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The cards let you perform charge backs if you're ripped off in any way, protect you against fraudulent use, and give you insurance on your rental cars.

we could just make an e-currency with that protection serviced by the govt, and it wouldn't have to come with the liability of running up 30% interest rates on overspending.

yet again letting the market solve issues of governance inherently comes with the overtone of exploiting people too stupid to make better decisions.

please just keep yourself safe for being so myopically r-slurred.

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we could just do x

But no one has done that and no one is suggesting anyone does that. Until that is on the table it has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation on putting a cap on the interest rate of credit cards.

letting the market solve issues

These are bank regulations you mouth breather. They're literally government regulation. Did your mom drink when she was pregnant?

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These are bank regulations you mouth breather. They're literally government regulation

so make the govt regulations align for normal bank transactions??? how absolutely :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: are you???

Until that is on the table it has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation on putting a cap on the interest rate of credit cards.

those "protections" shouldn't be tied to only interest charging lines of credit.

seriously, please :marseygunshotsuicide: urself for being so :marseypeanutbrain:

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In what way will lowering interest rates affect anything you just brought up? Then how is why if this relevant you dumb frick?

so make the govt regulations align for normal bank transactions??? how absolutely :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: are you???

youre legit r-slurred. You clearly can't follow the conversation.

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Then how is why if this relevant you dumb frick?

because u attacked lower rates because credit cards give "muh consumer protection benefits" and i told u it's :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: that those benefits are tied to interest charging lines of credit.

there's a god darn message history u fricking :marseypeanutbrain:. learn to read if dementia is hitting so fast u already can't remember a 4 message convo.

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That's not what happened at all....

I said that a cap on interest rates would keep a lot of people from being approved for cards. When asked why this would matter i explained the benefits of credit cards.

Those benefits aren't tied to interest rates and id never say something that r-slurred.

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Those benefits aren't tied to interest rates and id never say something that r-slurred.

you literally just typed up the sentence:

a cap on interest rates would keep a lot of people from being approved for cards. When asked why this would matter i explained the benefits of credit cards

aruging that a cap on interest rates result in less people getting the benefits of cards... and my respond is that it's completely fricking :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: those consumer benefits are inherently attached to interest charging lines of credit. the regulation shouldn't be limited to lines of credit, the consumer protection should be a general protection for all electronic payments.

the fact someone as completely :marseypeanutbrain: as u can survive in our society is exactly why we deserve the extinction we've been diggin


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aruging that a cap on interest rates result in less people getting the benefits of cards...

It will cause that. It's not an argument its an obvious statement of fact.

they should just make 15 other changes no one else is talking about

Ok what does that have to do with the current discussion of just capping the interest rate and making no other changes? That is the idea on the table. Not your r-slurred plan to rework all electronic payments.

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cap the fricking interest rates.

if ur concerned about people losing protection, then the argument should be for regulating all electronic payments, not leaving around an exploitative system because we currently only attached consumer protection to that.

seriously fricking :marseyropeyourself: for being exactly the kind of myopic butthole that makes us deserve a shit unsustainable society.

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