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I have become less of a manchild and have started doing the python exercises


I woke up in the morning today even putting up with the cold.

I watched a few videos about manhood that helped give me better direction.

I have not turned to anyone for support today and am getting better at doing things and making decisions independently.

Since yesterday but I forgot to tell yesterday, I have begun to study python book ( I am doing the learn python automation one as I find that easier to setup and go through ) and do the exercises along with the study. I am doing a minimum of 1 hr of python study in such a manner each day. Hoping to do even more every time I have extra free time at the end of the day.


I figured out the len, int, str, float, input, print, and round functions today. With practice.

Apparently python only has like 68 functions in total. So if you really were into it you could definitely learn python inside out in a month.

I have reached the mediocre adhd neurodivergent nirvana where I am able to freely flow between theory and application in a live build.

I am successfully able to become less of a manchild bit by bit. ( Apparently manliness is something that is earned with great effort, not something that is naturally grown into. )

Which leaves me with earning money and legal documentation updating work.

Good luck to me and good luck to you.

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my advice for novice programmers is to try to build simple programs, and look up whatever you don't understand. also look at the source code of other programs and try to glean knowledge that way. Also consider learning Java or (if you are brave) C++. Good luck :marseyembrace:

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My advice for notice programmers is to learn Haskell and visual basic because you need to learn early on life isn't fair and if you can't hack it just quit straight away and don't waste your brainlet time.


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My advice is to just immediately start writing assembly, !codecels. I think recreating roller coaster tycoon is a nice simple task that will make you aware of the fundamentals


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unironically every programmer should know at least a little so they know how good we have it and also so they have a better grasp on what CPUs are actually doing

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If you don't keep copies of all your code on punch cards you won't make it

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punch cards are stupid. I print my code on A4 and get it bound. Each library is one book. Get with the times

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Based knuthchad

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If you can't write just straight machine code then neck yourself, r-slur

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Redo Oregon Trail the basic is available

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My degree did this for some reason lol

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Haskellfolx when you ask them to name literally any notable software that uses Haskell


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All my software is notable :soyjakanimeglasses:

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npm isntall haskell


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programming conventions are nice but they suck when they are abused by people that have no idea why they are there. huge pet peeve is people doing this

int ZERO = 0;

most of the time they do that because they heard you shouldn't put "magic numbers" in your code. but calling "0" "ZERO" doesn't address the problem with magic numbers which is the fact that people don't know why they were there in the first place.

btw you people that complain about strict programming conventions have no idea what absolute horror can come from code that is not structured well. buddy I've seen methods that are ten thousand lines long. literally, that's not an exaggeration

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also look at the source code of other programs and try to glean knowledge that way.

@gigachad_brony You could even learn from rdrama :marseyhacker:


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There's lots of fun secrets you can find :marseydetective:

if SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and ('killing myself' in post.title.lower() or (post.hole != 'suicide' and 'suicide' in post.title.lower())):
		body = "https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1697382435294321.webp"
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You could even learn from rdrama

if you want to learn how to write schizospaghetti code yes, otherwise no


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rdrama deep lore drop.



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Javascript is the obvious one along with JSON and HTML basics.


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You can study those things if you want but the fundamentals remain unchanged no matter what programming language you use

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yes. I am with you.

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So I recommend a language that is fairly conventional like Java for learning and then try to transfer over to JavaScript. Btw there is no connection between Java and JavaScript.

Be warned tho, JavaScript is also its own beast. It is kind of dumb sometimes. In fact it is dumb most times. Far more than any other language

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Tl;Dr: Just learn all languages you have heard of bro. Trust me all are used by some nerd out there and will get you a job. I am joking.

Java is generally for mobile and javascript is generally for online web pages correct?

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no, Java is a language normally used in enterprise things. So, for instance, backend programming. Meanwhile, javascript is the language people use to write such things as webapps. In general, Java is backend (databases, business logic), JavaScript is frontend (display, animations, etc).

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Thank you for cs lore drop.


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talkin bout computers got me like :marseyschizowave:

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>[] == 0

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well you have to enter the goofyzone if you want to learn javascript, better to learn a nongoofy language

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My advice :marseylifeadvice: for novice programmers is to learn :marseymoreyouknow:

object oriented programming :marseycodecel: + SOLID :marseypunished: principles, then forget about Liskov substitution because inheritance is r-slurred. Really :marseythinkorino2: try to learn :marseyreading: dependency injection. Look into how to build :marseyikea: a small :marseysnowglobe: project :marseydontplay: with clean :marseydarkspez: architecture, then throw :marseybrick: that shit away and use domain driven design :marseythumbsup:

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I am now Jew lvl 3.

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I thought this was going be about some new exercise where you wriggle like a snake :marseysnek: or somthing

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I thought he was talking about Jelqing

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Not an neurodivergent detected. MOOOODDDDDSSS BAN THIS NORMIE!

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Being a man ultimately means having others depend on you

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This is why real men don't use flatpacks

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Python is really fun :marseywhirlyhat: Is it your first cooding language?

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@gigachad_brony python won't get you far but you can use it as a stepping stone, КОБОЛ++ is the future.

jokes aside though, you are missing something unless you already succeeded with a proper diet, sleeping schedule and excersise)

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umm any fortraniacs in the chat :marseynerd3:

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are you a for:marseytrain2:?

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no lol

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I already succeeded with a proper diet, sleeping schedule and exercises.


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even putting up with the cold.

Have you added ice cold showers to the mix for your self-improvement journey? It's a real game changer

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No thank you. Nice try though.

