Neolib Magazine (The Economist) article on young foids and young moids drifting apart :marseywomanmoment:

!neolibs !foidmoment the article in question

Young Chinese men's views were not much different from those of older men, whereas young women's views were far more egalitarian than their mothers'. Claire, a market researcher in Beijing (who uses an English name to preserve her anonymity), says she wants a partner who will treat her as an equal and share the housework. "I think most Chinese men would fail that test," she sighs. Dr Qian notes that when Chinese parents go to "matchmaking corners" in parks, they brag about their sons' jobs and degrees, but hide their daughters' achievements, fearing they will put off potential suitors.

Apparently is a thing in China as well :marseyjewoftheorient:

But they do, starting with education. Although the men at the top are doing fine, many of the rest are struggling. In rich countries, 28% of boys but only 18% of girls fail to reach the minimum level of reading proficiency as defined by pisa, which tests high-school students. And women have overtaken men at university (see chart 4). In the eu, the share of men aged 25 to 34 with tertiary degrees rose from 21% to 35% between 2002 and 2020. For women it rose faster, from 25% to 46%. In America, the gap is about the same: ten percentage points more young women than men earn a bachelor's degree

What's wrong with moids?

The dating scene can also be bleak for men who did not go to university. Upwardly mobile women reject them. Michal Pazura, a young Polish dairy farmer, takes a break from inflating tractor tyres and recalls a girlfriend who "didn't like the smell" of the farm and left him to live in a town. "I wanted a traditional, stable lifestyle. She wanted fun." Male farmers have such a hard time finding spouses that a reality show called "Farmer Wants a Wife" is one of the most popular on Polish television. "It's hard to say what young women want in a man these days," says Lukasz, the Polish fireman. Previously, they just wanted a man with "a stable income, who could fix things in the house…and who had a driving licence", he recalls.


When you go into a gym to work out and a woman's in your line of vision, you look at her and all of a sudden you're famous on TikTok for being a sexual harasser or something," says Kahlil Rose, a 28-year-old conservative man in Atlanta. This has not happened to anyone he knows. But he has seen it on his phone, so it looms large in his consciousness. Benjamin, the student in Washington, offers a similarly gloomy perspective: "Men my age are afraid to get married because they hear a cautionary tale: woman cheats, files for divorce and takes everything he worked for."

The political left has done a fair job of persuading women that it cares about their problems. But it has not figured out how to talk to men, argues Richard Reeves, a liberal scholar, in "Of Boys and Men". Progressives often assume "that gender inequality can only run one way, that is, to the disadvantage of women". And they apply labels like "toxic masculinity" so indiscriminately as to suggest that there is something intrinsically wrong with being male

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Regardless of your stance on the foid question it's simply a fact that you'd have to be completely r-slurred to get married as a male now in days

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