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Why are neolib news orgs like the NYT and NPR trying to tell us the piss on our leg is rain?

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Because they're desperate and the smart people left the paper already

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rough scene when even /r/politics isn't eating up the biden campaign press releases

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Economy is really good though

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For who?

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It's unironically been pretty good for my own investment accounts tbh.

Still wish housing prices would come down tho, until that happens I won't declare it "good" :marseyindignant:

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>just crash the value of most americans' primary savings vehicle

won't happen

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but daddy biden i'll totes vote for u if u do


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Wages went up for the bottom portion of the workforce a lot.

EPI normally bitches about "iNeQuaLiTy" and even they say the 10th percentile worker is up a lot since 2019, 9% rise after accounting for inflation.

The 20th through 40th percentiles is up 3.9% over inflation.

I don't want to scold them with "AXXSHUALLY YOU ARE BETTER OFF" because inflation genuinely sucks all the joy out of everything, even if your actual numbers are better., and people have a visceral fear of runaway inflation even if they've never experienced it.

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You know the economy expands to more than just the money you get from your parents right?

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Because if “the experts” keep being wrong about everything they start to lose credibility

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Reminder that republicans are subhuman mouthbreathers whose views on whether economic conditions are good depend solely on whether their guy is in charge.

Democrats (normal, objective, touch grass regularly):


Republicans (mindbroken by Trump and :!marseytrain:s peeing in bathrooms, obsessed with the culture war, totally disconnected from reality):


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All i see is bidens economy has never :marseyitsover: been as good as trumps.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Pretty clear evidence that democrats are kitties

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lmao not a good look for the reTHUGlicans on that one

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lol at these and the "crime is actually down" articles


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Yikes crime was worse 20 years ago so actually in the long run crime is down. And it went down 0.0001% from last year so crime is down, stop believing your lying eyes.

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Who you gonna believe, expert data or your own lying empty bank account?

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The economy is still fine compared to global standards but the people benefiting from the higher standard are no longer the majority middle class. You are either a wage cuck making $10 an hour, getting laid off from your corporate desk/tech job or you are loaded. Wages have stagnated something fierce.

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Real wages are rising especially for lower income people

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Purchasing power has barely moved since the 70s but production is higher than ever

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but production is higher than ever

"Productivity" is the word you were looking for.

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Purchasing power for poor people is unironically substantially up. They're just r-slurred (that's why they're poor) so they piss it away on dumb shit like uber eats and feel "poor".

The last few years have seen an absolute surge of wages at the bottom end of the spectrum but even Democrats don't seem to like talking about it because it would imply that people who are still struggling might just be useless members of society.

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I enjoy how even redditors are having a hard time taking the news and government's official stance that the numbers are great according to them and you are just too stubborn and stupid to bring your feelings in line.

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Ok but the numbers are actually really great. What's more if you ask people (democrats and republicans) how they're doing they say they're doing well. If you ask democrats how they think other people are doing, they think they're doing well. If you ask republicans how other people are doing they think they're doing poorly. Republicans literally have created imaginary people in their mind because they can't comprehend that the economy is doing well under Biden and the based deep state.

Republicans are literally subhuman mouth breathers whose opinion of the economy depends on nothing besides whether their guy is in charge:





Everyone who is mad about this comment is the delusional guy in the top picture.

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Stop spamming this thread, average reddit bot.

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I spam all badecon threads like this

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It's bad econ because you keep spamming bad econ.

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You still don't understand.

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The side that noticed rampant inflation, housing and groceries skyrocketing, is wrong somehow

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Everyone really is doing poorly, you can see the desperation in their eyes and it's everything.

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Bravo at the seethe this post caused and republican are in fact r-slurs :marseyclapping:

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Couldn't possibly be because the yield curve has inverted. And that it's a reliable indicator of a recession.

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This seems farcical, but does it roughly mean that the government considers itself in desperate need of money immediately, but assumes that any day now they'll be just fine and wont have to offer high rates anymore?

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Not really. The US government issues bills/notes/bonds (I'll just say bonds from here on) via auction with different frequencies depending on how quickly they mature. Basically, anyone can pay the federal government less than $100 for the promise to receive $100 at some point in the future. Once that bond has been sold, that person can then sell it to someone else. The market prices for bonds of different maturities forms the yield curve. In a healthy market, longer-term bonds will always have a higher yield (that is, you pay less for the right to receive $100 in the future) because you have to wait longer before the government gives you $100. What an inverted yield curve means is somewhat contested, but the gist is there's a drop in demand or increase in supply (or some combination) of short-term bonds that causes their price to drop relative to longer-term bonds, which increases their yield.

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Thank god for some useful conversation here. Thanks.

Inverted yield curve can be also be explained by an expectation that rates are temporarily high and will fall. People got used to unusually low rates over the past generation and seemed surprised they could ever rise, that might drive the expectation that "normal" rates are around 1%.

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I'm almost impressed with reddits ability to blame corporate greed and trump for everything ever.

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Reddit will literally say the country is a hellhole and they have severe depression then hump Joe Bidens leg about how great the country is (theyre poor than they were under trump)

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