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Self improvement cycle #15

I have overcome my anxiety and low moods. To remove the last of it I tried deep meditation and combined it with self hypnotic self suggestion.

The trick is to go into a deeper meditative state and then actively narrate a direction to yourself as to what you are becoming. You do this until you fall asleep and then when you wake up you might notice some slight differences.

If you do it over multiple days you are more likely to notice deeper differences.

I am not saying it will work for every one of you. I am saying it appears to be working for me at the moment.

In addition, to give up a bad habit, you have to first have a reason why you are giving up the bad habit, then have an idea of what you want to replace that bad habit with, then an explanation as to why you that new thing is the ideal replacement for the bad habit.

You need to have all three parts because man doesn't ever do nothing. He will most often do useless things over actually doing nothing. Which means you have to learn to replace the bad habit otherwise the bad habit remains the most easily accessible option when you are bored and doing nothing.

Keep reminding yourself why you do what you do whenever you feel unsure or restless and losing track.

You must build for yourself a compelling reason to walk the path you walk, that can convince you even during the 100th time that you repeat it to yourself.

I hope this helps.

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