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How bad is america for the poors really?




open question to non reddit soys because I am interested, my general impression is that these people are still fat as heck and order doordash 6 times a week while paying off a 100k car on credit.

If you make like 15$/hr mcdonaldings in America are are not r-slurred how is quality of life actually.

in the UK min wage generally means probably having to house share if you live in an urban area and having to eat non brand food

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in the UK min wage generally means probably having to house share if you live in an urban area and having to eat non brand food

That's about what it is here. 0% interest rates have really fricked over the working poor and wages are still catching up to the rather ridiculous inflation there has been the past few years. But, don't ever trust someone on Reddit claiming poverty, as @BussyMerchant has shown.

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