dude on the other side? Yeah, what's what happened here.

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and thus, the first victim of the machine was the 7-11 clerk and his bad stock dealings

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EVs are literally going in the shitter right now. The first movers are starting to get priced like commodities, the big automakers are catching up and the niche players can't sell anything because it turns out selling nonfunctional trash products only works if you are first or cheapest.

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EVs are trash. Dump EVs.

Buy Toyota stonks. Those squinty eyed Japs cornered the market on hydrogen cars and hybrids. Hydrogen cars and hybrids are the future. You EV cucks have no idea how fricked you are.

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"yes, I believe hydrogen is the future of automobiles, how can you tell?"


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Bow for Toyotathon or die. :marseyhwacha:


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Japs make good Twink shit boxes. NEVER buy a South Korean shit box though. A zoomer will steal it with a flash drive. SMH


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The only mildly decent car us Gooks make is knock-off luxury vehicles with piss MPG.

Like this one my uncle just bought


100k USD and they're offering a 1k USD cashback. Like what? Why even bother.

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Teslas are pretty nice, especially if you live in a city and don't need to travel long distances. I realistically do not drive over 100 miles to work and back home every day so they're a great option for me, but i still prefer gas because lel frick charging. Tesla stock is also great if you want to gamble on rockets since apparently its indirectly tied to spacex's newer products

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Just stick your money in an index fund run by professionals or else just go to the casino and at least get some free drinks and flirting with the waitresses out of the deal.

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When I consolidated my retirement accounts into Fidelity, they offered to manage my investments for some percentage of my gains (like 1% or something). I asked the guy "aren't you just going to put everything in your own bank's index funds? That's what I would do" and the guy didn't give me a satisfactory answer so I declined their offer.

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can i buy stocks and then sell them really low instantly ? will this cause other people to do this so redditors lose a lot more money ? cheap chinese stocks in the comments please !

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yes one poor person in the uk has the power to manipulate the largest markets in the world

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I think most brokers won't sell below the bid price.

During rhe great decline of Gamestop stocks, some Redditor was losing his mind because his brokerage (Robinhood I think) wasn't letting him exercise calls to buy way above the ask price. He thought he was going to be able to sue over it.

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Poo english is so distinguishable and unimaginably annoying, unironically pisses me off

>Your shill it example an retail

>Ur mother did .. I did it all for her .

Frick it I'm gonna go spam poo comments at this guy brb

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what is it about indians and 'your mother' 'your sister' and 'bloody', its like they only have uk teenager swears. a vestige of colonization. move on.

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‘Sisterfricker' is top tier abuse tho.

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It's kinda fascinating, they're all r-slurred in the same way. Like Russians but different.

I wonder if any of them would seem eloquent in their native tongue, or if they just can't form a complete thought.

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Not selling NIO in 2021


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>making market plays so r-slurred, they won't work if anybody finds out about them


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i made a lot off Nikola when their SPAC went through hehe :pepemoney#:

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i'm terrified of options trading, ive never done it.

but if this little shit could see how much i've lost on $BABA these last few months, he'd shut his fricking mouth.

we're having a good week now though. nearly 4% up today.

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What you get for betraying :eaglebikiniflag: and investing directly in ghyna :marseytrump:

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Even if you know what you're doing you will never have access to the level of information the big boys have. If you want to gamble I find sports betting a much more entertaining way of flushing down money.

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i dont gamble, i try to think long term, but i obsessively check the numbers on my phone every 30 minutes during the day. drives me nuts.

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Buy more index funds, make your portfolio boring

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This is clearly due to sinophobia!!1!1

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But it was $60 at one point.


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That means it's a for sure good bet.

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This is why I never buy a stock if it is:

  • lower than it's all time high

  • higher than its all time low

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The price of these commodities keeps fluctuating, it's chaos!

I'm going to wait out the market until everything has a stable price.

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Santa's seen your rdrama comment history



Dude lost $80 and wants courts to get involved lol:

Your shill it example an retail down more than 60% just on amc ,, you cheer fake post showing large transactions:

😂 did pfof hold a gun to your head and force you to buy that call on this shitty butt stock. Take a look in the mirror and accept some responsibility for your bad decision.:

Ur mother did .. I did it all for her .. with recent buy in an money inflow should have more movement . An Evs are about too have there turn in rotation. , PFOF SHOWES THEM ALL OUR TRADES OP:

Hey OP, You need to stop getting so defensive about people's shitposting comments. half of them are legit just trying to get a reaction out of you. I too expected NIO to go up because of the new battery they just announced. But hedge fricks dont give a frick, they will do crime day in and day out as long as their punishment is an itty bitty slap on the wrist fine. Yeah PFOF needs to fricking go. It by default causes market makers to make dark pools. which is very against the free market and price discovery. But what really needs to happen is jail time for these fricks. Above and beyond banning PFOF. Also shorting should be illegal.Edit: Also you only have yourself to kick in the butt for buying options. That's your mistake. coming and bitching that you made a bad move will only make people laugh at you.:

I know I watch some of their accounts an other comments .. some of them are bot/ hive no mind of their own. Will praise 100k trade or 1m trade when it's fake an put out too manipulate,then bash everyday traders like themselves ..:

OP either has room temperature IQ or is just terrible at shit posting:

Or your a shill .. you're not yep like an follow fake trade post op:

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