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They really just wanna go to bat for literal libertarians

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Im not sure what the mindset is, theres a certain type of person that goes "we need to fight because my pride has been insulted but youre the butthole if you use a gun"

Never really made sense to me, it was clear they wanted to beat the crap out of cute twink rittenhouse (one dude actually shot at him) then act like it was perfectly justified

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The thing is one of them had a gun and was in the process of pulling it out when he got capped.

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Well yes but in this case im talking more about the r-slurred redditors and media people who said "just need to take your beating and move on instead of shooting them".

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He got "disarmed" :marseysting:

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I think it's just an experiment using bots.

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>i get to punch you and assault you

>but youre the crybaby if you escalate or defend yourself at all

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I shouldn't be surprised, but I am actually kind of surprised at how many leftists have gone totally mask-off pro-murder lately. There's a big subset of leftists who are no different from the rightoids on /pol/ who call for mass murder of their political opponents. Of course the left has always had a murderous subset, often a very large one. The French and Russian revolutions, even later things like the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers... what I feel is somewhat new is that this sentiment is now being openly shared by Reddit soys and Twitter leftoids. There's something jarring about the funko pop crowd openly cheering for the murder of people they hate. Whatever shred of moral high ground used to distinguish Reddit leftoids from out-and-out Nazis seems to be evaporating.

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The level of mental gymnastics they perform to come up with a rationale for Rittenhouse being in the wrong should earn them a gold medal.

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Personally if I thought someone was carrying a gun wanting an excuse to use it in self defense I would simply not attack them

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The funniest thing about Rittensneed is Redditors literally doing victim blaming with zero self-awareness. "He deserved to get killed by Rosenbaum because he was asking for it."

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