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Personal stories from elementary school: Give your stories from when you were a lil autist

I have a few

The first was how I used to play wizards 101 in 2nd grade, and this guy in my class said he'd help level up my wizard if I gave him my details. His family didn't let him use an email to play the game which is why he was willing to level up my account. He ended up raising me up some levels, except I deleted that character because deathwizards sucked. :shadowragegenocide:

Another story was also in 2nd or maybe 3rd grade probably the latter. I used to play on these grid monkey bars sometimes with this one girl who I'd say was a bit tomboyish :tomboy:, or maybe loner :marseycrayoneater:is the better term. Anyway we used to play sometimes together in this type of monkeybar tag and for some reason when it was just the two of us she started telling me about how she wears a pad and I thought that meant she was wearing a diaper :marseybibgenocide: so I never played with her again. :tomboygenocide:

A third story is that me and this other kid were good friends, and we made a "secret language" that we'd stand around and talk to eachother in

ghibilpin abhibble


It was literally just random bibble babble sounds I was making and I didn't understand him, I just pretended to. It was only years later that I realized he probably didn't understand me either and we both were just making random sounds pretending they had meaning.


Final one. This one actually gets to me a bit.

I was in 4th grade. There was this girl who lived next to me, always wanted to play constantly. Literally social r-slur tomboy :marseywomanmoment2:, a year younger than me.

Everytime I cold shouldered her whenever she wanted to play together. We'd play but not often because girls were cringe. She came over on my birthday and I remember that wasn't too bad. I remember putting on this Hatsune Miku Cherry Trees song. She wasn't able to go outside super often but we still played every so often over like a year and some time since I moved in halfway through 3rd grade.

Anyway some kind of "bully" kid, bully in that he tried to act cool, who we'd call Oreo because his name was Orion, said something about being the fastest. I think he said he could outrun me. And she was next to me, we had a big mixed recess that day so despite being a grade below she was outside at the same time. After he walked away she told me I should race and beat him. She was excited :marseydance: and really wanted me to beat him since he was always a bit of a douche. I told her, word for word

"What no, that's stupid, why would I race him, I'd get tired and sweaty?" :marseyneko: and then walked away to play with some rollie pollies. It was early spring and I was a slow asthmatic. I think she thought it'd be like a movie though where the bad guy douche (islander with hearing problems) loses to the chad ( :marseyautismchonker: bit chubby 4th grader) hero despite his asthma. She still tried to play with me but once summer came she started being more alone, mostly drawing on chalk infront of her door or staying inside and then we moved about halfway through the summer leading into 5th grade

I hate that my younger self basically cold shouldered her since I didn't want to hang out with girls or admit that I had a bit of a crush on her. She was nice and my mom liked her and would make me go play with her whenever she'd ask. She didn't deserve that but hey that's the life of a sigma :dramatard:

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I hate that my younger self basically cold shouldered her since I didn't want to hang out with girls or admit that I had a bit of a crush on her.

lmao I'm glad I'm not the only who hates what a peepee head child me was

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I wasn't usually a peepeehead, I was generally pretty nice and quiet. But the times I was a peepee are the ones I really regret

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Sitting in the library 3rd grade. Chair in front of me is held together with a loop of metal. Try to follow loop of metal with my finger. Finger slips, touch girls butt, she screams and that's how I learned what sexual harassment is.

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consent accident

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I farted way more than I should have in elementary school.

That stupid PET brand chocolate milk would give me gas at lunchtime, so I'd get those uncomfortable farts that wouldn't pass quietly no matter how you try. Since the lunch room was so noisy, most other people usually wouldn't hear them. But I got caught at least once a year.

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lol same

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The worst part was that we had those shitty tables with the hard plastic stools attached. There's no good way to fart on those without it loudly reverberating against that plastic seat :marseysadge:


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Why'd you never decide to stop drinking the milk though?

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Milk was all they gave us in my elementary school, and even the different flavors would give me the same :marseyfart: problem lol

I eventually started bringing Sunny D bottles to school, so I ended up less gassy

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When I was 4 years old in daycare, I asked the black kid and his parents what was wrong with their skin.

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Rollie Pollies arent real. No one older than 12 has seen one.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I befriended both nerds and jocks.

I did physically pin down a tall kid for annoying me. I was among the best of class for history and social studies.

There was one kid who got dragged to court over alleged sexual assault.

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I got sent to the principals' office and detention for farting during silent time which caused a disruption [1]

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