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A letter :marseystamp: to myself :marseycyanide:

It's time to stop living :marseyzombie2: in regret.You made some bad choices studying :marseyklennyreading: English, but the past is in the past. It's time to make the most of what you have. Consider :marseyhyperthonk: teaching overseas. It would :marseymid: mean quitting drugs :marseytrippydance: but it's worth the sacrifice :marseytrolley: to build :marseyikea: a life for yourself.

You also need to need to get over Sarah :marseymerchantelf: H. She loves you as a friend, and you need to accept :marseyokay: and appreciate :marseythanks: it. Friendship is rare and you should :marseynorm: value such a close :marseynoyouzoom: friendship instead of wanting to stick :marseybundle: your peepee everywhere. You also need to calm down on the drugs :marseysosa: and stop taking so many benzos, it's bad for your health even though it feels :marseyvapecrying: good. Kendrick :marseyrapper: Lamar isn't bad as I thought :marseymindblown: he was, he has some good songs. Hard is Life is an amazing person :marseywall: and she deserves respect :marseychudgravedance: and love because she has a hard life and she deserves support.

I need to certmax and find my way into the IT field.

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