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Anytime someone points out on /r/neoliberal that their preferred policies/ideas would be wildly popular if they toned down the extremist trans rhetoric even just a little bit, they get immediately y'alled from the sub.

Shame, because it sadly is the most sane political sub outside that. Used to be an /r/Drama sister sub.

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>Remove Reagan and Thatcher flairs

>Sub goes to shit

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!neolibs which of the /r/neoliberal flairs users are the worst?

My vote is the Paul Krugman flairs

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Worst: Krugman, any pride flag, NATO, UN, YIMBY, Rawls, and Douglass

Best: Hayek, Arendt, Borlaug

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NATO flairs were the chuds till Ukraine

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I almost forgot about Douglass flairs during the summer of love in 2020.

What's wrong with the NATO flairs? I haven't lurked in a while so I just remember them being like “neoconservatism is when le wholesome drones” :marseyclueless:

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They joined /r/neoconNWO, which is full of high schoolers seething about “isocucks” and “libs”

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Not true, there is also the old guard there fighting the eternal Prot vs Catholic war. (The Catholics are winning. :marseycry:)

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:marseyzoomer: “broooo prots are so cringe fr fr”

:marseyzoomer: “nahhhh bro 💀 Catholics ain't rizzin fr”

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The ISO has gone too far. Who are they to decide what measurements I'm allowed to use?

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It went from a based neocon flair to a straggy Sophi she/they #BLM #freePalestine :marseytransflag: flair since they learned about NATO in 2022.

Douglass is just sad because he's unfathomably based. But his flairs want to live in chains.

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The Alphabets :marseylgbtflag5:

What about taking it up the butt has to do with neoclassical economics?

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By actively promoting diversity, businesses can tap into a broader range of perspectives, fostering creativity and driving :marseysteer: economic growth. Studies have shown that diverse teams are more innovative and perform better. So, from a neoclassical standpoint, supporting LGBT+ individuals isn't just about social :marseyblm: justice—it's about maximizing utility and achieving the most efficient market :marseystocksupdown: outcomes. In other words, embracing :marseyembrace: positive :marseyfingergoodjob: discrimination is just good economics. If Adam Smith were around today, he'd probably be drafting policies to make sure we're all working :marseylifting: in the most trans :marseyclock: BIPOC :marseybeanblack: inclusive :marseyquadsconfused: and efficient economy possible.

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Idk, but transwomen keep the internet working and consume lots of pharma stuff, so they're probably good for economic growth.

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The Trans Pride and Bi Pride ones are pretty annoying

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Being an unironic Reagan/Thatcher fan should be grounds for compulsory admission to a psychiatric-ward. Truly unrecoverable levels of brain rot.

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I'm a fan of Thatcher because it makes people seethe when you say it. Simple as. :marseycool2:

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:marsey#thatcher: :platy!#salute:

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Somebody hates girl power :marseysmughips:

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t. Argo :marseysmug2:

:marseyww1british2: :marseyflagargentina: :marseyjetbombing: :marseyrulebritannia: :donkeykongukflag:

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Thatcher was the last point at which Ingerlund was a respectable nation. Compare Thatcher with any post-Blair PM.

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Thatcher says trans rights

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Shame, because it sadly is the most sane political sub outside that

Wait until the American election get's closer and watch as they become /r/politics-lite, that sub always gets extremely shitty as major elections loom due to astroturfing and mods pushing their activism.

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Already politics lite. Top comments are already seething about "centrists." They are fully cooked from the 2020 big tent (and before that, but 2020 was the floodgates.) Every once in a while I see some post where some of them start to chud out a little, but the full transformation to the people they used to make fun of is pretty wild.

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they have an automod response to dooming about the election, telling people to voooote and vooolooonter for Biden. it reminds me of the Sanders4Prez sub, complete with unskewing of the polls that keep showing their guy is behind Trump

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reminds me of the Sanders4Prez sub,

The irony being combustible

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You can claim to be Neoliberal and disagree on any given issue of welfare, trade, taxation, etc. But you cannot disagree about s*x changes on minors. Therefore, that's what Neoliberalism is truly about.

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/r/neoliberal, sure..

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Maybe that used to be true, but the jannies dialed the mopping up to 11 some time ago

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They banned :marseyban: the economist (famous neolib newspaper) because they refused to say trans :marseypassftm: rights.

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Are you for serious?

That's like a Christian sub banning the bible.

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That would be most of politicsl movements. Greens would be wildly successful without trans and shitskin stuff.

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The French green party has terrible energy policies though, they're against nuclear power for instance (on a country where 70% of it's power comes from nuclear) they also support carbon taxes (that's a good policy at least) which are super unpopular in France.

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Do you think carbon taxes could ever pass without massive backlash?

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Not while most people's vehicles run on gasoline/diesel, or while most people rely on gas for heating in the Northern Hemisphere.

I don't think people will be happy with imported goods getting expensive all of the sudden either.

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it sadly is the most sane political sub

Consider the gravity of this statement for a moment.

