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people who fake eating disorders


I'm friends with this girl who always talked about how she throws up and can't eat anything or she'll vomit and she would always excuse herself to the bathroom after we ate but never came back with water eyes or red face. once i followed her to the bathroom and found out she was just sitting in the stall for a few minutes on her phone(i know this because i heard the music from the piano tiles game) and then coming out. when she came out i asked her if she threw up and she said yea and in my head i was like 'uh i saw you go into the stall and just come out without flushing the potty or watery eyes' She stopped doing this in may tho.

Well, hmm, this is not quite same but my classmate always told me how she was on diet and going gym like crazy and eating super healthy, etc. But at school, she always ate cakes and other stuff and avoided any kind of sport.

I knew a girl in high school that for a while was trying to convince me she had an ed. She'd wouldnt eat at lunch and sat judging what everyone else was eating, make loud comments about calories and fat content. She would also try to convince me she was purging at time and go into the pottys for a few mins but never came out with watery eyes or red face. And after she noticed me bouncing my legs, which is mostly just an anxiety thing, she then started to do it saying she was exercising. She would forever bang on on about it and make such a point of bringing it up, and I was just like ffs.

idk if this relates completely but my mother has always been overweight and would try diets all the time and go on about how she's barely eating and doesn't understand why she wasn't loosing weight; meanwhile at home she would eat 4 slices of meat lovers pizza for dinner and follow it up with a bag of chips and ice cream.


I went out with old high school friends maybe two weeks after I got out of res and I was super open about where I had been. I was asking them all what they'd been up to because I hadn't seen them in years and my one friend goes, "Wait, dude so I have binge eating but not really. I've just been faking it so I could get adderall. So when we go out tonight, we have to make sure we get salty frickin food."

I was like, "Dani, that's really not okay. Duuuuude."

And she goes, "Wait, man, can you help me fake more weight gain? I'm trying to gain as much water weight as I can but you definitely know how to do it, right?"

It was so fricked up and I was absolutely appalled. I was hoping that she had grown up since high school but she didn't. It was the way she was so blase about it that stung the most. Like, I had said that I'd be sober that night (Was capping a bad alcohol problem) and she was on my butt about that, too.

She has a big drug problem and is definitely in denial about the entire thing. She'll say things to rationalize like, "I mean I did crack like twice but it was a total accident."

But I get it. I've been there. Sometimes I still am with my eating. But, when I said that I had just left residential for my ED and she immediately followed by asking for water loading tips, that was the last straw.

my friend said she was anorexic consistently for the first semester of school (literally 5 months of lying to me about every aspect of her life). she was 250 pounds and didnt lose a single pound all semester. said she "vomited everything she ate" in the public bathrooms (bathrooms at my school are SUPER public, a dozen stalls in one bathroom, and echo like a b-word. There Is No Way To Purge, I've Tried).

she was constantly eating, but then the next day would take a bite of an apple and say "this is the first thing i've eaten in two days". said "i've lost 30 pounds!" while she packed down an entire ROLL of oreos and proceeded to never purge them. she also faked depression, said she went to a therapist but couldn't give me their name or even the place she went, and said her depression pill was "super big and hard to swallow". i've been on 3 antidepressants and they've all been tiny. NOTHING she said EVER added up.


Anyway, I had one friend who lost weight in a super healthy way, was eating small meals five times a day and was going to the gym and doing everything by the book. She hadn't seen some of my other friends for a while due to certain overlaps in holidays and school and just weird scheduling, but when they saw her looking fitter they asked if she'd done it healthily. Like god bless their fricking souls for asking that when there were no signs except for her weight loss and she latched onto that question and started saying that she'd lost it all really unhealthily and practically listed out her symptoms to people as if she was reading straight from the DSM-5. I'm sorry, some of you guys might think "oh she might have had something wrong" but I wasn't away from her and she was blatantly lying about so much stuff, nothing made sense. She's kinda known for making stuff up for attention though so after about a month no one even bothered with it any more, not even her lmao.

I knew a girl that would tell me and other people she had severe anorexia. Usually I ignore stupid shit like that but she was insanely triggering (in the cringe way as well) and also obese lol? She would eat a ton during lunch and then beg people for extra food, saying she's starving and “losing too much weight”. One day at lunch I admitted to my friend privately that I felt so sick I didn't eat for 3 days; she overheard me and then started saying she didn't eat for a week and “needed food” from other people. I avoided her completely after that.

I knew a girl that would tell me and other people she had severe anorexia. Usually I ignore stupid shit like that but she was insanely triggering (in the cringe way as well) and also obese lol? She would eat a ton during lunch and then beg people for extra food, saying she's starving and “losing too much weight”. One day at lunch I admitted to my friend privately that I felt so sick I didn't eat for 3 days; she overheard me and then started saying she didn't eat for a week and “needed food” from other people. I avoided her completely after that.

lol i'm too scared to call out fakes at this point because someone who i really thought was faking it ended up actually having one

I'm friends with this girl who always talked about how she throws up and can't eat anything or she'll vomit and she would always excuse herself to the bathroom after we ate but never came back with water eyes or red face. once i followed her to the bathroom and found out she was just sitting in the stall for a few minutes on her phone(i know this because i heard the music from the piano tiles game) and then coming out. when she came out i asked her if she threw up and she said yea and in my head i was like 'uh i saw you go into the stall and just come out without flushing the potty or watery eyes' She stopped doing this in may tho.

she doesn't claim to have an eating disorder, but my stepmom claims to 'understand' me because she's been malnourished... twice in her life, i believe (not by choice). I guess when she was younger her mom would lock cabinets so she didn't eat too much or something and she was malnourished. don't know if she was super thin, but she claims that makes her understand. She also lost a lot of weight maybe 5-7 years ago after getting a gastric bypass and it went wrong. She gained it back and is at a healthy weight and has no issues with food other than diabetes, but she's such a b-word and so rude. I cannot even express how triggering she is to me...

!thin !vegana

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Lol reminds me of the chicks who fake having tourettes and shit

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They never scream that word though do they…

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that one twitch :marseypoggers: girl does!

i don't remember what her name is but she's kinda hot and has tourettes if that helps

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Sweet :marseycandycorn: Anita


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that's it!

i have vague memories of seeing BIPOC :marseytariq: word clips from her cause the chat started spamming it or something?

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9/10 of the people mentioned here post in starving interrupted

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These people all have shit friends

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crazy :marseykrazykarate: attracts crazy :marseycommittedwoman:

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So all women

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My wh*te f*id detector is going crazy 🚨🚨🚨

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You are an SRDine where it counts. You see the opinions of users as things you need to correct by j-sluring. You belong there.

"Watch out, or we'll continue banning you!!!" Do you have any idea how cringe you sound? I'll just make more accounts. You hold no power over me, j-slur scum.

Your j-slur ego actually makes me sick. You are human trash.

Trans lives matter (not!)



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