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It's only going to get worse.

Nationally, there's a decrease in numbers of kids being born. Locally Oregon has an even higher decrease in kids being born. Less kids means that funding will continue to decrease. Data shows that wealthier parents are sending kids to private schools more often than the past, and having fewer kids. This means that public schools are left with a dwindling number, of kids largely from lower economic status meaning higher needs.

Additionally the shift in the last 10-20 years of keeping disruptive/high behavior needs kids in classrooms is only going to accelerate this flight. My neighbor pulled her kids out of an elementary school after a kid had numerous repeated outbursts (some violent) which made the class have to "evacuate" to the center of the school wing for hours at a time, numerous times in a month. Principle was kind but acknowledged that the kid was going to stay in the class and her hands were tied in the matter. So PPS seems like they are prioritizing keeping disruptive kids in classrooms over the needs of other students. Parents with resources will just say, "frick that" and either move districts or pay for private school where they aren't subjected to such traumatic disruption in school.

This is the future of public education in blue areas. Parents with the means will simply switch to private schools or move away which will shrink the tax base and lead to budget cuts.

Fricking with education will never end well. Should've listened when people were complaining, I guess. :marseysipping:

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Most school budgets are being wasted on giving every hoodrat problem child an IEP

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I bet most of the money is used to buy hookers and blow for admins.

How much does it really cost to run a school district?

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Teachers unions are the problem

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Unions pull dues from teachers who aren't paid shit. Kinda doubt it

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More taxes is somehow the only solution to every problem in Oregon. A few years ago it was discovered that the guy running the joint office of homeless services was awarding 80% of contracts to his wife's non-profit outreach org. Somehow it was decided this was not a conflict of interest or in any way any kind of impropriety. The people running these supposed non-profits are profiting like a mfer, paying themselves hundreds of thousands per year. Everyone in the county making over $125k has to pay an extra 1% on their income tax that was supposed to pay for pre-school for every child, but after it was implemented the people administering that money decided they could only afford to pay for pre-school for black kids. Black people account for 5.4% of the county population.

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:marseyreapcrying: :marseyshook: :marseypearlclutch:

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>How and when did Oregon run out of money? We can't afford teachers and schools, we can't afford to fund our roads and apparently need toll freeways and toll bridges, we can't fund enough homeless shelters, we aren't funding our police anymore, state issued a kicker tax rebate, we decided not to fund drug treatment facilities, even the OLCC isn't building their new alcohol palace. Are we broke or do our politicians just not know how to spend money or allocate money?

"Guys, I buried my head in the sand immediately after Biden's inauguration, and I poked it out today after reading this article.....ummmm why are things still shit? I was promised progressive Utopia after we ousted le orange man? Our politicians aren't... :marseypearlclutch: LYING....to us....are they?! :marseyscream: "

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I have over 40 videos up loaded of Japanese women pooping and having diarrhea in their pants or in the potty! Email me for more!!


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