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Perfect example of the smartest kid on the short bus still being an r-slur.

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I disagree. I like trans :marseychimera: people but to create a globalized world :marseyww1french2: you have to be able to get the rest of the world :marseykamikaze: to connect with your ideals. Increased rampant globalization would :marseymid: require downplaying the trans :marseyfemboy: rights :marseymicrosoftpride: element as its far harder to assimilate immigrants :marseyabbott: in strongly pro trans :marseysmugfinn: societies than pro gay ones. Trans :marseynotesbardfinn: rights :marseykylerentfree: should :marseynorm: take center stage once Saudi :marseyimam: Arabians can handle the gays.

This post rests on native land.

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:marseyclapping2: NEOLIBERALISM IS TRANS RIGHTS :marseyclapping2:

How does being transphobic as a centrist help the far right win? Are you suggesting the far right is pro trans rights? :marseyconfused:

Normalizing far right talking points helps the far right in the long term even if it may help taking votes away from them in the short term :marseybigbrain:

If he does this it means they are already normalised

Don't get me wrong, this is bullshit. But with a transphobic voter base this is what you get :marseysmughips:

Politics are downstream of culture. No not like that we cannot normalize moderate chuds!


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What's the percentage of french voters who care about train stuff? I bet is only a fraction of the anglosphere's obsession with trains (see the US, Canada, Uk, Australia)

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Not even the anglos are really that passionate about it. It's just that they have a very loud internet presence.

See for example the failure of the harry potter game boycott.

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I just want ya have a pint, ride me broom around and catch a sneak or two, simple as

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I'd assume lower. France is like the one major EU country that the citizenry somewhat ignores US culture war issues from what I have heard.

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What's the percentage of french voters who care about train stuff?

Probably not a lot. I'm french and trans stuff is a non-topic here. Whenever I hear about it, it comes from the anglo sphere, basically.

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Very few, in no small part because trains (real trains, with a medical diagnosis and years of psych appointments) have been able to transition for a long time.

Only the US obsessed ultra leftoids care, and it's a fairly recent thing.

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If you think that general weariness of the trans debate is ‘far right' then you desperately need to touch grass.

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Ah, the mediocrity of French centrists. But I guesd the other parties will eat their vote share anyway.

>WHAA, Macron doesn't suppor trans rights, I guess the neoliberal thing is to support the anti NATO bolsheviks of LFI


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scratch a liberal and a dramatard sneeds

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I used to defend him, but this is pretty sickening stuff. It almost looks like he wants the far right to win. Whatever 5D chess game he thinks he's playing, using the trans community as a sacrificial cow is "grotesque".

Is interesting that Redditor doesn't understand outside very progressive communities like NY and LA trans don't really exist.

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It's funny considering /r/neoliberal would sacrifice neoliberalism itself in exchange of :marseytrain: friendly rhetoric

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It is because half of the sub are left soc dems and the remaining are basically coastal center left democrats. There are a few center right users there but most were banned or left before 2020 when the sub was a lot more grounded.

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And the 80% :marseytrain2: Jannie squad running honeypots to root out the "secret terfs" outside their train box discussion thread.

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Because it's not a neoliberal :marseysalendofherstory: subreddit anymore

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>All I want is dirtbag centrists who will aggressively rhetorically hippie punch and have Sister Souljah moments against the far left... while also supporting normie liberal ideas, including trans rights. But every fricking time they seem to end up spouting anti trans shit. Why the frick is it so hard for anti leftist liberals to acknowledge trans rights? It's not like there's some sort of actual ideological incongruence between liberalism and trans rights

And the "dirtbag" centrists (lovely comradery btw) agreed to give you a small modicum of power. But as the far-right accurately pointed out, the lust for power has gone straight to their heads, and the actual normies have had enough and are pulling out.

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I also get the feeling that “dirtbag centrists” are wary of the media in general and tend to see trans stuff as a distraction that doesn't really matter. Basically they are indifferent to trains but are not necessarily supportive of them really.

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It's very hard to keep a positive opinion on (or even CARE about) trans-centric news stories being pushed all of the time when crime, inflation, and corruption from our government officials goes unanswered. It foments the idea of "Frick your problems! All that matters is everything is BLACKER, GIRLIER, AND GAYER!!"

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Centerist has increasingly become a slur in wingcucked spaces

Tigerdroppings has “OT centerist” that would be chuds on rdrama

Basically if you don't fill suck the narratives gock then you are centerist devil

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>Me, oppressing literally BILLIONS, as I say "eh, I don't really care about abortion" to a white woman.


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Centrist in wingcuck spaces means a conservative who is too embarrassed to admit it.

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I think that comment contains my yearly allowable dose of phytoestrogens.

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The tweet about leftistm boiling down to black and :marseytrain: worship above all else really was probably the best description I've seen

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Looks like Macron is using transphobia as a cudgel

Honhonhon what is a le woman?

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Cambyses(:macroncool:) has finally slaughtered their Apis bull

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Even normies are shit of :marseytrain: shit.

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