Posts about putting in any additional effort beyond door dash brings out the most pathetic people

The replies to this tweet, which puts the bar as low as possible (frozen foods), somehow receives gratuitous pushback. Examples:

One pot pie is 600 calories :marseychonker2:

Unless it's like Stouffer's or hungry man frozen dinners, McDonald's is much worse than any frozen option.

This one is the funniest to me. Somehow this person is distressed by the prospect of taking a meal out of the freezer and into the microwave.

Normalize institutionalizing these people and whipping them in shape

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There was a post making fun of a couple who spent $50 ordering chicken tenders and fries off of DoorDash with them saying, "It costs money to eat good," or something like that. People were pointing out that buying frozen tenders and fries would be better in every way - cheaper, faster, the food would be warmer - and there was just this weird mental block the couple had preventing them from accepting that.

Back in 2008, there was this "food stamp challenge" based on the idea that people who get food stamps only get $20/week (this was a misleading claim to begin with), and people with means were challenged to try living off of that. Anyway, I tried it out, and my meals were surprisingly easy, tasty and nutritious. People need to be more ok with eating scrambled eggs for meals other than breakfast.

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20 a week is basically what I do every week. I'd rather starve than eat doordash. 3 dollars a day is really pushing it though. That's a bowl of rice every day to make up for the lack of cash and also eating mostly pasta. If I only had 20 bucks I'd be scavenging food at pantries. 30 is totally doable though with delicious meals.

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$20 USD for 1 person is p good imo and I wouldnt be scrounging, but I'm a bulk legumemaxxer

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Scrambled egg sandwiches are a fantastic lunch imo :marseychefkiss:

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Gotta have some sort of deli meat in there (montreal smoked:marseybegging:) though. Sort of a western style, toasted sandwich. Holds the egg scrambles in place too.

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I wanted to try the "food stamp challenge" concept but I didn't really get it. The maximum monthly allotment for SNAP is currently $291 for a single person—this is the amount you "should" spend on food, so you'd get this maximum if you had no income, or if 30% of your income is less than this then SNAP pays as much as needed to get to this combined amount. But $291 is a very generous food budget for one person, especially when you keep in mind it's food only and not other groceries. I'm an actual poor and it's almost double my actual grocery budget.

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It was basically propaganda. The $20/week came from the minimum SNAP disbursement, which shitlibs interpreted as, "OMG, THEY GIVE OUT SO LITTLE," instead of realizing that the program was means tested. If you were on the cusp of poverty, that's how much SNAP would provide with the expectation that the recipient supplement with their own income. Either case, I happily lived for a week on eggs, potatoes, rice, beans, chicken leg quarters, a bag of apples and a bag of oranges.

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Since I started penny pinching groceries my meals have gotten tastier and more nutritious lmao

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For 20 a week I think I would just eggs+rice for most of it, maybe switch it up with sandwiches every other week.

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Pack of 5 large chicken breasts for $13, box of pasta for $1, box of rice for $1, loaf of french bread for $3 and you have chicken, pasta/rice, and a slice of toasted bread.

Could make chicken alfredo, some sort of asian chicken and rice, italian seasoned chicken breast entree and side of pasta. I wonder what the IQ cutoff is for being able to take these ingredients and form a few meals.

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You need something for the scurvy m8

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Orange sauce for the chicken ought to do it

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Surely this is not real''

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People who want a community to take care of them always provide a massive net negative to their community.

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:#tayaaa: :#tayaaa:

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It's called a family, maybe you shouldn't have gone no-contact with them when hey didn't vote for Bernie?

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I voted for Bernie and I'm not even American

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Just fricking keep yourself safe if this is true isn't being dead easier than living like that?

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plenty of chain restaurants are actually serving that.

I also love this reaction vid

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If you can't cook not only do you deserve to be poor, you are destined for it anyways. :marseyagreefast:

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You don't even need to be a good cook either. You can be mediocre and most shit will still taste about the same/better as frozen food.

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You literally just need to put pasta in water, chop an onion and add mince in a pan to do the literal bare minimum for cooking dinner :marseygigaretard:

Literally three steps, and you can browse your phone while it cooks. Add some canned tomatoes in half way and it's a full meal.

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chop an onion

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I always get defeated at that point as well


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For me I make it even faster, I put water into a pasta sauce, chop vegis into the warming pasta water and then throw the pasta in whenever so it's cooked at the softness I want.

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Costco sells a 3 pound jar of minced garlic for like $8 and i throw a spoonful in the pan of pretty much everything I cook. Knowing the most basic cooking skills will save you money and have you eating great meals.

This is the same crowd that will lynch someone who gives them good advice like stop staying up all night watching porn and smoking weed

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Frozen food is a scam

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Cooking is a core skill everyone needs to know. Everyone should have the ability to host a dinner party with a home cooked entree, a few sides, and a dessert

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Ez, season some meat and bake it


Ez, make a salad, toss some potatoes in the air fryer, toast some bread rolls


If homemade, just fricking kill me now

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Dessert is hella easy, and lowkey higher value to make at home than buy compared to most other things. Pastries markup is like 4-8x what it costs to make at home, and are loaded with sugars and preservatives.

Learn to make stuff sweet breads or pies, and you can eat half the calories for better desserts.

