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Ask rDrama: Is there anything you'd like to say about your home country? :marseydiversity:

I think it's cool we have a lot of dramatards from all over the world. Most are from the Anglosphere but it's still nice to learn about things I didn't know about like voice posting or Trudeau antics. We also have plenty of Brazilians and Latin Americans. :marseymaid: :platyaboriginal:

Do we have any Mexicans cos I don't seem to hear about them very often? :marseymexican:

Of course there's Aevann but he doesn't seem to mention life in Egypt very often if ever. :mar!seythonk: :capyp!haraoh:

Anyway, does anyone want to share any tidbits or anecdotes? Perhaps you'd like to clear up a misconception or shill for the motherland? :marseyreportercnn:

Of course most people here are American but if anyone wants I personally can talk about Texas/Cali/Colorado/Kansas. :marseyburger:

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America is the greatest country in the history of the world.

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Only Americans have peepees big enough to do this.

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darn bro pepe is packin shmeat 😳

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I'm often pretty sick of this place, but whenever I hear news from Bongland/Canada/Australia/NZ i remember that we're the best anglophone country and it's not even close.

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It really is pathetic. They're trying to import all of our problems because that's the only culture they have.

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I feel sorry that KPOCs like you have to suffer in this yt man shuffle.

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>america good


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Yes :gigachad2:

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yeah it is pretty awesome honestly

+ 1

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have you tried the shrimp fried Korean bbq Cincinnati chili tacos?


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I love Vegas in particular for the shitpost food :#marseyembrace:

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When we Balkanize I'm going to organize volunteers to keep Californians out of Oregon through force.

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Better get going. I personally know Californians planning exactly this.

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You're about 30 years too late.


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Expulsions will happen after the border is secured, and we won't have that opportunity until we Balkanize. Really the biggest problem is that the state of Jefferson didn't succeed due to WWII.

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Jefferson would be 100% run by the cartels. I'd still go to the theater in Ashland tho.

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But not the present, and definitely not the future...

It's all been downhill since the Moon Landings.

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It's still arguably the best, given the fact that every other western country is also pooping the bed right now

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Yeah, but at least the citizens of other Western countries aren't armed to the teeth, and on the verge of civil war...

"American Exceptionalism" was a cool belief when America still did exceptional things, but those days are loooong over.

Now you're just a bunch of terrified people, barricaded within your houses, with an AR-15 pointed at the door.

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It's the best for earning potential and COL by many orders of magnitude, and I'd tell any young person in the anglosphere to live there for a few years before migrating to escape the culture and political instability. The country does feel like a powderkeg though, and it's next to impossible to have a conversation that doesn't involve politics or someone trying to interpret a non-political thing through a non-political lens.

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I hope that increased "earning potential" can buy you enough ammo to survive the coming years.

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You can buy all the AR-15 ammo you need, two BMW leases, AND a Toll Brothers cardboard mcmansion in Houston :marseyjam:

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I just hope you get to keep it all after the race-war.

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I pray every night for protection and have 12 AR-15s that I've taught my wife and children to shoot, a lab mix, a tactical shovel, a stockpile of rice and beans (though I need to learn how to cook em), my Bible, and a Ford F-150 that can crush anyone who stands in our way. We will survive. :marseysaluteusa:

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Factcheck: This claim is a gross exageration of reality.

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Exaggeration? I didn't even mention the vat of high fructose corn syrup and fentanyl that you inject into your blood stream every day.

Face the facts, America's best days are long behind it. :#marseyitsover:

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Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

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you're just a bunch of terrified people, barricaded within your houses, with an AR-15 pointed at the door.

Euroshitters call us dumb and uneducated, then spout ridiculous nonsense like this. Nobody is dumber than a Euroshitter.

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Correct. But I'm a Leaf.

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Yeah it's around 1963-1968 when Americans started getting dumber and less creative. We only fell off the cliff into total r-sluration c. 2010.

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You can chew gum here

You just can't sell it

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I can totally stick it under things right?

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don't get caught

same with drugs

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Singapore reminds me of my b-word teachers who didn't let me sell homemade paper ninja stars when I was little :shadowrage:

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I've wanted to beat the shit out of people for this since before you were born.

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Upstate NY is a region of the US that nobody every really thinks about or knows anything about. But its really not that bad here! We have some absolutely beautiful nature and towns. It does absolutely snow a obscene amount here tho.

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>Upstate NY is a region of the US that nobody every really thinks about or knows anything about.

Interesting. I consider it to be Pennsylvania-adjacent, in that it's basically the purest form of American existence.

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The southern tier is very much like that, its Appalachia country through and through. Lots of Amish, rolling forested hills, and dirt roads. But western ny and the finger lakes region less so.

