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I've seen this in real life and it unironically works, not a bad advice at all.

Ehhhh I'm still not sure about that, especially at the "mid" levels of wealth that any normal person is ever going to achieve.

Let's talk about, say, net worth of $5mil. Definitely rich, certainly enough to retire on, although you won't be able to buy your own island or anything. You'll be way safer in the US or some other developed country than in a third world shithole. Sure you can buy private security or whatever but that doesn't make you invulnerable by any means and at some point you're going to leave your fortress to go out into the normal world (unless you enjoy living in a bunker). You can buy a decent house in a decent area in the US, maybe not a mansion in LA but certainly a big house in a nice suburb. Or you can buy in a city at that price, if city living is your thing.

You can pay for maid services if you want, and landscapers obviously. Maybe not exactly a private chef but you can frequent decent restaurants easily. Fly first class wherever you want to go.

Now sure you can probably buy a whole villa or some shit in Argentina and maybe even retain some servants but you'll have a harder time getting luxury goods delivered there (you'll pay through the nose for imports, probably as much if not more than if you lived in the US) and your food options will probably be more limited, simply because in a developed country you can buy basically any food you want from around the globe. Your utilities will probably not be as stable as in a developed country and general construction quality is definitely poorer. You'll also have a target on your back whenever you go out.

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$5mil is more than they're talking about, that's definitely above middle class in terms of living, at a 3% withdrawal rate that's $150k a year, more than enough to retire in America. They're talking more like retiring in a third world country on 1mil or even less where the alternative is not retiring in America


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One of my favorite things is watching dramatards larp as blue collar workers only to accidentally out themselves as trust fund babies by thinking it's normal to inherit tens of millions of dollars.

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Huh? Several million is pretty standard to achieve by retirement age.

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Dawg less than 5% of Americans have a net worth of at least $5 million (and that's factoring in the house, look at investable assets and it's way lower), it's absolutely not the standard lmao.

Congrats on having a rich dad.

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I said standard, not average.

100k is standard entry level salary, that doesnt mean its the average.

Do you have standards? Or are you just going to complain your whole life.

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What are you even talking about lol. I'm just amused by rich kids larping as salt of the earth laborers.

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bro Im not larping as shit.

Im just saying that $5 million is a pretty standard retirement. Idgaf about your poor butt.

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Standard means typical dawg

You can just admit you don't comprehend the value of money without this weird backpedaling

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Only tens? lol poor

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me? I just a-love the simple life working with my hands on my (2.2 million acre) ranch. Just upgraded the runway this weekend

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You can easily retire on $1 million in America, if you're willing to accept living like the average American.

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Guess it depends how long you have left to live. If you own your home it's even easier, idk if 30k a year is average but I guess that's 30k expenses which is probably average


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It depends where you own your home and when you bought. Anyone who has bought their home in the last decade where I live is probably paying 30-50k/year in just property taxes.

A run down house that you have to completely gut and replace everything runs at least $2M (plus the cost to gut it). And they'll reassess your tax basis after you fix it up.

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That's because the interest on a 1 million dollar retirement account is easily enough to pay your expenses, without even taking into account what social security pays you.

You don't even actually need that much to retire, it just makes things extremely easy.

If you have your retirement account in Fidelity and you're nervously staring at the retirement calculator they prominently place on the front page, that thing is assuming that you will still want to blow the same amount of money per year that you would at the age of 30 - 40, where most people are spending 90% of their salary because they're young and having fun. When you retire, you will probably be building a ship in a bottle or fishing or some other passive activity that costs virtually nothing. Even if you're the rare physically active 70 year old, you probably play tennis, which also costs nothing.

Retirement is cheap as long as you can imagine yourself as an old person who is too crotchety to actually spend money anyway, which is the likely outcome for 99.9999% of everyone.

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Is that really true? What about factoring in health and medical care?

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Medicare is an actual thing even though Redditoids like to pretend it doesn't exist and that they need gorillions for medicines

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Retirement is cheap as long as you can imagine yourself as an old person who is too crotchety to actually spend money anyway, which is the likely outcome for 99.9999% of everyone

might as well just give it up at that point, not sure what's so attractive about being alone and watching twitch in your pod like most olds will do in 2070

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fricking gross :ramonajak:

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It's an unrealistic line of thinking. Idiot kids now think that's what they need to aim for. My mom just retired with 90,000 bucks in the bank. 5 million bucks is like 0.001 of Americans, why even use it as an example?

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What's your mom favorite brand of cat food?

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She's doing fine. If she weren't I would help her. She doesn't even need me. You're being lied to by investment bankers.

