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"You should live below your means. Don't complain about what you don't have. Reduce your lifestyle and/or work more/harder to get more for yourself. Don't be dependent on govt/others." [±0] :marseydownvotemad:


As always, nothing makes !peakpoors seethe harder than telling them to live within their means. :marseywagie:

This post reeks of privilege portraying itself as advice. [+65]

Explain [-10]

It just seems like someone who didn't work a job til after college, had their entire expenses paid for and had their parents help them with a down payment on their house preaching about finance, it's hysterical.

Majority of the case, your finances are an indicator of your upbringing. It's not the rule, but usually in the case I mentioned, that person didn't do anything special, they just had parents who helped them out. But because they did well, they want to convince themselves that they're just more responsible. Especially with the last gripe of “don't live on govt/others”, it's pretty clear you're incapable of considering any case where you do need to rely on government/others.

My parents have both been on disability since I was 16. My mom has had 2 strokes, and my dad had a really bad work injury and suffered moderate brain damage. Both of them are now incapable of working. So what do you consider they do for income instead? [+35]

1st gen cuban american. I've worked since I was 14 and my parents only gave me food and shelter. I paid my own way through college and bought my own house at 23 (funding the down payment myself).

I'm glad your disabled parents had govt/taxpayer support. Obviously disabilities might require some form of govt assistance, which is why those programs exist. My advice remains, whether one is disabled or not. Live below your means, work more/harder (as much and as hard as your mind/body can) to provide for yourself and your loved ones to the best of your ability.

Haters gonna hate. Whiners gonna whine. I prefer to suck it up and improve my lot no matter my circumstances nor my limitations. [-20]

Ah, classic machismo. You just proved their point. [+15]


This is just self righteous, mental masturbation. Just put it in your journal next time.

Personal responsibility is a dirty word on Reddit

Spoken like a nepo-baby who got a "small loan of a million dollars" handed to them.


This isn't educational, it's abundantly ignorant to the reality that much of the population is facing.

We have hundreds of thousands dying in poverty. They are not "living above their means" and people who rely on the government don't have a choice. This idea that it's "optional" would be hilarious if people weren't actively dying because they are unable to afford basic necessities for survival.


We need to be expanding these programs right now because the current state of poverty in the US is unacceptable and it's been getting much worse with inflation.

In that article you posted they didn't talk about how poverty is actually killing people, they just kept saying that it kills and says it's the 4th leading cause of death but yet accidents are the the 4th highest.

I'm gonna be real with you, if you need someone to spell out for you how poverty can be detrimental or life-threatening you might be r-slurred.


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I have two properties, and never paid more than a hundred bucks for sneakers. I doubt that I own any more expensive than $30-40 right now.

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Expensive sneakers are for sneaker enthusiasts and poor black people for some reason.

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yeah the problem is all the poor people I know IRL are poor bc of their own doing. Many of them are just in low-level jobs which don't pay much, have done literally nothing to better their position, and spend beyond their budget. One of them even complained about not being able to afford shit and got pissed when I respond with "yeah that's because you don't work".

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You can immediately tell that half of them think they are smarter than any 'rich' person.

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I don't understand needing entire subreddits dedicated to personal finance. It's literally basic arithmetic and if you can't afford your current lifestyle you make changes. Sure, it's cool to read up on some frugal savings tips, but you can do that in one afternoon and be done.

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This subreddit has literally nothing to do with personal finance, look at the top posts of last week its all sneeding about rich people and America and capitalism.

But yeah its not that hard if you only have one bank account: does the number go up over time or do you have a problem.

And tbh once you get into complex stuff reddit is useless anyways. Who in their right mind would take advice from redditors?

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Who in their right mind would take advice from redditors?

Other redditors. :marseysmug2:

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It's like getting social advice from stack exchange.

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The subreddit should just be a link to a balance sheet with little highlighted sections saying "enter your info here".

They'd get more out of it than arguing about it.

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That particular sub is basically a leftoid poorstrag :marseysneed: sub. Half the top posts are twitter screenshots from braindead econ populists.

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I hate that shirt Robert Reich cute twink

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There are strategies like FI/RE that are worth digging into. I would if I wasn't a brainlet. But devising a plot for early retirement is a good thing and it certainly can't be done overnight.

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FI/RE is basically mortgaging your entire youth, living like a third worlder, to pay for when you're old and shi-ting your bed, and your average person doing extreme financial frugality like that is going to burn out. Almost no woman will go along with that shit either, you will be expected to waste $50 on bacon and eggs once a week with her family.