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I've never been to upstate NY but I think of it more like Maine (I have also never been to Maine)

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PA-adjacent is the best way to describe it. It's nothing like Maine

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basically the purest form of Amerikkkan existence.

I see you are a fentanyl enjoyer! :marseypills#:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I know about upstate New York from my 18th century strategy games. I learned that it's unimportant and full of Iroquois. :marseyredcoat:

Will Snappy's bar and grill ever expand west? I don't want to drive all the way out there for the pilgrim badge.

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I wish i was up north more tbh its like a hour and 45 minutes away and its unironically really good food :marseycry:

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how anyone manages to drive through syracuse in the winter and not commit suicide is beyond me

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In the summer also!!

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upstate is very beautiful i didn't know you were from there! lots of upstate dramatards, something in the water maybe :marseyhmm: had nothing but lovely experiences there and the people are very kind imo. it's unfortunate that you guys have to pay for all the silly stuff NYC decides on though, and your gun laws are so strict it was surprising!

i'm a leaf and i went to a gun show in clayton with my NY friend and it was basically no different than canada lol they made her fill out a slip with all her info to buy a box of ammo :marseyxd: at least she didn't have to get the gov to authorize driving it home though

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Are there really more upstatecels? Obviously dont dox people lol but I only know of 2 other ones. Yea the ny government is pretty sucky but i mean you have to deal with the Canadian government so we're kinda in the same boat lol. I really do like Canada tho when I wanna go do big city stuff I hang in Toronto for a day and its always a great time. Not sure if I would live there though lol. The gun laws are honestly worse the California at this point, probably the worse in the country. They just passed a law where you have to get a background check just to buy ammunition. But luckily you can still just drive down to Pennsylvania to buy some without having to deal with that.

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The greatest concentration of confederate flags I ever saw in my life was at the Plattsburgh walmart

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Plattsburgh wierd like that @S discuss

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I assume the college has totally taken over that place at this point. Not going back to find out lol

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Is it still like this? Know someone thinking of moving there from Watertown, searched Plattsburgh cus I remembered schizo saying funny stuff but xhe gone 🥺

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I wish we got more snow here. I am in the midwest and we get like two feet a year but it usually only sticks for like a week at a time and then it always gets 40 degrees out in January at least twice so it melts and everything is brown and ugly again.

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Alaska chads roll out :marseydab: we got over 100 inches last winter

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I legit ran out of room to plow snow last winter

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Yea snowmobiling is soo much fun but also getting stuck in your house for 5 days sucks

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Except for Buffalo. :marseyskull:

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Sorry about that downtown. Granted it was around 2021 or so, but it looked like a post-apoc movie set. Nothing was open, and only the junkies were shambling through the streets.

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Hey some parts are nice, like allentown and canalside.

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All I know is to stay away from the bus station in Binghamton because that's where your parallel universe doppelganger is waiting for you.


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My country was taken over by dirty fricking elves :marseyseethe: Elvenism and its consequences have been a disaster for the half-human race :mutttantrum:

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:#siren: BR*TON ALERT :#siren:

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Technically not my country but I really believe the French are the best Europeans, sure they can be annoying sometimes but at least they try to do their own thing instead of being an American vassal state.

Also America is beautiful

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Not upvoting

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but at least they try to do their own thing instead of being an Amerikkkan vassal state.

How is being ungrateful contrarian rslurs an improvement?

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Pretty much the only country except the USA, China, and Japan with any cultural accomplishments in the last couple centuries.

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This is true, but I would like to present a counter argument: frick their language, nobody can spell it.

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Thanks for the pin @A! :marseyjam:

Can you tell us anything about Egypt? :marseypharaoh2:

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There's a myopic view about our native (dying) language because the government were such useless strags in teaching or encouraging it.

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Which language?

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Gaeilge :marseyflagirelandlove::marseyflagirelandlove::marseyflagirelandlove:

Most people see no "use" in learning their heritage so they shrug their shoulders about moan about it.

There's a type of school that recently became known called Gaelscoileanna that strictly only teach in Irish and they've been booked fully for the 3 decades practically :marseysigh:

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my amerimutt butt had like a month where i decided to learn Gaelic after visiting Ireland and then i gave up cause i can't roll my r's

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It's a rough language to get into at first :marseyagree:

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Big rip :marseytombstone:

For what it's worth I've always respected people who try to keep old languages alive. I remember New Mexico is full of Navajo language stuff like events where you can take children to see the newest Disney thing but in Navajo. Nothing wrong with keeping a culture alive as long as it's not unapologetic grifting.

