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  • ShartyWon : You're not a woman so you dont have bpd

guys i think i have bpd

I joke about being psychotic, but im not actually. i had an ex gf who was actually psychotic and she would hear voices and shit, crazy stuff. i dont hear voices, thankfully. i asked chat gpt my symptoms and it said I probably have bpd, sure enough I look up the symptoms and diagnostic criteria of bpd and I basically check every box.

people in my life think that I'm depressed. It's so much worse than that. it seems that i mask well enough that most people don't know my true nature, the fact that I just get so angry sometimes that I feel like I could shoot someone, and other times where I feel like I should shoot myself. im not going to spell everything out here because i dont need :marseyglow2: after me, also my future career might end up in defense and i certainly cant have the feds on me cuz then they wont hire me.

let's take a look at the diagnostic criteria for BPD!! also you can come fill it out yourself. you must meet at least 5 to be diagnosed:

>Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment

I meet this one so hard lmao.

>Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships, often characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, also known as "splitting"

Chaotic for sure, idk if I meet the bar they're setting here tho

>Markedly disturbed sense of identity and distorted self-image


>Impulsive or reckless behaviors (e.g., uncontrollable spending, unsafe s*x, substance use disorders, reckless driving, binge eating)

I speed and do other things like that. It helps me feel like im actually alive

>Recurrent suicidal ideation or self harm


>Rapidly shifting intense emotional dysregulation


>Chronic feelings of emptiness


>Inappropriate, intense anger that can be difficult to control

Yes, although my anger is the part that I mask best. I try not to let it seep out too much, but i feel like nobody knows how sometimes i could just kill someone in a fit of rage

>Transient, stress-related paranoid or severe dissociative symptoms


So thats like all but 2. I thikn i have bpd :marseyteehee:

@CARPMASflorist i told you, im not schizophrenic

also bpd is fembrained


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Yea well and I think I'm on the spectrum

To me it is becoming more and more apparent that it's not that nobody's perfect, but that it's nobody's normal. Everyone has something broken within them, a few screws loose. It only ever becomes a problem when this 'something' starts eclipsing other parts of the psyche that are working normally, at which point you get diagnosed etc. So self-completing these 'symptom lists' is part validation bias and part relating to completely normal behavior that is only intended to be monitored when it gets out of control.

For instance: you could tick off all the boxes for depression whilst being absolutely normal if you tried hard enough, because yea you did feel quite unproductive that one day so it ticks the 'unmotivated' checkbox, and then you failed to do something to you own standards that one time so it also ticks the 'low self esteem' requirement, and if you think about it the other day you were so tired and nothing went to plan so you wished you just didn't exist which is for all intents and purposes 'suicidal thoughts', and so on.

However none of that is a real problem until it starts overwhelming you, until it's every day that you feel tired and that nothing good has ever happened or will happened to you, and then before you know it you've been sober for 3 months because you're afraid that should you get drunk you'll actually follow through with your thoughts and end it all.

My point is that these questionnaires are not set in stone and there's a lot of wiggle room for interpretation, so you shouldn't rely on them alone. Besides, even if you do actually have something wrong with you, what do you think getting diagnosed will get you? Do you expect some sort of closure or peace knowing that you're bipolar? Do you expect to just get prescribed some magical drugs that will make you feel fine? Because none of that will happen. It won't give you peace of heart and it won't solve any of your problems, as a matter of fact absolutely nothing will change. Because it's you who has to learn to live with yourself and with all your nuances and quirks. You have to come to terms with yourself the way you are and find how to deal with the aspects of self that bother you, because no doctor in the world will be able to do that for you

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didn't read, it probably sucked but upmarseyd for effort

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but that it's nobody's normal.

I hate to break it to you, but those psychiatric evaluations are based on scores from thousands of normal people. They're 99% of the distribution while the mentally disordered are the tail ends (or end, depending on the type of test). They basically see how far your score deviates from the average, and if it moves beyond an (arbitrary) threshold, you're mentally ill. :marseyshrug:

That's why they ask a battery of questions instead of 5 or so. @transb-word is simply r-slurred (not hysterical).

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