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The Chase glitch has opened the eyes of fine citizens to the world of bank fraud

Backstory: Fidelity Investments has some account called a Cash Management Account. It's a hybrid of a brokerage account (account you buy stocks) and a checking account (can write checks, debit card, bill pay). It's been around for a while, but it became a pretty popular tool in the internet personal finance sector because the setup let you earn ~5% of your money at all times. But it's not a real checking account (important).

A few weeks ago, the Chase glitch occurred. But a glitch allowed :marseyblack: to deposit a check (stolen or just their own), and instead of putting a hold and clearing it over a few days they got access to the funds immediately. So they would deposit a check for let's say $5,000, and then instantly withdraw the money. Obviously a super r-slurred thing to do with your account, but :marseyshrug: .

This was quickly fixed, but it caused some to wonder. What if other institutions did the same? Well they do. Banks have been operating on the clear first and ask questions later premise for a while, and brokerages even more so. This has brought to the limelight a type of fraud that's been around for a while. It's apparently coordinated through Telegram, and abuses mobile deposits not ATMs.


This leads into the Fidelity boyz:

It be rainin' :marseybux:

Fidelity was a nice target too since their mobile deposit limit was $100,000. Fidelity last week caught onto this and then decided to implement some combination of these measures onto most of the accounts:

  • Reducing mobile deposit to $1,000

  • Put 15 business day holds on mobile deposits and ACHs

  • Cancel peoples billpays

  • Randomly locking accounts

As with most things like this, it's hard to get the true story because you'll see a lot of posts where someone is depositing 30 checks a week and needs to transfer all the money instantly to 5 different bank accounts and then ghost

you when you ask what could they possibly be doing to justify it.

/r/fidelityinvestments mods setup a megathread addressing this and pinned it in the sub. They then answered basically no questions, and then unpinned it :marseygigachad:

Yep. I hope people look at these post before they think about opening an account with Fidelity. In my case they are holding my funds till 9th Oct (for deposits made on 16th Sept) . I had to make alternative arrangement to take care of my expenses.

The the worst part is that reddit is allowing Fidelity's moderators to delete posts on this issues and redirect us to this "megathread" which is more like a trash bin. Sorry if I sound frustrated as I really am.....

I recently transferred about $3000 into my Fidelity Cash Management account from US Bank on 9/15, and after 4 days, the funds were still unavailable. When I called to ask why, they explained that it was because I had pulled the funds from Fidelity rather than pushed them from US Bank.

They gave me a vague excuse about "industry trends" and "protecting Fidelity accounts" supposedly justifying the excessive hold. What makes this even more frustrating is that customer support admitted they never informed me about this extended hold upfront, and after reviewing Fidelity's terms, I wasn't able to find mention of such a long hold for this type of transaction.

Now, they've told me the funds will be held until at least 10/8. Even after verifying my identity, they won't release the money. While I can still use the money for things like buying stocks and bonds within Fidelity, the lack of transparency and delay in giving me full access is infuriating.

The more I see on this subreddit the more I become convinced the MegaThead is nothing more than a Catch & Kill effort

Nah you're just mad

Hello, my entire Bill Pay was deleted a couple of weeks ago. I was notified by email with no explanation. I have called Fidelity, and they just say that they have been looking into it and they will call me. It's been a week since the my Bill Pay disappeared, and I want it to pay bills as I always have. Help!

Happened last week to me. In my case I deposited a large personal check. The funds had cleared but they still restricted my account as they thought the check was fraudulent or that I wrote it (it was from my mother) they called my mother separately to confirm she wrote the check.

All very absurd but once they lifted the restrictions bill pay returned that same day.

Doctorofcredit thread. A lot of these people were locked since what they do looks pretty similar to money laundering anyway.

With all this backlash, it does make sense that Fidelity is losing some valuable customers.



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>surely this brokerage with my ID and SSN will never figure out who pulled off this clever caper :marseyclueless:

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I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they use stolen information. This is probably some cover for Eastern European mafia/North Korea as well.

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All these neighbours must have paid an overdraft fee before, so either they're not connecting the dots in their head because Tiktok lies, or there's an identify theft angle somewhere

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The smart ones bombard your email with an spam bomb when they steal your shit so you don't check each email carefully while they steal your shit.

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I think they're literally just living in the moment and not considering or caring about the future.

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Well, obviously. they're black.