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I just bake muffins and do an artful swirl of yogurt :marseyyoogut: or jam thru a squeeze bottle :marseyamazon: dashed with cinnamon or nutmeg to wow people. :marseypainter: Muffins are far easier than people believe.

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Not only this the shit they sell you in stores have higher sugar than "ideal" because they are trying to cater to the common tongue which loves sweets.

For example French Meringue is supposed to be 2 parts sugar to 1 part egg white however the store bought Meringues you can buy are almost 3 parts sugar to 1 part egg white because that's what leads to "optimal" sales, customer's health be darned.

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Same bestie. :marseyxd: Best I can make for dessert it like a bowl of ice cream.

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Is an oven that mystical?

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I just can't bake bestie. :marseysadge: I can cook almost anything but I always frick up baking.

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Get ice cream cones, chocolate syrup, several sprinkle types, m&ms plus other stuff and tell people to make their own. Bata bing

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Baking is a whole different ballgame but the first two parts are as easy as you said.

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Cooking isn't even that time consuming to begin with depending on what you do. Sometimes I just make rice with a rice cooker, heat up the oven, put some seasoned fish or other meat on a tray. Slice some vegetables of any kind, toss with salt pepper and olive oil, spread them on same tray, put tray in oven and set a timer. This takes literally 10 minutes to do, although you have to wait for half an hour for it to be done.

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Cooking is time intensive for rich people. Poor people's time is worth $7.25 so they better be making that shit by hand.

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These cute twinks don't have the impulse control. They need junk food NOW

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If you can't cook you are lying.

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The best part is you can go absolutely poorstrag with meals and get a ton out of it, especially once you have a spice rack and even more if you go full eastern euro mode.

>broke af?

>mix chopped onion, egg, ground beef and ground pork

>add seasoning

>make into patty

>put in pan

Just made kotlyet, easily turns 4lb of meat into 7 meals for about $20. A bit over a half pound of meat per meal too so its filling.

>take pot

>add fatty pork to it

>remove pork

>add onion to it

>remove onion

>add potatoes


>throw everything in pot


Just made Ojakhuri, can even toss in a can of crushed tomatoes to stew it.

>cut onions and put in pan

>season with salt, pepper and curry powder

>cut potatoes and put in pan

>add turmeric, cayenne (or kashmir red chili powder), paprika, cumin, garam masala, really any combination you want

>chop the shit out of spinach and put in pan


And theres a great spinach potato burji for veggiestrags. Literally zero effort shit.

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The best thing about kotlyeti is that you can freeze them and fry them from frozen pretty easily.

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I'm of the opinion that you should eat whatever you want and have the god given right to be a lardass if you're cool with people finding you sexually unappealing. But the mental gymnastics people will go through to convince themselves they're not stuffing their piggy faces 3 times a day proves the junk food market will be here forever.

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The proliferation of fast food restaurants was free market discovery for every other company that most people are lazy and lack impulse control.

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3 times a day


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If you have a dishwasher there is no excuse not to cook every night. If you don't have a dishwasher you can't afford DoorDash so still have no excuse.

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Dishwashers cry a lot not sure if it's worth it

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This post has serious peasant energy, not interested in cooking and cleaning :marseyno:

We get a meal service from a local place and it's pretty awesome. It's probably healthier than my normal cooking and not _that_ expensive. 100% worth it.

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>meal service

Are you geriatric and getting meals on wheels?

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Way to assume his age, peepee. He probably just has terminal aids.

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It certainly feels that way, my parents are in their 60s and have way more energy than me.

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meal service

Just because you overspend on adult lunchables doesn't mean you're not a pleb.

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Our grocery budget went up ~50% or so, but in terms of $/hour it's worth it. We also started doing Instacart for the groceries we do need to buy because spending an hour and a half of my Saturday at the store is pretty lame.

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:#marseyspal: and :#marseywomanmoment:

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BALD :marseyspal::marseylaughpoundfist:

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My assumption is this is why the financial audit guy is so hated.

He mainly calls out bullshit fast food spending.

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>This one is the funniest to me. Somehow this person is distressed by the prospect of taking a meal out of the freezer and into the microwave.

How are you people this stupid?

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WTF that first guy breaks my brain, do amerilards really pay 22 bucks for one delivery? And he justifies it by driving such an r-slured car that it costs him the same to drive? Also,

>I order door dash frequently.

Yeah, I can tell from that pfp :marseysick:

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During the pandemic I paid $20 for a burger and fries from 5 Guys. If I had Door Dashed it I'm sure I would have paid over $30. Last time I ever went to 5 Guys.

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Yes, if i wanted a bacon quarter pounder, fries and drink delivered from Mcdonald's, it would be about $20

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Literally this easy

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Marie Calendar makes the best pot pie of microwaveable pot pies.

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@pizzashill weigh in

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I could go for a Hungry Man brownie right about now

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I was ordering doordash for a while because it was actually cheaper for me to order it than to clock out and go get the food, but i got tired of eating goyslop every day and i'm salaried now and can leave whenever i want but i just make my gf pack me a lunch or leftovers or whatever

These people lashing out in the replies are addicted to fast food which is very much a real and prevalent thing, and like most addicts of non-drug things (food, porn etc.) they are completely in denial about it. Im sure it's somehow ableist too.

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