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Justice Alito flies the American flag upside-down, a code for the Jan 6 "Stop The Steal Movement," but dramatically blamed his wife :gigachad2: for doing it as a neighborhood dispute :surejan:


Taken from Americas #1 news source:

After the 2020 presidential election, as some Trump supporters falsely claimed that President Biden had stolen the office, many of them displayed a startling symbol outside their homes, on their cars and in online posts: an upside-down American flag.

One of the homes flying an inverted flag during that time was the residence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., in Alexandria, Va., according to photographs and interviews with neighbors.

The upside-down flag was aloft on Jan. 17, 2021, the images showed. President Donald J. Trump's supporters, including some brandishing the same symbol, had rioted at the Capitol a little over a week before. Mr. Biden's inauguration was three days away. Alarmed neighbors snapped photographs, some of which were recently obtained by The New York Times. Word of the flag filtered back to the court, people who worked there said in interviews.

While the flag was up, the court was still contending with whether to hear a 2020 election case, with Justice Alito on the losing end of that decision. In coming weeks, the justices will rule on two climactic cases involving the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, including whether Mr. Trump has immunity for his actions. Their decisions will shape how accountable he can be held for trying to overturn the last presidential election and his chances for re-election in the upcoming one.

“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to The Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito's impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot.

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That thing you're doing? Its a dog whistle for bad people. Enjoy being hated more because of me.

:chadleftoidtalking: :marseyjournotalking: :marseyreportercnntalking:

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I like just like that he blamed his wife PERIODT

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Can't believe we had evil Jan 6ers in South Dakota way back in 1998. How deep does this rabbit hole go?

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I wonder if he and Clarence Thomas hang out after work like Scalia and RBG used too

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RBG seemed like she had a good sense of humor. Something that's lost on younger generations is that you can be a huge lib and also be cool to hang out with

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huge lib and also be cool to hang out with

i remember when you could rely on them to bring good dope to the party.

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"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."



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