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I love Caleb except for 1 thing he always does... : Stoner seethes and sneeds


Acting like smoking weed is shooting up meth. I get you shouldn't be spending money on it if you're in debt. But I feel like he would discriminate anyone. It's a medicine. yes it can be abused. I know he is 100% sober, but he can't possibly realistically hold that expectation to every other human and act like they're stupid for doing ANY vice whatsoever. Thoughts?

Yo man this is like my medicine man takes fat bong rip, coughs lungs out for five minutes :marsey420:

I think if you are in the debt most of the people on the show are…spending money on weed is pretty stupid…

OP: (-30 karma) I agree. It was more a hypothetical. Personally I have 0 debt. 100k invested. 10k HYSA 20k checking. I am wondering what he would say about me spending money on weed.

I would also be curious to see someone come on with a medical card for a legit reason and see what he says about spending money on it at that point


It can be a medicine. It by far and away 99.5%+ is not used for that purpose.


I was replying to OPs assertion of it being a medicine.

Smoke the stank if you want. I don't care. Better yet, vape it so it doesn't stink so bad. Legal cities are so bad now. All of them smell like piss and weed now. And this comes from a legalization advocate...

OP: It is a medicine. I was not saying the majority of people are using it as medicine. But that doesn't take away from the fact it is 🤣😂. Percocet is a medicine. It can be abused. Xanax is a medicine. It can be abused. Adderall is a medicine. It can be abused. Weed is a medicine. It can be abused.

Kind of. Like how Pepsi is water.

OP: If you believe in no medicine whatsoever. I respect your opinion. I truly do. But if you take any medicine. You're a hypocrite

I say this as someone that smokes daily. You're the type of insufferable person that makes it embarrassing to talk about to a stranger. You're the weed equivalent of a weeb.

OP: I respect all beliefs but when mine are attacked I'm going to defend them and not fall over. :#marseyweeb:



Calling it a medicine is a little bit of a stretch considering the vast majority of the users are teenagers and 20 somethings. Yes, I'm aware it can help cancer patients with nausea. I'm also aware 99% of the people who I've met who smoke weed, do it recreationally and don't have cancer.

It's also not legal federally, just decriminalized.

OP: The legality of it is not relevant. The people he attacks are buying it legally.

It treats countless additional conditions other than nausea for cancer patients going through chemo.

A bit of a naive, bigoted comment, IMO. :marseyrage:

Le bigot sans le bong

Since you're Honest_Graprfruit I'll be honest. This sounds like you're coping. :marseyagreefast:

Most people smoking weed abuse it. If it's showing up as a monthly expense... you're likely one of the abusers.

OP: Medically prescribed by a doctor bucco.

Would you say the same about a monthly charge at a restaurant for alcohol?

A beer distributor trip a month? Liquor store?

OP: If the answer is yes you would call that coping too. Then fair enough, I respect your opinion. But if the answer is no, you're hypocritical

The surest sign you're not mad and also winning an argument: the double post :marseycope:

they said its medicine, even they're not have disease and use that for treatment..

OP: For the last time I'm not SPECIFICALLY talking about the people in dire debt on the episode. I'm talking in GENERAL.

You sure seem extremely mad about anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly approve of your weed usage bro.

Today I learned the majority of Caleb's fanbase is a bunch of nerds.

OP: Couldn't agree more lol. At the very least: sheltered, naive, bigoted, etc.

OP: The classic "if I don't believe in it, it's wrong and everyone should listen to my opinion and yours is stupid if it isn't mine"

Double double post! The naysayers are sheltered, naive, even bigoted. :marseyxd:

How did this guy get into such a state? The answer may (not) surprise you:

Appreciate it man. 28 year old with a college degree and a liscensed CPA in the commonwealth. However, a year boozeless (I call it this out of respect for people that are completely sober, with mmj I don't feel just saying sober) is my greatest and proudest accomplishment in life. booze was always my Achilles heal. No matter how hard I tried to booze like a normal person. It would never work out in the long run. I quit mmj for about a month for health reasons (went off my ssri in that time too) and am honestly struggling to pick back up like I did. There is a fine line between enjoyment and plunging into a physical anxiety attack. Apparently SSRIs dull the effects of thc on the brain. And having been on them for over 7 years it had been a very long time since my brain had been exposed to thc without that buffer of the anxiety med.

He wasn't even feeling the full effects of his "medicine" because of his other medicine, and now trying to go full bore back into weed addiction is fricking him up :marseyrofl:

Pretty much for the entirety of April, I didn't smoke. Sweats were real bad at first. But subsided. Dreams are insanity. So vivid and weird. Mostly bad. But I'm a dream guy I like dreaming and find myself waking up in awe of what I just experienced sometimes lol.

