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Where do I find femcels to get to know and talk to???

Xrothers and xisters I am serious. I'm tired of chatting up normalstrags and doing the normalstrag dating dance (IRL or :marseydepressed: online). Surely there's SOMEthing out there for this. Probably there's something I'm missing. Obviously I am desperate because I'm asking rDrama for help. So please help! :marseybegging:

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I'm in SEA right now and if you're white it really is insanely easy :marseyshrug:

tradeoffs are accent/fluency, judgment you'll receive back home, risk of negative outcomes if/when you move them out of their country... but it can't be worse than zero intimacy

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if you're white it really is insanely easy


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It feels a bit too predatory to me, to intentionally look for women in poorer countries. Even in a perfectly consensual relationship, I'd have a hard time not feeling bad about the economic/social advantage giving me a leg up or a "fast track" towards intimacy. I'd like to meet women who I could be friends with, without worrying about stuff like that.

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women are attracted to status and what you can provide for their future regardless of where you go, it's genuinely liberal racism to pretend they lack any agency in their decision making simply because of their socioeconomic background. and I can confirm they're attracted to foreigners sexually not just :weibodollareyes: as @X points out whenever the subject arises

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:marseycry: It's not that they lack agency. I guess it is a selfishness on my part, because I'm worried about my own insecurity in this case.

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I tried to help :marseyshrug: my advice for mentalcels is to be less insecure and just go for it. if they're interested they'll reciprocate. in a non-creepy way be sexually assertive and forward, contact them regularly etc etc. don't do the dumb relationship games modern people have fallen into or pretend you'll be happy dating someone with whom you're not mutually attracted.

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Nah, sorry if I came across ungrateful - I'm grateful for the insight, just coming to grips with my own frustration there. For what it's worth, your advice here has been pretty validating as it mirrors my own beliefs in many ways. Friendship first, cut the bullshit, etc. It's good stuff, I just need to put in the mileage to show that I'm serious about this stuff and not just talk about it.

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I wasn't thinking you're ungrateful just that until/unless you adjust your mindset you're gonna really struggle without a lifehack like passport broing out. Stop internalizing whatever the misogynistic/racist cretins of the internet are feeding you and just be assertively nice and genuine and yeah work on yourself if you're fat etc :marseyembrace:

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Thanks man.

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A lot of the dudes go to SEA intentionally thinking they're gonna get a subservient bride only to find out they were the mark. The foid marries them, pops out a few babies, then turns into a she-demon and bides her time until she can file for her greencard and divorce. It's pretty based of the she-demons ngl. The whole "passport bros" scene is incredibly cynical men and women trying to scam each other. The man getting s*x/kids and the female a greencard is honestly a fine outcome for all parties, except the kids I guess.

I'm sure it's possible to find a nice woman who genuinely loves you AND your visa, but the guys looking for easy s*x or a "submissive wife" will repel the more normal women.

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