Cat post #7

I brought Sheila and the babies to the vet early because my anxiety was unbearable after the passing of Dean.

Sheila is estimated 1 year 3 months old at best. She was barely over 2 pounds when weighed. She tested negative for feline leukemia as well as two other cat killers. I brought in a poop sample yesterday before work and will know if she has any parasites by Wednesday. She's on a prescription diet and has already put on a slight bit of fat I think. She really loves the prescription kibble for reseting the biome.

There are actually two female tortie's (one is to be re-named, formerly Hank), and the black kitten has stripes on his paws now so he may be a second tabby. The largest 10 day old kitten when weighed (Brock) was 3 grams.

The kittens are 1/3 their ideal weights and are being formula fed 3 to 4x a day on top of whatever they get out of Sheila. But the vets said at least 3 of her ducts are btfo'd from her just being too darn little and young to feed this many kids successfully. Maybe Dean never got enough milk or formula just because there was not enough input on either end. Their new diet is at least getting them twice the nutrients as compared to when initially rescued.

I hope you all are well. We are still hurting over Dean. Unfortunately we have to find out which collar to return soon :marseysulk:

I had a lot of luck yesterday :marseydragonnewyear:. A lot of food was given to me by a university to help out. Obviously can't say which one, but my family has gotten a lot of animals brought back from the edge by their vet school. If I get doxxed you'll know who I'd shout out if I could lmao


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