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FI/RE isn't mortgaging your youth if you're not a disgusting poor. I still have fun but limit my vaca spending to like $15k a year so stay on track to retire by late 40s

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If you've got a good wage then what is there to even read up on? It's just common sense and what should come naturally.

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I know a lot of ppl that have a household income of 250+ and don't even max their 401k and have never heard of a roth IRA

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Look, casinos, lotteries, scammers and consumer goods companies need to make a living too!

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not really, it's more like "get a high paying job but don't spend six figures annually on dumb bullshit".

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What bacon and eggs ar you buyinh

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That sub exists to trash people who tell you that being 5% less r-slurred leads to 20% better outcome.

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Whether you think it will solve all of your problems or not, this is fricking good advice for anyone to follow. I hate how these people think well if I'm going to be a fricking little under water financially I might as well have a fricking blow out.

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Look, I'm already stressed enough about my financial situation, the smokes and the $8 Starbucks drinks really make me feel better about my situation. Why would you tell me to stop doing the one thing that gives me joy in this shitty kkkapitalist world?

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Because poor people don't deserve to be happy.

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The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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They prioritize immediate happiness as a distraction over long term comfort

And they will straight up admit "i deserve a night at the movie theater, that's two hours of capeshit where I'm not thinking about student loans"

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Yep a fricking lack of delayed gratification and future planning is a fricking big part of their problem

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Haha yeah


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Frick you, you've ruined my finances, you bastard.

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Both of them are fricking now incapable of working. So what do you consider they do for income instead, b-word?

literally keep themselves safe

For time immemorial we have built communities and families to help support ourselves.

We had plenty of grandkids to support us in old age. We worked hard for our community, went to church, and helped others so that hopefully, when our time of need arose, they might help us in return.

the fricking "disabled" could find some way. any way, to work. and if not they must rely on that family. and live everyday knowing how big a fricking burden they are.

In a fricking matter of decades all of this has been destroyed. by what, b-word? welfare itself. :marseyindignant:

why bother maintaining good relationships and family ties or going to church or taking part in the fricking community at all when the fricking check comes in either way.

this shit was fricking capable of judging character. useles :marseyjunkie: won't get as much charity as a fricking guy who is fricking genuinely down on his luck. the fricking neetbux roll all the fricking same.

the fricking entitled. the fricking grifters. the fricking junkies. all would fail to recieve any handouts when it came from people who knew them and the fricking validity of their sob story.

the fricking government is fricking indiscriminate and the fricking redditor loves this because it expects nothing of him.

why have those expensive kids when you're guaranteed govbucks when you retire, b-word? everyone expects everyone else to foot the fricking bill for kids to pay their social security lmao.

why is no fricking one having children?? :marseys!hook: now we have to import infinity foreigners forever :marseyshrug:

the fricking redditor is fricking atomized. he does not understand community. beyond online ones. and the fricking state. his best friend the fricking state.

always there to lend a fricking helping hand no matter how hard he bites it.

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my dad was on "disability" which basically meant he couldn't go outside or he'd get caught as not really disabled but being forced to stay in just made him angry and miserable so he spent the whole time drinking and beating me

frick welfare

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That dad's name?

Dr Penelope Oaken, MD, JD

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Sounds like a miserable existance


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LBJ's Great Society was a failure but we're in so deep nobody wants to admit it.

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Lyndon "Ill be having BIPOCs voting democrat for the next 100 years" Johnson


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My fathers a disabled migrant and my mother is a lazy idiot who led us to homelessness after they divorced yet I still have more money on average in my savings than these whiny cute twinks

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Most people are incapable of understanding basic math or finance. We need Caleb Hammer in that thread.

Wtf is this? $200 on in app purchases?! :marseycalebhammer:

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>im doing better though

No you arent!

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I've spent 50$ in app purchases. Throughout my life. It's unreal that poors do this shit

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spending money

I simply never gave google my bank card, so even if I wanted it would be such a pain I simply wouldn't do it.

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Smart person: Stop spending money on stupid bullshit.

Redditors: RRRREEEEEEE its capitalism fault you bigot.


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hundreds of thousands dying :marseytranstheyreright: of poverty :marseylouisiana:

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If you're a minimum wagie and not NEETmaxing by only doing part time so you are eligible for benefits like food stamps and Medicaid (whose threshold for income is usually right below having a full time minimum wage job) then you're a fricking idiot.

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ah classic machismo

:#soyjakanimeglassestalking: :#chadyes:

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