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What kind of vessel/fishing? Makes a lot of difference

In general

Get along with your other crewmembers and listen to your captain. Not having any drama amd keeping up crew moral is the single most important thing on a fishing vessel. You might get a little hazed or generally treated like dogshit as a greenhorn but just roll with it. Captain is god.

Extra socks and underwear. And good thermals in winter.

Dont be the guy who gets the most sleep, even if they act like its chill.

Ask questions before fricking things up

This is probably the one career where you actually do need to think about safety. Dont do dumb shit and hurt yourself.

If you have no starlink make sure to bring a phone or laptop or something loaded full of books and movies. Boats can be extremely boring.

Bring neosporin and bag balm. Neosporin all cuts. Fish poison is fricked and chaffed hands suck.

Bring all the cigarettes you think you need plus another half. In some fisheries you wont have a chance to buy more.

When you get drunk be ready to work hungover.

Never give up, and you can sleep when youre dead.

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Are you a fisherchad?

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Neat, I had a tangential connection to one of those, I could've joined @Marsey I guess

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Its tons of fun i highly recommend it

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I think that was something that would have been best when i was 16-21 but now I have responsibilities and pets :marseyshrug: maybe if my life collapses and my future wife runs away with the kids

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I only know that because you told me. IM THE ONE WITH THE NOTEPAD

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Actually i was never on the show, i just crabbed on one of the boats that was. Wasnt on there for the tv years unfortunately

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My ex got all dolled up im 1920's fashion for the marvelous ms masel as an extra and the camera never pointed at her, i getchu

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Nah dude i just watch deadliest catch on repeat six months of the year

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Idk the vessel or anything really orher than it's fishing for shrimp

Yeah you've directed me to me to a facebook group a long while back that i still follow. Im already expecting and have no problem with hazing. And i have never had any problems with being told what to do and asking questions at work. Only exception was an butthole who had no authority or knowledge over me at my last job that i baited into decking me under a camera to get rid of him. (That was a year ago , nothing to do with why i "resigned")

I got some gameboy roms on my phone and have my music downloaded on spotify. Books is a good idea tho, dont own any because i just got used to using the library when i was i homeless for a while

Thanks, seriously

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Oh heck yeah thats dope. Shrimping is a good gig right now and its not that brutal. Ive never done it but ive heard good things. Heck i should be trying to get into it lol. Greenhorn thing shouldnt be that bad its usually the pot cod or longliners or crab boats that make it super miserable.

Gameboy roms are good. Personally ive just got a ton of ebooks, you can download whole libraries from piratesbay or any single book from libgen.is. i have a 256 gb micro sd in my phone crammed full of stuff.

No problem, welcome to the fleet! Hope you enjoy it. Theres really nothing else like it youll be a part of some crazy shit. Enjoy it and stack cash

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Just saw the edit, i get the shakes if i dont drink at all for 24 hours and i planned on asking them for advice for about how many cigs to bring. I dip too sometimes and that lasts me awhile because i just do a little pinch at a time so nicotine isnt a problem. No problem with working hungover, im used to it

And apparently we'll go to port often enoigh that i can resupply

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I personally smoke about 1.5x as much when im fishing lol. Also all fishermen have the shakes youll be fine lmao

Going back to port routinely makes life a lot easier. Especially when its a real port and not some shithole like dutch. Its in california right?

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Oh ok lol sorry i keep hearing about california shrimping. I dont know anything about the east coast scene lol. Its probably dope though, weather sounds nice.

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If he's in Florida that's way less hard than anything up north (east or west coast). You also don't die if you go overboard

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One more thing to add, your captain (especially if they're a boomer) is going to scream and get very upset and sperg out sometimes. Just shut up and imagine them as a soyjak in your head. It's the best way to deal with them sperging out. Don't talk back and piss them off.

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Im already good at that. But not even like before bed? I dont need to drink throughout the day, just if i dont have a couple beers worth of alcohol at least over 24 hours it starts to effect me

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I'd try and get that under control, you may be able to get away with it. Depends on the captain

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Get your shakes under control because you can't drink on the boat, maybe in port but unlikely. Try and get that under control before you go out because it won't be fun.

Marsey said pretty much everything id say, I do Alaska so it's a different beast. Just be prepared to work as hard as you can and don't frick things up. Things tend to go wrong on boats so be prepared to go from normal to "oh frick oh shit" mode in the blink of an eye.

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