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Boyfriend holds me down and force :marseyjetfighter: feeds me - should :marseynorm: I break up with him?


Pretty :marseyglam: much what it says on the tin.

I tried every excuse in the world, but he just straight up does not care, holds me down and physically force :marseyjetbombing: feeds me. I learned to plan around this and told him that I only like certain foods (all of them very very low cal), so my intake is still very low, but it still bothers me, because I can't fast.

He also found :marseymimic: out about my purging and won't let me. He watches my behavior very closely, so none of the old school :marseygrad: tricks on hiding :marseyinabox: purging work and I can't just do it straight up either, because there :marseycheerup: aren't any lockable doors :marseyayy: in my home, so he'd just burst in anyway, plus I'm pretty :marseyglam: sure he'd straight up murder :marseyvargselfdefense: me after.

Are there :marseycheerup: any tips I haven't discovered yet, or will I have to learn :marseybowing: some sort of martial :marseyryu: art and fight :marseygladiator: him off haha?

He knows that I have a history :marseyww1german1: of anorexia, but he doesn't know that I relapsed, and if he ever finds out I'm genuinely going :marseysal3: to kill myself. Luckily for me, in his eyes, ana is not eating :marseyspork: anything :marseycoleporter: ever, so even if I'm at like 300 cals a day, as long as I'm eating :marseywillnever: two times a day, he thinks I'm good, but he's starting to get increasingly worried :marseysweating: and I'm running :marseychaser: out of excuses. He bought the ,,Oh my stomach is just soooo small, so I have to havy tiny portions, I can't help that I get full from one third :marseyswastika: of a banana” lie really :marseythinkorino2: well at first, but again, he's getting suspicious. Uuuuugh, I just need someone to tell me what to do. Please? I love him so much, but I would :marseywood: rather amputate all of my limbs with a butter knife :marseysword2: than recover. Or eat as much as he wants me to.

!thin ppl problems

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I just need someone to tell me what to do. Please?

>bf is telling her what to do

why are women

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