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Why do you get to dump your shitbox on the most valuable real estate on earth for no money?

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people without cars should have to pay a tax to support people of car.

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“you drove here” cams that charge you

new “you honked” mics that charge you

having to live in and near NYC

They've paid enough

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:marseydisagree: everyone should be punished to the maximum extent for going to New York City. It's the only way they'll learn to avoid that shithole.

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Doesn't it cost like $30 to get through the toll roads to get in? Lol

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That's something I can agree with

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new “you honked” mics that charge you


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Sell the land and let the free market decide how much they should pay

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Don't they pay taxes for that?

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Do Jersey scum pay taxes in NYC? I have no idea how it works.

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I dunno. I'm not a citycel. I pay taxes in the community in which I live in work. Il park wherever I darn well please. Don't care about those firefighters anyhow…

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Truly reddit behavior to care more about cars taking up public space instead of the drug addicted homeless.

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New rule: you can park for free but only if you let a homeless guy shoot up in your Range Rover while you're not using it.

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If you get rid of cars the homeless will move on as there is nothing to steal

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You know I always think :marseynoooticer: of THX-1138. Just everyone :marseynorm: drugged up with no emotion, just existing. Most depressing :marseydoomer: movie :marseyinboots: I ever watched.

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Having delivered there many times in my tractor-trailer I have insight. New York City is a shit hole that will never improve because the people there fricking suck and so do the politicians. I saw a guy driving a moped driving the wrong way down an expressway. The entire city smells like trash and piss. Homeless guys stand on the George Washington bridge hovering over the Hudson river asking for money as traffic drives by on already tight lanes. The cops there generally do not give a frick because the politicians have made it so that people just do whatever the frick they want, as long as you don't have a gun cops don't give a frick what you do. I saw dude taking a piss on the sidewalk, not even bothering to cover his peepee. I don't think there is one white personal in certain parts of brooklyn or queens and it shows. Frick nyc, its a shittier version of Boston

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Cops will definitely jam you up for any antisocial behavior if you look like you're middle class

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NYC already has an insane budget. I'm going to keep posting this because it blew my mind so hard looking up these numbers:

Houston 2.3mil pop :to: $6B budget

NYC 8.5mil :to: $106Billion!!!!!!! :marseybooba!:

and these mfs think they need MORE city revenue!!!!

I can't wrap my head around it.

surely if we just give poors a few more $$$ they'll start being useful to society :marseyeyeroll:

"It's time we get our money" :marseyr!ofl: the entitlement. everything is their money lmao. if they had their way they'd take every cent you have. and the city would not improve

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It's because NYC is insanely rich and productive, unlike Texas, which is just Saudi Arabia with different fetishwear.

I don't think I can name a single thing about Houston.

Astros? Is that their football? OK, I was wrong. Houston has one marginally-notable thing.

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Thus Spoke the Parasite Class.


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Hey, we can't all be lazy shits digging up free dinosaur blood buried as a gift from God. Someone has to actually create new innovations, like credit default swaps or disgusting greasy pizza.

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!dinochads why can't these whites stay away from our fricking :marseytom: cemeteries


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The primary sector oil rigger sneeds at the quaternary economy Chad.

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I dont like cities in general and houston is gross and full of homeless too.

but who cares how productive they are?

sure maybe new yorkers only pay more because they make more :marseysurejan: but NYC is spending almost 5x per person

is the city better off for it?

I've only been to houston a few times :vomit: but I don't recall them having all their trash in the street. or the scaffolding everywhere because no one maintains building facades.

and at least they don't subsidize and encourage homelessness and drugs quite as hard yet

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>who cares how productive they are?

Spoken like a poorcel who's never going to make his KPIs this quarter. Newsflash: your daughter won't love you for going to her dance recital, but she will resent you for not getting her the cute BMW for her 16th birthday.

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This but unironically somewhere like NYC

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This is just another form of gibs. I'm not even a bikecel, I just hate subsidizing poors who expect some right to live like they're rich, on my dime.

Parking on public owned property in high demand areas with limited supply is a luxury resource and it should go to the highest bidder, with the revenue generated going toward getting the poors moved around efficiently and inoffensively or otherwise at least give me a tax break.

Same with congestion pricing.

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new york should :marseynorm: use the street :marseypajeet: parking for mopeds so people don't have to ride the shitty subway.

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My bro, all parking in NYC is an extremely limited resource. You just contradicted yourself. Why are conservatives so r-slurred

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What's confusing? NYC is the most expensive metro per sqft in the USA

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im not understanding the contradiction

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Oh I misread, I thought you were saying charging for parking was gibs, not the other way round as you intended

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Lmao do urbanites really live like that?

Damm it feels good having a big house in the 'burbs.

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Wow you've been brainwashed by big car i mean you cant even take a 20 minute subway trip to the barcade or smelly club and you have to drive 20 minutes to the grocery store instead of carrying all your groceries on a 15 minute walk

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I drive 2 minutes to the store or 10 minutes to work and don't have to deal with neighbors for neighbors.

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How much do you think it'd cost to install parking meters in NYC?

From the raw cost of the meters, to paying Union workers to install them, to maintenance and upkeep, to the infrastructure needed to power them, to the constant theft and vandalism, to enforcement?

You can't rely on an easy-to-install corner kiosk because that expects someone to have a cell phone and credit card -- which is racist.

These same redditors would be bitching if they got a parking ticket because CAPITALISM says I have to pay $50 because I parked my Corolla here five minutes too long! It has to be SOMEWHERE, I can't just bring it inside with me!

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There's already parking meters everywhere in nyc. They're little kiosks you get a ticket for your window

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In current year it would make more sense to sell monthly/yearly parking permits at the DMV. They wouldn't be able to charge double for the prime locations but it'd be way cheaper and easy to enforce.

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Sell the land to the highest bidder and suddenly none of that is a problem.

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Unironically true.

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Do a chicago and sell all parking rights :marseykylerentfree: to saudi :marseyimam: arabia

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Guys. The day has come. A woman has asked to see my peepee. I went to take a picture and realized I have no fricking idea how to take a peepee pic. I'm rockin around 2 1/2 hard but like what angle am I supposed to do this from??? Am I supposed to take it from the top?? The front??? Frick dudes this is the real hard part about taking Testosterone. No one teaches you how to peepee pic.



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