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  • pet : trailerpark shit
  • MayflyAlt-98 : Grim asf :marseyviewerstare2:
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  • Healthy : This is more interesting the the pinned posts atm.

My ex and my mom got into an insult battle

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Your mom calling @pizzashill Low IQ is :marseychefkiss:

Who sent you this screenshot tho?! !friendsofpizzashill :marseydetective:

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My ex sent it

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Why does pizza need such big font? Is he r-slurred?

Also where's the rest of the :quote:battle:quote:?

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Not posting the rest as it is a bit depressing. Just him insisting im a drunk and my mom saying to leave me alone.

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@pizzashill isn't exactly wrong :marseyxdoubt: here, I think.

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of course I'm not wrong lmao. I'm right in every single thing I've said. her mother is the biggest r-slur I've ever dealt with.

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does her mom know how you two met? if she's such a big r-slur why hasn't she made an account here yet?

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im going to try to explain to you guys the insanity of this woman.

her mom claims I try to control pojom and will not let her work, and that pojom is in fact my slave - this is what her mother tells pojom to convince her to frick her life up.

let's think about that.

the only time pojom has had a job in years is when I talked her into getting one.

the only time pojom had her own money was when I talked her into getting said job.

The only time pojom has had a car and her freedom was when I got her a car.

I did all of the cooking, all of the cleaning, paid all of the bills and did literally everything - all pojoms mother did was sit back and give pojom money to drink with and then BLAME ME FOR HER DRINKING.

I ask her mother to help me get pojom into rehab because she's going to die - her mother says "why are you so mean, she doesn't have a problem" and CONTINUES TO GIVE HER MONEY TO DRINK WITH WHILE ATTACKING ME FOR DARING TO POINT OUT SHE HAS A DRINKING PROBLEM.

you guys have no idea the absolute fricking heck my life has been due to pojoms mother for years now. one day I'll write a fricking giant effort post on this shit and it will blow everyone away. it is BONKERs how this woman operates.

the only more infuriating part is that pojom listens to everything she says, and pretends it makes any coherent sense.

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Wasn't her mom paying your rent at one point? Regardless, why did you just put up with all that?

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Whats even the point of being with pojom? Shes unintelligent, a slob, probably smelly, drunk, will never accomplish anything in life. Meanwhile youre a successful salaried guy with a net worth approaching seven figures. Why would you settle for a creature like that? Every interaction i had with her she was fricking insufferable

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Im thankful my wife hates her mom enough not to let her control her.

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>all the cleaning

Neighbor, you live in a pigsty. Keep flabbing on those fatty lips, but we !metashit'ers know it's a lie. All one big fat lie.

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one day I'll write a fricking giant effort post on this shit and it will blow everyone away. it is BONKERs how this woman operates.


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I ask her mother to help me get pojom into rehab

Darn and I was just there. That would be a great place to hang out with fellow dramatards.

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Bro why are you talking to your ex at all, let alone :marseymoidmoment: her mother.

If you're going :marseysal2: to put yourself :marseykys2: through cbt like this, at least post all the logs.

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>paid all of the bills


Her mom paid the rent.

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I did all of the cooking

you dont say

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You are an absolute cuck who should be grovelling at her moms feet for getting you out of this "relationship".

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that pojom is in fact my slave

Why in god's name would you have picked pojom?

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The things done for gussy :marseyblops2chadcel:

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>pojom is in fact my slave


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Sadly I believe this is true.

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pojom is in fact my slave

-@pizzashill, 2024-05-30

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!remindme 1 month

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Why not tell her that her mom is evil

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I VC'd with pojom :marseybeanpizzashill: today :marseyclueless: and yesterday and learned some interesting :marseylaying: things and I have to agree :marseyyes: her mom is naive :marseysoonretarded: if not r-slurred.

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her mom is not just r-slurred - she's outright malicious and actively trying to destroy pojoms life for her own personal reasons and pojom refuses to accept it.

Her mom legit has not a basic comprehension of how anything works, she's insane, one of the most insane people I've ever dealt with.

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and actively trying to destroy :marseymini: pojoms life for her own personal reasons

I wonder :marseybibby: what those are.

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Are you the same guy who phoned Krayon (sister toucher)'s dad? Are you contacting every dramatard's parents? :marseyconfused:

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I've never :marseyitsover: talked to anyone's parents; Frozen :marseyunresponsive: called Krayon (sister toucher)'s dad. But pojom :marseybeanpizzashill: and I have been friends :marseytherachel: on groomercord :marseyrule4: for years.

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that may be true but you say that about like pretty much everyone you talk to

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no I do not. Most people I call r-slurred I don't even mean itm I actually mean it with this one.

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aww pizza bb thats so sweet of you to admit you actually know I'm a genius

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And she thinks you're low IQ, so you must be even more r-slurred.

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she said that because I called someone else low IQ lmao.

again, fi you're not going to make any comment of substance you pathetic little cute twink then go post somewhere else.

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Says the guy that got dumped by a mid foid and works in a grocery store stalking shelves.

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You are both right

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:marseyp#opcorn: I usually hate metanonsense too

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This must be a humiliation fetish for her :marseyhmmm:

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You apparently are an alcoholic and get tested routinely according to your mom. Were the bloody marys part of the test? :marseynotes:

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And the font size?

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why don't you and your mom just ignore him? can't you block phone numbers? or is that not legal in the UK or something?

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big font

Looks normal to me. :marseyboomer:

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Pizza needs glasses but refuses to. Poj had to force him to go get tested. :marseyblind:

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was he bitching about your mom to you? :marseyxd: also

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Just say pizza sent it dumbass

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Your mom is the real low IQ person and so are you. The fruitcakes don't fall far from the baker. Pizzashill is a high quality man and you ran away from that

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Fastest shelf stocker on the West Coast!

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i like how you keep calling him your ex instead of dignifying him with his name. keep him distant. smart.

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You'd presume the mom, but the chat is shown from Pizza's perspective.

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It is my mom calling him low IQ

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What do you mean? He's my best friend, I'd always send him screenshots of him getting dunked on.

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Is her mom a redditor?

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