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If you had no real career, then just taking the $100,000 in cash and hiding it out seems like a viable strat (or just partying it up until you keep yourself safe or die).

The idea that you just hand out cash to anyone with an unverified piece of paper is stupid and you can't rely on getting any of that cash back even if you have their SSN, ID and mother's maiden name and fingerprints

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Yeah, I just don't see it. You're trying to rationalize it, but they're not being rational, even if your finances are already fricked so there's nothing for them to take and you weren't going to get a job anyways. This kind of thing comes with actual criminal penalties, not just civil penalties.

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They're stupid. Literally, thats it.

I had a Fidelity account closed on me before, there was no thought process, I was just being an impulsive idiot.

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You literally can't comprehend how r-slurred these people are, which is fair, but did you ever consider that they can now get a dodge charger with no payments?

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Weirdly validating. I can only be envious

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Bipocs would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: :marseypearlclutch:

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They are dumb BIPOCs. You can't expect them to make rational decisions

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Low IQ individuals generally lack future time preference or at least that's what the racist YouTubers I watch always says.


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You know I don't think these fine gentlemen are worried about being able to open a bank account in the future

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They are too dumb to think it through

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Doubt it. All they hear is "glitch" that allows them to make a bunch of money without even leaving their house. They aren't considering the consequences and just taking action before the "glitch" gets fixed

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Nope. This was a black thing

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Hey you should make a TikTok(ChingChong™) about the illegal thing you just did, no way cops would ever look at that!

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u already know kween kamala is gonna pass an amnesty EO for everyone involved because prosecuting them would disproportionately impact bipox

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Going by her record, Kamala would put you under the jail for having a nug of weed under your car seat. Anything she says lately is probably just paying lip service to lefties for votes. Dems have just suddenly forgotten that she used to be extra unpopular with black people in California because of how tough she was on on even the pettiest crimes.

She sure as frick isn't going to let people get away with attempting to frick over financial institutions.

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I can already see the headlines

stale pale males in charge of $bigbank are LITERALLY ENSLAVING BIPOX over minor disagreement on digital check validity

They'll lock up about as many people as they did during the floyd riots (approximately zero)

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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They'll lock up about as many people as they did during the floyd riots (approximately zero)

They did those baby lawyers who threw molotovs into cop cars tho

The man always busting people for tax evasion it's a darn shame

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Good honestly. Go off, queen. We need some center Left/Right collusion against the wingnuts.

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Lol she'd throw them in country for year and a half for a 50 dollar hot check

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media would not let that happen (and won't let anything happen in this case)

I hope I am wrong but seriously going after everyone that did this would have radioactive optics

they're going to get fined and credit score nuked at worst, with maybe a couple of big tiktokers serving token jail sentences for spreading the meme

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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There's a reason poors can't even get a checking account generally. They have to pay bills at their local gas station.

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I grew up with and live around poors. The reason is that most of them cannot figure out how to even open a checking account. I'm completely serious; they don't understand how banks work.

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Working retail and dealing with poors and gift cards or watching them at the ATM or dealing with bill paying or their cash app shit, I have zero respect for poor people. They have no idea what the frick they're doing with their money.

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Most people who do have checking accounts still seem to think that banks used to keep money in a little envelope with each person's name on it in the vault, and now instead they keep digital money and the government has to make sure the bank doesn't hack the computer to give anybody any extra money.

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wait how is that wrong

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The balance in your account is a promise to pay you on demand (a liability of the bank), it doesn't represent any cash directly. Banks can lend more than they have corresponding deposits for, effectively increasing the money supply, because they know not everyone will demand payment at once.

This worked the same way when they did their accounting in big paper ledger books as it does now on computers.

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they don't understand how banks work.

u put ur money in there and some c*nt steals ur card and drains it all and they make you fight before giving you your money back

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Bill pay services at your local weed dispensary.

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Honestly, can you imagine the frustration of just wanting to get some bud and some poor is ahead of you trying to get a stoned bud tender to pay a bill for them. That's like some ring of heck

Putting the :e: in spookie

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I would pay to see this on Broadway

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The singing and dancing would make it so much worse lol. You probably just described a way to drive me insane

Putting the :e: in spookie

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Years ago I had to go pick up a cable box and the only xfinity location nearby with one available was deep in the hood. it was weirdly busy when i got there (like 2pm on a weekday) and literally every person there aside from me was there to pay they bill in cash

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