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Step 1 to make libraries that the public wants to use again is removing the computers

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People aren't really into reading anymore, so librarians have gone hard on making libraries "third spaces", which just means public masturbatoriums for vagrants.

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I don't think reading rates have gone down much if at all.

What has changed is instant kindle or pdf downloads of books, or just delivery to your door. These are massively more convenient than going to a library to smell the weirdos

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As much as libraries didn't need to exist as a "museum of the book" the focus on makerspaces, check-out cowtools and the like is really r-slurred. Just make it a place for children's books or something. All the aspires who used to rent the maximum # of DS9 DVDs are pirating them nowadays anyhow

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TBH even as somebody who reads, there just isn't a point to go to library anymore as the selection is just fricking abysmal. Don't like feminine novels? Then you're shit out of luck at the library. Although I'll have to concede with finding books on local topics like the history of the area, on-line book piracy services offer much more than that of library.

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Libraries here are utter dogshit, except one or two major city libraries because they have the shelf space for something other than woman novels. University libraries are nice too

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I literally only go there to scan/print shit lmao

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Libs worship libraries as totems of democratized knowledge and intellectualism while allowing/forcing them to become hobo masturbatoriums

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They are really giving other people who watch porno in the library a bad name.

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Dear California: I have a plan for a free space where homeless people can jerk off so they aren't ruining libraries. It will cost $250 million and I won't build it. DM me to send the money.

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Safe ejaculation sites? I bet you could get a grant.

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Lol @ the arguments about freedom of information.

"Theres simply no way to determine if something is porn or simply art! The government can't be allowed to restrict the public's access to information!"

Like neighbor not being able to view porn on public library computers does not constitute a violation of someone access to information. They can watch porn in other places. It's not information they need to excerise their full political rights anyways.

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I unironically support a porn ban. :marseycoomergenocide:

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Just Let People Enjoy Things!

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