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The Seven Black Presidents Before Barack Obama :dasrite:


!nooticers learn your history

Were There Black US Presidents before? The people thought that Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States. Wrong.

1. John Hanson (a Moor) was actually the 1st President of the United States, he served from 1781 -- 1782 and he was black. The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land).

Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.

As President, Hanson ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as removal of all foreign flags. He established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents since have been required to use on all Official Documents. He declared that the 4th Thursday of every November to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. Even though elected, one variable that was never thought through was that America was not going to accept a Black President during the heart of the enslavement period. Enter George Washington.

2. Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States, he served from 1801 -- 1809 and he was black. His mother a half-breed Indian squaw and his father a mulatto (half white and half black) from Virginia. He fathered numerous children with Sally Hemmings, a mulatto slave with whom he lived with in Europe.

3. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States. He served from 1829 -- 1837 and he was black. His mother was a white woman from Ireland who had Andrew Jackson with a black man. His father's other children (Andrew Jackson's stepbrother) was sold into slavery.

4. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, he served from 1861 -- 1865 and he was black. His mother was from an Ethiopian Tribe and his father was an African American. It was told that his father was Thomas Lincoln, a man to cover the truth, but he was sterile from childhood mumps and was later castrated, making it impossible for him to have been his father. Lincoln's nickname "Abraham Africa-nus the First."

5. Warren Harding was the 28th President of the United States, he served from 1921 -- 1923 and he was black. Harding never denied his ancestry. When Republican leaders called on Harding to deny his "Negro" history, he said, "How should I know whether or not one of my ancestors might have jumped the fence?"

6. Calvin Coolidge was the 29th President of the United States, he served from 1923 -- 1929 and he was black. He proudly admitted that his mother was dark but claimed it was because of a mixed Indian ancestry. His mother's maiden name was "Moor." In Europe the name "Moor" was given to all Black people just as in America the name "Negro" was used.

7. Dwight E. Eisenhower was the 33rd President of the United States, he served from 1953 -- 1961 and he was black. His mother, Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower, an anti-war advocate, was half black.

So, America has survived and thrived through our first Seven Black Presidents and we will survive and THRIVE through the election of this one!

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Nice bait article :capyclueless: :marseyoctopus4:

Black historians, however, were not the first to write about the five presidents' racially mixed families. White historians and political opponents also wrote about the men's black ancestors, but the books were either destroyed, went out of print or are hard to find.

A common theme associated with the earlier black presidents is that they all passed for white, sometimes destroying family photographs and letters, to hide their racial backgrounds.

Wait, they're serious? :#marseyaware:

!historychads Basketball americans reclaiming Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson. I never thought they were into "WE WUZ SLAVE OWNERZ 'N SHEET" :#marseycracka:

Here's one brazilian real life example


The only Kang nobleman in the history of the Empire.

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Andrew Jackson was a real neighbor

>dude tried to shoot him and then he beat the shit out of the guy

>said his main regrets were not killing Henry Clay and John Calhoun

>once had a big butt cheese block made and invited everybody in the hood to have a piece

>talked so real that his parrot got kicked out his funeral for swearing

>is a literal Samurai Shodown character

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!nooticers and burgers are going to replace this Giga :based: man on the 20$ bill for a Kween?

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He'd have shot the person who decided to put him on the 20.

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But did he hate it more than BIPOCs?

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>did the early 1800's southerner :marseysouthernerpearlclutch: hate Jewish :marseyfemboymerchant: bankers or BIPOCs more?

Idk I'd say he wanted to kill on and enslave the other so take your pick on which is worse

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Judah P. Benjamin, a jew, was the Secretary of State of the CSA, so yes they hated BIPOCs more.

Antisemitism took flight and became fashionable in the US in the late 19th century.

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Ahhh you missed :marseydeadtrumpshooter: the part where :marseydrama: i said Jewish :marseysaluteisrael: BANKERS

Bankers were not well loved and being jewish, while not getting they they received in the 19th century, wasn't a boon

Antebellum farmers' persistent complaints about banks lending to merchants, but refusing to lend to them are consistent with the expected effect the a price ceiling :marseysmokealarmbeep: state :marseycoonass: usury laws established. Price ceilings create shortages, and when they are in financial markets, those who go without are high risk borrowers like farmers.

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Antebellum farmers' persistent complaints about banks lending to merchants, but refusing to lend to them


>No :#chadjew: :#marseysuit:

Lmao !neolibs plantationcels be seething at urban industrialchads

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Yeah he is too real for the political party he started

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Andrew Jackson is the only Tennessee president :marseytrumpblack: btw

!dixie they don't make them like they used to smdh

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Andrew Jackson conquered Florida, in Ancient Rome generals would receive a cognomen after a victory. Publius Cornelius Scipio became Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus after defeating the Carthaginians. It's only fair Jackson should have been re-named Andrew Jackson Floridus.

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I honestly should :marseynorm: go visit his place :marseyminipixel: in hermitage, TN at some point :marseytedsimp2:

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I love Dixie plantation architecture, Neoclassicism and Greek revival were fashionable in early 19th century US.

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Is there :marseycheerup: any plantation :marseycracka: houses like that in your Dixieland town in southern :marseypastor: Brazil?

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You mean old "Casa Grandes" from the time of slavery?

The largest ones weren't located in the South as the South was mostly populated by cattle ranchers who were rather rustic (even though they used slave labor) and small farmers of immigrant origin, in fact immigrant towns are the rural attractions of the South, however in Porto Alegre there are beautiful large mansions from the time of the Empire, like the one which belonged to the Viscount of Pelotas. The great coffee plantations which belonged to the coffee barons (quite literally, members of the low nobility) are located in the "Vale da Paraíba" between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

There are many large plantation houses in the Northeast as well.


This is from "Moreno" plantation in Pernambuco, it was a "sugar engenho" or sugar plantation and mill. That's the Master's house.


Casa Grande from an old Coffee Plantation in SP

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Those are really :marseythinkorino2: darn cool but I was talking about from the town that confederates moved to in Brazil :marseywerebackbrasileiro:

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Oh, that's Santa Bárbara d'Oeste in São Paulo. Apparently there's nothing left from that time, the city grew and most old houses were torn apart.

I found this pic from a building or house from that time


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It's truly my favorite :mersya: as well but anything :marseycoleporter: from that era is either utterly ruined :marseygraze: or beyond :marseynietzscheretard: expensive if you can even find any.

you still will see columns on newer some places but it's not the same if there :marseycheerup: isn't a wrap around porch or at least a large :marseyslimepurple: front :marseyviewerstare: porch you could throw :marseyrejecthug: a party :marseychingchongpirate: on

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How did ypu forget about James K Polk and Andrew Johnson?

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I thought :marseymindblown: they were from North :marseychristmaself2: Carolina?

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Nope, unless new info has been discovered since I was in 4th grade

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Ahh they were both born in North :marseychristmaself2: Carolina but were politicians in TN

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17218601022997484.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17218601027776785.webp

Edit: Though Polk was born before :marseyskellington: TN became its own state :marseycoonass: tbf. It was still a part of N Carolina at his birth :marseychestburster: I think :marseyquestion:

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mmt of the richest man ever mansa musa, a B,lack man



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"I hate talking to those darn BIPOCs."

---actual Eisenhower quote talking about African diplomats

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When you look in the mirror, can you tell that you're stupid?

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Thats so funny

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ngl Eisenhower could be a quadroon, look at his mother https://i.rdrama.net/images/17218637220636702.webp

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"In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant."



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