Billy Goats!

My mom has three Billy goats, two yearling females and an older male. The girls are named Lily and Penelope :marseyjam: they're all super in love with each other and they adore people :marseyheart: they cost a lot though! They're spoiled and will only eat alphalfa hay :marseysuicide: we just refilled the barn with hay and it was the same price we paid annually back when we had five horses, in addition to the goats, back in the early 2000's. Ugh inflation, honey, you're drunk. Go home :marseydepressed:


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Do they try to you the occasional head-butt? That's my favourite thing about goats.

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They approach more often for horn/ head scratches and food. But anytime I park in my mom's driveway, all three of them start bleating and trotting over to the main gate to greet me :marseyheart:

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Please get us some video of that! 🐐 ❤️

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I can try but my phone is very much on its last legs. Apologies in advance if it can't handle that kind of upload :marseycry: :marseygiveup: it often shuts me out of this app from overload...

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