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Poor Tries To Justify That Being "Poor & Happy" Is Better Than Being "Rich & Happy"




This r-slurred take is something most Poors actually believe - more money comes with longer hours and harder work.

Working a 8am-5pm has broken me. I want to go back to being a server working 4pm-9pm everyday making barely $120/day and $300+ on weekends. I was much happier and had much less responsibilities. My life is good don't get me wrong, but I had much more time for leisure. I wasn't necessarily a bum but enjoyed being able to workout, make myself breakfast and lunch before a shift, maybe play some video games, take a nap, go into work. Now I sit behind a computer all day and basically eat garbage for lunch. I call people all day I'll never meet in person nor do I care to. I'm too tired after work to do anything. I have contemplated for a while now on quitting my job and becoming a server at a high end restaurant again or go work some simple 20/hr job like everyone else my age so I can get my free time back. Only thing stopping me is my parents who will shun me because of my degree. I have one other friend who has their weekends off like me since we are relatively young (24M been at this job since 22. with careers. Everyone else works weekends so I am constantly doing shit by myself. I make more money than all my friends so everything I like to do/want to do is out of their price range.

Everyone in the west thinks " I don't care what job I have as long as I make 100k/year I'll be happy". Not true. Newsflash you won't be. You work dumb hours, get like 1 day to actually chill, and then your back to the same cycle. I'll never chase a job because of salary again. I have a degree but man is it really worth it to give up your whole day for nothing? I'm literally working the day after holiday while tons of people are on vacation/or have the day off?

Unpopular opinion is that I'd rather make less money and be happy than well off and miserable. Sure no one likes you when your poor but no one likes you when you're miserable either. I don't want to be rich anymore. I just want to be happy.

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It's true and all that money isn't everything, but if you want to work less, you can! It's much more respectable to be a happy-go-lucky vagrant than a whining fatcat.

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