Diversity hire (SCOTUS) "The first amendment is hamstringing the government in significant ways"

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!chuds were right again


Lmao I'm surprised the WPATH leaker didn't hear her r-slurred answer to “what is a woman”

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Lmao the only justice I dislike, for good reason.

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She's a literal diversity hire but I can't rlly express that opinion w out seeming like a nut lol

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Oh you don't have to try sweetie we already know.

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the two arent mutually exclusive but point taken

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I mean Biden excluded like 99% of other SCOTUS candidates based on their race and gender lmao that's literally how he choose her.

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That is literally the soup dejure of an opinion, chud. :taygrimacing:

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I mean im not a fan of acb either but ya kbj is so much worse

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Alito is probably the worst. His “reasoning” is always r-slurred. Trump's picks are surprisingly actually better than the other conservatives on the Court lol

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Alito is the TEMU version of Scalia.

S tier : Gorsuch

A tier: Roberts, Thomas

B tier: Kagan, Kavanaugh, Barrett

C tier: Alito, Sotomayor

F tier: Jackson

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acab for life bigot

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Sotomayor also sucks but that's mostly in her writing, she's not actually r-slurred. KBJ is is just above https://Tumblr_SCOTUS.blog.

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sotomayor is worse

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You're fine with the rest of them taking bribes?

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I can forgive corruption, but not incompetence.

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Oh please lmao, taking a frickin bribe? These frickin guys bring home like a quarter million a year and they are dead serious about legal shit not typically the sellout type (besides this diversity hire) If there is anyone in the government I trust it's supreme court justices, plus with lifetime appointments they have less reason than any other official to be biased

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Obviously some of them want bribes since Clarence Thomas got caught taking them.

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excuse me, those are his reparations

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Yea right he was given gifts like the rest of them buttholes. He received less shit than KBJ or whatever her name is and she barely started.

There is literally 0 proof a bribe ever effected his ruling on any case

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What about when his wife bribed him with blowjobs?

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you remember your first blowjob?

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It was in a whorehouse in spain and he was gorgeous

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How long did it take 4 the guy to c*m? Heh heh heh

EDIT: ah shit i didn't notice you said "he." kinda took the air out of my whole punchline butthole

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I mean if they did its not changing their votes, you pretty much know which way each justice is gonna go

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lmao just admit its cuz shes black and foid

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I dislike her because being black and female are the only qualifications they considered when appointing her.

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No this is based. Xi and Putin aren't hamstrung like this, which is why the latter didn't mobilize conscripts to go die en masse.

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>Sending your surplus male incelwaffen into a meat grinder is a bad thing.

That's like half the point of warfare between nation states.

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She's leagues better than Sotomayer which is saying a lot

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i saw a post about this earlier https://twitter.com/ReclaimTheNetHQ/status/1769784386583507271

stuff like this make me want to fedpost, tbh. it's crazy

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>but how would you feel if the first amendment didn't hamstring the government

I mean she got the conditional hypothetical... but I'm not sure I like where she came out on it.

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Why are you saying the first amendment doesn't hamstring the government?

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The American constitution is the only reason why the globalists haven't won yet.

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>the unstoppable global cabal that already controls all media, finance, and that has the keys to the military intelligence community has only been thwarted by the handwritten words of Thomas Jefferson and the loosely reorganized ideals of Voltaire

:marseyclueless: :marseygigaretard:

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this but unironically

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ink and paper is like garlic to a vampire for the Chosen

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Jefferson wasn't even on the continent you dumb strag

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no, he (and all of the r-slur judges he appointed) treated the constitution like potty paper and massively expanded the federal government in order to push his cute twink agenda, which was ultimately ineffective and has led to many of the problems we face today

also he failed to ally with hitler and eradicate all slavs

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That's r-slurred

He should have carried out Operation Unthinkable, rearmed Germany and stabbed Stalin in the back

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Keep yourself safe

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Not just that but Trump winning in 2016. If Hilary chose 3 Supreme Court justices, those who denied the coof shot would be in Gitmo.

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God I hate this mouth breathing :marseykween:

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They will pry Fedsey's rdrama fedposting out of Fedsey's cold, dead hands


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Do you read stuff on here and then twist your fams ears about whats happening in the world?

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My wife is probably thisclose to just buying me a bell so she doesn't have to hear about it lol


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Buy one yourself so you can get something sweet.


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:marseyxd: LMAO

:marseynotes: Good idea

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Literally me

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This might be my favorite Wojak art. It just somehow perfectly capture the emotions of this relationship

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The look on the wife's face is just :marseychefkiss:

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Lease unqualified diversity hire.

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If anyone believes the government gives a solitary frick about them they're at best willfully ignorant, at worst fanatically r-slurred. They aren't even being shy about this shit.

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"Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important."



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