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I'm being serious. It's my favorite way to get a little energy and it's good for your mood because it increases endorphins. And if getting a cold butt shower is the worst part of your day, you're having a great day

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Pass. If I wanted to hobochad maxx I would live in the jungle.


Cold showers over my dead body for me.

I ain't gonna torture myself for the CIA in advance.

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It helps build mental resilience. Facing uncomfortable things are good for you

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I already face uncomfortable things every day.


I don't need to face all the uncomfortable things in the exact same ways.

Thus spoke Zarathustra.

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Do stuff like Project Euler and Advent of Code, these are good because you can look up other people's answers. Often there'll be a much neater/faster solution written by someone who understands data structures and algorithms. A good programmer is someone who can whiteboard an efficient answer, not someone who memorised a bunch of syntax.

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Let me get started before you send me to advanced courses.

Here's advice for you, before sending someone anywhere first determine exactly where they are in terms of capabilities.

Thanks for your advice. Saved for next months reference.

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I am successfully able to become less of a manchild bit by bit. ( Apparently manliness is something that is earned with great effort, not something that is naturally grown into. )

I believe the correct word is adulthood (rdrama converted link to https, correct one is http)

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That's too scary though


Your link gave me a security warning.

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yeah cause it's not available over https :marseyshrug:

rdrama replaced http with https automatically


in any case here is the text

We are not Adults Just Because We Say So


A character in a movie that I watched some time ago said that inside we are all just children pretending to be adults. I agree and disagree with that. At some point, many of us stop pretending, but some never do.

Recently, I heard a man on a call-in radio show say that he was using a Raspberry Pi as his server. He explained that, due to the cost of the power, his wife would not "let" him employ a full-sized computer. The man did not say he agreed with his wife that a full-sized computer consumed more power than they were willing to pay for. He said his wife would not let him use one. He may as well have said his mommy would not let him have a cookie.

Most likely, nuances apply here that could be explored. I assume the man had a job, and therefore an income that he could use in any way he chose. The two spouses may have agreed to allocate certain money for certain expenses, and the power bill from a full-sized computer could have exceeded the husband's share of their budget for non-essentials. And so on and so forth. But, the man did not say any of these things. He said his wife would not "let" him use a full-sized computer, which strongly suggests that he believed he had no say in the matter. The sad thing is that we see this type of behavior everywhere, and we think that because this is somewhat normal, it must therefore be right.

At least in the United States, most women have not believed the abdication of choice was acceptable in the context of a marriage since the 1960's. This was what the women's liberation movement was about. Women no longer wanted to be treated like children, so they learned to stop acting like children. Unfortunately, many of their boyfriends and husbands did not learn the same lesson.

The lack of understanding of how agency applies in a marriage relationship is only one example of how many, if not most, so-called adults are still children. Whenever we put ourselves in the position of looking for the approval of another, we are acting like children. I will state flatly that we are not just acting like children. Psychologically, we are children. Whether man or woman, when a person believes that he must prove to his significant other that he is worthy of their love or acceptance, he is a child. By doing so, he places the other in charge of his life and relegates himself to the role of a child. The same can be said in the context of a government/citizen or employer/employee relationship.

Employers have parent/child relationships with many of their employees. For as long as these employees work for their employers, they allow themselves to believe that they must be constantly proving that they are worthy to hold their jobs. This allows the employer to always have the upper hand in the relationship. What the employee should say to his employer is, "You have work to be done, and I am doing it for an agreed upon amount of money. Despite all the evidence that you have seen, if you still do not think I am capable of doing the work, then find someone else to do it." Of course, most employees are unwilling to risk the chance that the employer may do just that. To them, I say, "grow up". An adult is willing to accept the fact that he is dispensable and that sooner or later he will be replaced. This is a fact of life that adults plan for.

Another example of childish thinking is that most people believe they need the government's permission to be married. The idea that two people require anyone's permission other than their own agreement to be married, or to have any type of relationship they choose with another person, shows a childish lack of understanding of agency. No one needs the approval of a government to enter of their own free will into an agreement with another person. That is a fundamental capability that we have as intelligent beings. Governments did not invent this; therefore, they do not need to be consulted when two people enter into an agreement. To believe that a man must ask the government's permission to call the woman he is living with his wife is childish. To believe that he needs to put a label on her or his relationship with her is childish.

Most of us who call ourselves adults still look to those around us for approval in nearly everything we do. We look to our friends, family, employers, churches, and society to tell us what we will study in school, the kinds of jobs we will have, who we will love, the kinds of relationships we will have with those people, what we will call those relationships, where we will live, the clothes we will wear, how we will wear our hair, what car we will drive, who we will vote for, what we will and will not say in public, and even how we will think. Of course, nuances apply in all these areas. For example, we bathe regularly whether we want to or not, hopefully because we realize that some level of cleanliness is required to interact smoothly with other people. Still, many of us do not seem to be making those types of mental calculations in many circumstances. We are simply doing what we are told. Those of us who do not do those calculations are still children.

Adults do not allow others to make their decisions for them. They make their own decisions and benefit or suffer from the consequences of them. Those who do not are children.

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This is so based I am saving it.


Today if all free thinkers could be correctly identified and studied by modern psychology, 90% of them would be assigned the category of high functioning neurodivergent for using their heads to think for themselves before they act.

That is the greatest failure of modern psychology, that all forms of successful personas would be assigned the role of negative pathology swerving away from the desired norm.

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OMG!!! I started this too, but I got distracted. Tell me where you are in automate the boring stuff with python if that's what you're reading, or what you are reading, and I'll race you.

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I finished the first chapter yesterday. Today I have to do the loops chapter.

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What the frick did I just read?


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