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:requiredreading: [BLOGPOST] My reformed-incel :marseyelliotrodger3: best man :marseybride: :marseysuit: isn't coming to my wedding because...well he just doesn't want to, okay? :soyjakferal: also because women (tmi) (gay) (neurotic) (reddit) (normie) :marseymagdump: :marseycontemplatesuicide:

The most absurd shit has happened this past month. Yes, soon I am getting married :marseybride: like this month soon. People have had months to make travel arrangements.

Also before reading this if you're wondering why I speak so negative about who was supposed to be my best man well you should know it's probably :marseyitsover:

tl;dr The man I considered my best friend for a dozen years is more concerned with his peepee and himself than the biggest obligation I will probably ever ask of him.

I was wondering why my best man hasn't made his travel arrangements yet :marseyquestion:

To preface this is someone who has never travelled alone :marseyscared: (since high school), and we are both early thirties :marseyboomer: So he's never booked a plane ticket or a hotel :marseyreluctant:

He is also poor :marseypoor: No, it's more accurate to say he's a poorcel. He lives in a house owned by his dad :landlordpride: and works a dead end job :marseyjanny:, pays his car off to his dad at 0%, doesn't do anything but drive back and forth to work and errands, yet still is broke :marseybeggar: So he has no real bills or obligations :marseyneet:

So, traveling hundreds of miles for a wedding is going to be an issue. I initially thought that was the problem :marseyhmm:

Even though he was the first to know about the wedding and its location, five months ago he drug his feet all this time :marseysad:

Why did I say reformed-incel? Well up until now, I figured this was mostly true. When I met him 12 years ago he was one of the first fledglings of the online incel culture :marseyblops2cel: Sluthate? Puahate? All sites I've never heard before him. And when Elliot Rodgers happened :marseyelliotrodger3:, revered him.

I didn't frick either, but I never had this hatred he had so it was intriguing :marseyreading: to talk and learn about while talking about vidya and other moid shit while smoking cigs after a late night's work :marseydoomer: I no longer live near him but we strongly kept in touch, more than any one of my confidants. I still go visit to see him twice a year but will not be able to this summer because of the honeymoon.

He was very insecure when I met him but he's overcome a lot of it since then :gigachad2:

This started to crumble once he actually started dating :marseymalding:

What started as a couple Tindr flings :hump: ended in finding a woman he would date for two years. Also a woman who was in a polycule :marseychonkerfoid: A few months in he had a moment where he realized that is fricking stupid so he dumped her :gigachad2: But the kitty was too strong; so much that while I was visiting and lodging with him after flying hundreds of miles, he kicked me out of the house early because he just needed some alone time :marseyshrug: I mean hey I was there for a week at that point and I was going to leave in a couple days but he's not used to that kind of prolonged company so I understood :marseythumbsup:

It wasn't until I flew back a week later that he told me I was kicked out **because he wanted this foid back over for kitty :marseypoggers: :marseywtf2: **

They continued to date for two years. But not even a year in he realized he didn't like her very much, all the while she wanted to get serious :marseytrad: But he was too cowardly to break up because, his words, "I don't want to be alone". :marseypathetic2:

So when it finally ended I thought he might have learned something :marseymoidteach:

Back on the dating market he does something I was proud of: bagged a foid at work :horny: :marseygeisha: I actually wrote about this already but I deleted and overwrote it before editlogging was a thing. A passionate romance ensued :romance: I was very happy for him :marseyexcited: He's never felt love from a woman like that before and never had someone to love so hard :marseyembrace: This was the woman he was wanting to bring to my wedding, and even marry himself! This is important information for later. But the point is that there was a lot of passion and my man was happy :marseythumbsup:

Which is why as soon as that honeymoon phase ended and one (1) argument over buying shoes ensued :marseyfoidretard: , it was over. She started playing the distance game. "I need time alone :marseytedsimp2: "

At this point fellow moids, you might be screaming (or you're apathetic, so why did you read this far? :marseymagdump: ) that he needs to drop this foid and move on :handsomechud: Everyone told him that. Me, and his meatspace irls, which is just a handful but they frick and they know r-sluration when they see it :marseyagree:

So what does my man do? :marseyopera:

He continues to go see her, "breaks up" but keeps fricking her, has a whole breeding kink arc...and then she gets PREGNANT :marseypreg: :marseyviewerstare: and then she gets an ABORTION :marseyhanger:

:r#equiredreading: Readers may want to know that I went through a similar thing with my now fiancé. Check my abortion AMA for more information.

So at the time of that AMA I had no one else to talk to except you strags and my man :foreveralone: So when he had to go through the same shit I did all I could to support him.