When I feel down during a t break. I just think back to myself a year ago withdrawing from booze. In bed dripping sweat. Twitching. Head on fire. Questioning my desire to move forward with life. It makes the t break feel like a walk in the park.

Cheers to you and your sobriety journey. It's a journey, that in my opinion, only people with addiction issues can fully understand.

Why yes, I am from PA but say cheers :marseysmoothbrain:

Also :marseychonker2:

Health wise. Ok. Got horrific cholesterol marks in October 23. Have lost 25 pounds since and nearly cut it in half. Proud of that too.

Got an ekg last week that came back abnormal. Have an echo cardiogram next week to explore more. Extremely nervous.

My biggest issue is forgiving myself for the potential damage I did to my body with my heavy drinking and occasional drug use (never addicted to drugs :marseysmughips:, I was a bender guy then not do it again for a few months) I guess you could call that a sort of a addiction.

/u/Honest_Grapefruit259 lay off the mary jane neighbor, you're killing yourself

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bro i'm not addicted weed is literally medicine

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“I'm not addicted, I just think weed is a better use of my money than paying rent. That's why I still live with my parents well into my 30s.” ~ :marseyjoint:

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i mean yeah. getting a bit high is way better than some bullshit like rent or food. :dudeweedlmao:

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Like the opioid ""crisis"". We're literally talking prescription medication.

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Turns out reefer madness is just getting angry at the internet

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Stoners were built different back then

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Good morning I hate stoners

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If weed were medicinal what could it possibly be used for

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My condition man, my condition :pepehigh:

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Short term it can be used for chronic anxiety. Using it long term for that condition tho will only make the condition worse.

It can also be useful for conditions that involve nausea or loss of appetite, tho even then it's rarely the best medicine available.

Anyone using it long term and calling it 'medicine' is full of shit. It's a recreational drug.

That said, it's a FANTASTIC recreational drug and I miss it terribly.

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I dont get any or the good parts of the high anymore but when it was good it was real good

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haven't doctors been giving people weed for medical reasons for ages

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:quote: medical reasons :quote:

I know you get it if you're in hospice and o ya apparently for glaucoma

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so you already know about medicinal purposes

why even ask :hmph:

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I completely forgot

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because of weed isn't it you DIRTY STONER

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I honestly smoked so much weed and did other drugs for a while and it's really fricked my memory up :marseycry:

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well yeah we all did. it's called being a teenager/early 20ser!

well, all the cool teens did at least.

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It's for treating my acute hangover symptoms.

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The long-term consequences of REM deprivation will be DEVASTATING. Dream deniers don't understand that the so-called “medicine” they crave can be perfectly replaced by using lucid states to perform healing. THAT'S WHY YOU HEAL WHEN YOU GET GOOD SLEEP. So many dream deniers dedicated to self-destructing instead of getting lucid, and one of the top cabals pushing for this are the cannabis zealots poisoning teenagers and college students for GENERATIONS.

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Reddit Stoners have got to be the most insecure userbase on the internet lmao.

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It's funny cause he's fat

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The problem with weed is that the neighbors who need to be on it aren't and the ones who really don't need it are

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First off, son, I'm way too smart to go to prison for punching Nazis. I punch, knock ‘em out and then walk away, leaving them for the cops and they end up arrested, not me.

Now, if I did end up in prison somehow, my philosophy would still hold true. Go up to an Aryan Brotherhood member, punch ‘em in the face. After a while, word would get around about my Nazi punching skills and i would be what they call in prison a “shot caller.” Nothing happens in the yard without my say so.

Son, you have to believe in your own skill set and understand it will take you far. I've spent years honing my Nazi punching skills and I'm unstoppable.

I hope you've learned a little something today.



Appreciate it man. 28 year old with a college degree and a liscensed CPA in the commonwealth. However, a year boozeless (I call it this out of respect for people that are completely sober, with mmj I don't feel just saying sober) is my greatest and proudest accomplishment in life. booze was always my Achilles heal. No matter how hard I tried to booze like a normal person. It would never work out in the long run. I quit mmj for about a month for health reasons (went off my ssri in that time too) and am honestly struggling to pick back up like I did. There is a fine line between enjoyment and plunging into a physical anxiety attack. Apparently SSRIs dull the effects of thc on the brain. And having been on them for over 7 years it had been a very long time since my brain had been exposed to thc without that buffer of the anxiety med.:

Health wise. Ok. Got horrific cholesterol marks in October 23. Have lost 25 pounds since and nearly cut it in half. Proud of that too.:


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