List of fatties

pls bully









If you have a fatty :marseychonker2: to snitch :marsey69: on, leave :marseypeaceout: a comment :marseysoypointdubz: below and I'll give you a 200DC reward.


Hi, we take thinness VERY seriously here so we'll be exiling any and all suspected fatties :marseychonker2: from this hole starting meow! :marseymagdump:

Your bail will be 200dc + arm photo proving your thinness. If you suspect you have been exiled incorrectly, you may whine to me or @WrongHoler but you'll probably still have bail depending on how much we believe you. :marseyxd:

Have a great day !thin !verifiedhot


>I hate it I FRICKING :marseytom: HATE IT. At least when a person :marseygeisha: has anorexia :marseyskinny: they look good. And the entire purpose of our eating :marseypopcorntime: disorders is to look good. Not only are B.E. D people like me alone :marseymoidmoment: and fricking :marseytom: disgusting :marseybreastcancer: in private but it's even worse when you have to face the public. Because of how fat and disgusting :marseyimpossibru: I look I barely talk to my friends :marseytherachel: and families. All eating :marseyspork: disorder people suffer I know, but I just had to get it out good much more I hate having BED. So much that I wish I could have anorexia :marseyskinny: again.



>I'm in the middle :marseyfuckyou: of a fu%^ing panic :marseycry2: attack :marseymegalodon: ? because? THERE :marseycheerup: is a GIANT :marseyyeti: WOLF SPIDER :marseything2: IN MY BATHROOM AND I just binged and I need to purge because if I don't i'll panic :marseyworried: even more?! I'm home alone :marseymoidmoment: so I can't just have someone else kill it ! ? plus its like 5 fREAKING INCHES BIG HOW DO YOU SMASH A SPIDER :marseyandtheboys: THAT BIG?!


So I was cleaning my brother's room. I wandered around while he was at the gym with his friends. I came across the pills I was looking at the different ones he had on his desk. I wanted to steal some so bad. I mean... my brother has always been pretty lean but suddenly he started seizing out while he was studying on the computer two years ago. He's an information tech student so he spends a lot of time in front of screens and needs these meds to prevent that from happening.

Okay... this is the horrible part and i need to confess this because its been eating at me and I've felt very very guilty for doing. I would steal seven 25 mg pills every month and he would have a lot of pills for the rest of the month. Id take one every week and it would supress my appetite the whole week.

Whenever he runs out of medications fast he tells my mom and she yells at him that he must have taken him in his sleep and he would be really sad he even told me to keep them with me at one point so that he doesn't take them while he's asleep. 😭

They don't know I'm taking it that I stole from him just to keep losing weight easily. I was envious because he's always skinny and its making him not eat and lose more weight and when he doesn't take them he eats a lot.

Now mom is mad at him and its all my fault please help me how can I tell him I stole how can I make it up for him he knows I'm anorexic and he's been very supportive he cooks for me sometimes and makes sure to ask me if I ate many times a day

I'm a shitty sister i hate myself I hate this disease 💔

now the commenters are split on whether this is based or cringe

even op isnt sure whether she should keep doing it

anyway the obvious solution to learning that the pills only have a 24hr half life is to take one of them every day

problem solved :marseywholesome:

anyway there are hundreds of comments of her going back and forth between wanting more pills and feeling like she has to come clean and its pretty funny

!thin !vegana problems


So yes I was and am trying recovery :marseyitsoverwerebackchingchon: but it doesn't happen :marseyvenn6: overnight so I'm still counting. But I hope to stop. Plus I don't plan on using this site unless I wanna vent about something :marseysmugface: (since I always vent here)

Anyway my older brother :marseyilluminati: was walking :marseydogwalker: towards the kitchen :marseyrefrigerator: and I hurried and measured the ketchup :marseytrumpgrill: for my eggs. Unfortunately he saw me, instead of saying nothing he had to say loudly "did you just measure your ketchup?" And a few seconds later :marseywave2: he says, "that's just insanity." Then my dad said "oh a lot of people measure their ketchup! Like chefs and stuff." And my brother :marseypolpot: said "not buying that for a minute". So yeah……thanks a lot that was kinda embarrassing brother :marseypolpot: ;/