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It's a beautiful language. The 1916 Rising leader's were willing to kill and die for the ability to speak it. I think they would have been aggrieved to see how the state of the people are now. :marseygiveup:

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English cucked you guys so much, you'll forever be an ex-anglo colony. I guess the long and drawn out end of the Celtics is still going. Do you actually think it can even make a recovery, especially with all the immigration that's been happening?

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Idk :marseytears:

It's a very poetic language full of drama. Instead of saying "I am sad" the Irish phrase is "tha mi bron ach" (the sadness is upon me) :marseyoperaphantom: . In Gaelic, the term "cianalas" refers to the intense and sorrowful loss of homeland. :marseycrying:

I wish it wasn't like this.

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The snakes and spiders aren't bad at all. It's the magpies that get you


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In primary school we'd call a teacher over to nearby a magpie nest and then make a massive ruckus to get the magpies to swoop them :marseywholesome:

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Based, but how much do you hate the bongs? I heard there are two days a year dedicated to hating them for being better than you at occupying a rock or something.

I visited Buenos Aires once and everyone told me the asado was really good and I was like :surejan: I've had good beef before, but no they were right it was really something else :marseychefkiss:

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nobody i know hates the bongs lol, everybody loves bong tv shows and bong music, Coldplay was here a year ago and probably 200.000 ppl went to their shows.

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People actually do have a misunderstanding of what the American Civil War/Confederacy was about, but too many racists clog it up and make defending it untenable.

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I think in particular people don't realize a lot of the soldiers simply fought for their state so not every Confederate was truly immersed in the politics and vice versa for Union soldiers. Plus there was plenty of conscription.

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Shelby Foote put it well when he said many of the Confederate soldiers were simply fighting because they saw their homeland being encroached upon. States in the US as originally envisioned were indeed "states" in the original definition of the word, so of course people were loyal to their homeland and not the federal government. I don't like talking about it much though because as I said it invites actual racists and r-slurs. AFAIK there isn't really any legal reason the Confederacy shouldn't have been allowed to secede.

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Pure cope. A large portion of the white population in these states remained loyal to their country. And the "States' Rights" bullshit somehow didn't apply during the time of the Fugitive Slave law when you trash were coming up here to kidnap people.

Shelby Foote

We have to take him really seriously because he was on PBS. No way he could be full of shit.

AFAIK there isn't really any legal reason the Confederacy shouldn't have been allowed to secede.

Here's one:

:marseykys2: cute twink.

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Pure cope. A large portion of the white population in these states remained loyal to their country. And the "States' Rights" bullshit somehow didn't apply during the time of the Fugitive Slave law when you trash were coming up here to kidnap people.

Revisionist take, that type of thing was definitely wrong but again has different meaning when you operate under the assumption that each state is its own separate country. As to your first point, no shit they were. There were many northerners who wanted to allow the secession as well.

We have to take him really seriously because he was on PBS. No way he could be full of shit.

He was a good writer, and I'm not sourcing him. Just agreed with him that many southerners were simply fighting for their own "state".

I don't disagree that the outcome ended up being the best for all involved, either. I just think it's more nuanced than many will say, and many don't even understand it at all to begin with.

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Revisionist take

B-word, any take from after Reconstruction is revisionist cope by sore losers.


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Lol I know this is rdrama but this is why I don't like talking about it. If you're trying to brag, you got dangerously close to losing to a vastly inferior opponent. I could speak more on how Reconstruction basically fricked the whole country but meh

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just remember that you're talking to the product of public education

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It's touchy for understandable reasons, but I would like it if people were able to talk about it more objectively. It's especially funny to me when zoomers like above act like they're dabbing on the south for winning the war as if it wasn't by far the deadliest war for Americans on both sides, full of senseless and devastating bloodshed. Not even that long ago, either, and with effects that live to this day that are straight up still domestic issues that deserve attention. But they act like it's the same as Germany or Japan getting destroyed halfway around the world.

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My state is full of low IQ short fat brown people

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And ur one of them

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that could be literally anywhere

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I actually fricking hate it here unironically like it's not a joke I want it bombed out of existence

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it's really not that bad it could be worse

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It's going to be

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Literally everything bongs complain about sans the failure of privatisation is happening across the western world, and in most places the problems are worse. You can't escape the decay unless you move to a developing country and live off your big bong savings

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This is my plan bc I speak Polish. :marseyflagpoland:

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Hope you find what you're looking for, ime it does feel different to live in a place that's tangibly getting better even if it's a shithole to start with. I've heard that they have US-style politics, though.

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Gott strafe England. :marseysmug2:

Er strafe es. :marseysmug2:

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It's value is completely supported by the finance industry.

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We have a lot of tourists and foreigners this year despite being a landlocked balkan shithole

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Massachusetts is fantastic, but the gun laws here are the worst, most brain-dead shit on the face of the Earth, and they're probably going to get even worse next year.


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