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>You need at least 10 million which should be managed by me because you're too dumb to do it on your own


>Continue to produce goywidgets and the pitiful portion of surplus calue that we choose to give you, you should save so that we can use it for you by investing in the "right companies"

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I have family who did this and it really doesn't seem nice. Like his quality of life is definitely lower there than in the US, plus he's basically completely isolated from friends and family over there.

I suppose it ultimately depends how much you hate working but if he worked for an extra 5-10 years here he'd be able to retire here and face none of the issues that expats deal with.

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Depends what you do with your free time. If your hobbies all include spending time on the internet and you don't have much family it becomes far more attractive. Quality of life is only meaningfully lower if you enjoy a lot of luxuries, if you only require basic necessities it's probably comparable or better.


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Let's talk about, say, net worth of $5mil

Who's talking about that level of wealth? I'm talking about middle-class

You'll be way safer in the US or some other developed country than in a third world shithole

There are many South American cities which are safer than large American metro areas, especially in the Southern Cone.

and your food options will probably be more limited, simply because in a developed country you can buy basically any food you want from around the globe

You first cited Argentina which is the most terrible example for having "lack of food options" lol. Same for Brazil, cities like São Paulo and Buenos Aires have everything.

Your utilities will probably not be as stable as in a developed country and general construction quality is definitely poorer

The construction industry here is subjected to many rules and international standards, same for materials and especially if you can afford them.

!latinx !macacos

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I'm talking about middle-class who can become richer and make money in LATAM

neighbor they'd make more money in a developed country (especially the US) and it's not even close lmao as if some middle class schlub with a $70k/yr marketing job is gonna make more in Argentina

the whole meta here is to make your money in the US or similar and then retire in latam where the money is worth more.

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the whole meta here is to make your money in the US or similar and then retire in latam where the money is worth more.

It still applies if you have the money.

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who can become richer and make money

bb pls read ur own comments

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Bah, isso acontece quando eu fico me atrapalhando com a minhas ideias na cabeça.

Ok, you win on that and I'm editing that because nowadays it doesn't apply. But I wanted to say that historically Europeans with some technical knowledge above the general populace easily became rich in LATAM as they could start a business in something first. It still applies in some countries but I don't think you'll find them very confortable even with money, doesn't happen in Brazil and the Southern Cone anymore as the work markets became professionalized and competition is now fierce.

But my point about SP and CABA being great cosmopolitan cities with tons of options (and the construction industry is not low quality at all) still stands.

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But I wanted to say that historically Europeans with some technical knowledge above the general populace easily became rich in LATAM

I see your point, but ngl I don't think someone who can only eke out a middle class lifestyle in the US of all places really has much technical knowledge.

I didn't mean to diss latam as a terrible place to live, I just think the idea of "I don't have enough money to live comfortably in the US but I can retire like a king in latam" is at best outdated. Not to mention that obviously none of the people who post in that sub about migrating have more than $10k to their name at best.

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see your point, but ngl I don't think someone who can only eke out a middle class lifestyle in the US of all places really has much technical knowledge.

Up to a few decades ago, a foreigner with a university degree from the US, let's say an engineer, would have caused some impression and easily get a top paying job, but yeah it won't happen nowadays. I personally met some Euros who migrated and started their business here and are all quite well-off, but again a different time and they knew what they were going to do.

Not to mention that obviously none of the people who post in that sub about migrating have more than $10k to their name at best.

Oh absolutely, and if you're going to be working class then the US is 100% much better.

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They'd be better off getting a job in Houston or Dallas and living in some cheap suburb in rural Texas

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Well they could have a decent life in latam but they would need some cultural (language, etc) and technical skills which they don't have or they would be more successful in Oregon or Minnesota or where ever they live, so I guess this is true

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Ok you were talking about poorer than us IG. Carry on soldier. :marseyarchangel:

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>No--no, no, your house will simply fall apart, and the r*pes will start, and you'll have no food except chimichangas or whatever the frick those people eat! Much better to live in Oklahoma and eat processed cheese slices.

:fatbrain: :muttshooting: :muttscooter: :soysnoo6:

lol Argentina has some of the best fricking beef in the world and you can afford eating out every night in Michelin restaurants

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Lmbo at $5M you can't both buy a house and retire, at least not in a real city. A shack will cost you half of that and then you're paying 50k/year just in property taxes.

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So you admit you're wrong and r-slurred?

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Buy a shed from Home Depot, portable AC unit, a chemical potty and solar shower. Buy a small piece of land with electricity outside of the city


Most people have houses when they retire though

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I think more reasonable people would move to American expat communities in places like Portugal, Belize, Vietnam, or wherever. The advantages would be in numbers. There are Americans to meet and talk to, infrastructure would be kept up to decent standards, companies are used to shipping products there, and it would be an international incident if anyone tried to target that many people with serious crime or whatever.

Of course I'm not sure how long this will stay cheaper than living in America as more and more people get the idea.

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