Anyway after the abortion he goes back to hit it a couple more times :marseymoidmoment: but then he's truly done with her. This breakup process started shortly after telling him that the wedding will happen in half a year.

All this context informs what happened last month. Every one of my groomsmen have already booked, except one (could not make it because money, but we're going to fly out and see that son of a b-word :gigachad2: ) and my best man.

So about every day I start asking him when he is booking because prices are going to go up if you wait any longer :marseycapitalistmanlet:

And one night I finally ask: are you going to come to the wedding? :marseydetective:

:marseydisagree: No! :marseydisagree:

He didn't save any money. He thought his dad was going to pay for it :marseyfacepalm:

So at this point I'm sort of pissed :marseyunamused: but then the following r-slurations were uttered that eventually led to me write this post:

He doesn't want to come because he is anxious about making all the travel reservations, traveling alone (30s man btw) and that he doesn't have a date for the wedding.

:marseypoggers: :marseypoggers: :marseywtf2: :chudspin2: :marseywtf2:

:marseydisabled: Bro why does that matter? Especially the date? I'm asking you to be there for me. And you can go bar crawl and frick women here easily and there are other women at the wedding anyway.

:soyjakferal: I...I just don't want to, okay?

My heart was in pieces :marseydeathpose: Seriously I haven't been the same since.

What follows is a screed about how sorry he is. No not a real apology; Shinji Ikari shit :marseyeva: about how he's the worst person and he should die and I should not feel bad for him :marseymisatoannoyed: :marseypathetic:

B-word you're my best friend how am I just supposed to walk away from this bombshell? :marseydeadeyes:

You mean to tell me that all those months I was deluded into thinking you'd come?? :breakheart:

So right now he just ignores my messages and last weekend when I insisted we hang out he says that he is a broken person and that I should go focus my attention on my partner :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

So it's effectively over right now. Also the only man I'd ever even talk about this cute twink site with so now you r-slurs can hear me complain :marseymagdump:

!attentionmaxxers required reading

!moidmoment Great examples, including me

!truecels This is what lies ON the beaten path. Do yourself a favor and continue to not attempt breeding.

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I'm sry this would be really upsetting I hope you don't feel too bad about it/it doesnt take away from your happiness about the wedding. Sometimes this stuff happens and you wonder why you've tried so hard with people who just aren't capable of returning it

But at the same time I'm so jealous of this guy's audacity lmao. ":soyjakferal: I...I just don't want to, okay?" I don't want to either but I gotta fly to fricking Chicago and San Jose within a 2 month period just because I love my friends and don't wanna disappoint them :marseygunshotsuicide:

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I think about this one time some years ago when I was still single and fat but one of my good friends was getting married. Broke as shit but I saved the cash up to travel anyway. Was very worth it and I even reconnected with some friends.

One of my groomsmen I did not expect to come is making it happen. He's willing to forgo a hotel for a couple nights and camp outside :marseygrilling2: homie's been through a lot with me but I was not expecting that dedication :marseysulk: man's going to be my kid's godfather.

Then my best man is just...???? It's not like he doesn't give a frick is the problem, is that he gives a frick but his priorities are different. Darn if he really came out with "I hate weddings I'm not gonna go :gigachad2:" months ago I'd respect that.

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Probably going to camp out for one of those weddings too, shout-out to that groomsman for making it happen. You think you'll ask one of those guys to take the best man reigns? I hope it's comforting either way that you've got a lot of people who still care enough to go to those lengths, sounds like this guy is just too emotionally r-slurred to function

Yeah like if it was something he told you months ago then you at least wouldn't have planned around him :/ there's a real autist in one of our friend groups and I rly hope the San Jose wedding doesn't invite her cus I know she's gonna cost them a $300 plate and then at best back out but most likely have a freakout and leave in the middle and take attention from the wedding lol

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You think you'll ask one of those guys to take the best man reigns?

Oh yeah. He's going to be the new best man. I have plenty of support, it's just devastating there was a single person I was counting on so hard and now I feel foolish. But I am so happy nearly everyone else can make it and keep it honest with me.

I rly hope the San Jose wedding doesn't invite her cus I know she's gonna cost them a $300 plate and then at best back out

You think she'd RSVP and then pull that? Yeah that would be shitty as frick. Everything is already so expensive.

Initially I really wanted to elope but I was convinced in the merit of having friends and family witness our marriage. The dark side is exposing issues like you and I describe. But if they weren't exposed sooner would they not crop up in the future? :marseyhmmm:

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Especially once you're a family man :marseyfamily: I think it's a real blessing in disguise to have as few of these "take but never give" type people in your life, it sucks to have it happen but in time I think it'll be a relief

I hope you can still post drama you hear about him though :marseygossipsmug:

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There are few other things to post about him but the fact that I even thought about it means :marseyitsover:

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