Med tech called me very thin☺️

And the nurse :marseychansey: said "I bet this cuff could fit around your waist" when she was taking my blood :marseyowo: pressure. Only you guys can understand how good this feels :marseyvapecrying: because we're all skinny :marseyanorexic: PAWG's around here ✨


My wife took an overdose :marseypills: earlier today. We are waiting :marseystare2: for the ambulance and have been for the last hour and a half. When she was on the phone :marseygossiplaugh: to them they had said that they aren't prioritising her but they will come out at some point :marseynoyouoccupy: tonight. They also said that if she was sick then she should :marseynorm: call them back. She has been sick but it was in the potty :marseybikechainincident: and she flushed :marseyflushzoom: it. Last time this happened they said that they hadn't seen her be sick or any evidence of her being sick. So I purged into a bucket and it is bow next to her. So that there :marseycheerup: is evidence of her being sick.

I'm happy :marseyjam: that she had asked :marseythinkorino2: me to do it as I ate more than my calorie allowance today :marseyclueless: so I was going :marseysal2: to do it in secret. But I didn't have to.

I know this is seriously :marseybruh2: fricked up. But I guess :marseyshrug: me being bulimic :marseyskinny: works to her advantage too.

Thinking of doing the eat-every-other-day diet

I'm technically still underweight but have soooo much body fat that I need to lose until I am finally happy with myself.

I already do omad so all it would change is making it omtd lol

Thoughts proana besties?

perfect :marseychefkiss: wrists
this is how you know youre doing it right :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: :marseywholesome:
:marseyanorexia: :marseyglobohomo:
Disgusting fatspo :marseypuke:

even with 5 meals a day

I hate the word nourish. Yuck

does c*m have calories in it?

i think :marseychildclutch: it does i would :marseymid: just like to know for sure and if it does how many. i could be taking in tonnes of caloriess and not even noticing :marseywrongthonk:

bf telling me to lose weight :marseyoverheadpress:



Love using these weights :marseyjustice: to purge

ppl are trying to figure :marseypop: out wtf shes talking about

!vegana !thin what's she doing?


as a preface, @Pasty work a lot. like sixty hours a week. so yesterday @Pasty had an eight hour shift at the restaurant that @Pasty work at and @Pasty had restricted too 600 cals for the day, biked 6 miles, needed too bike 2 more.

not enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: calories.

i felt awful. my head hurt, i was dizzy, i kept dropping things, black :marseyvampirehearts: fuzzies blurred my vision, i couldn't hear people and had to ask them to repeat themselves multiple times, my ears were ringing. all in all i was a millisecond away from passing out most of my shift.

i messaged my bf mid shift saying that i felt awful, i was worried :marseyhelp: i was going :marseysalmaid: to pass out, etc,

and he replied with

don't be such a drama :marseypopcorn: queen :marseycard: lol

was this me being a drama :marseydramabardfinn: queen? was this me being stupid? i mean obviously me being stupid, restricting that much, but. ugh, idk.

white extinction is long overdue!

chinese :marseyrabbitnewyear4: body check :marseyelonpaypig:



The 'Yeah!' hitmaker revealed in an interview last week that to get in shape, he fasts for 24 hours at a time every week, drinking :marseymodelo2: only water.

He also nixes coffee :marseystarbucks: in favor of celery juice :marseykoolaid: and lemon :marseycitrus: water :marseylongsurfing: and claims that a morning :marseycoffee: yoga session 'activates' his organs. :marseybutt:

Fatasses told that many of Usher's peculiar habits are, at best, 'unnecessary' and at worst, potentially 'harmful,' leading to "dangerous" :marseyeyeroll: malnutrition due to a lack of vital nutrients like carbs and fiber.

Intermittent fasting involves switching between :marseyzeldalinkpast: normal :marseyregular: eating :marseyspork: and restricting food intake for anywhere from four to 12 hours throughout the week. However, some better :marseysaulgoodman: approaches involve eating :marseypopcorn2: nothing for up to an entire day at a time. Usher told the Wall Street :marseymerari: Journal that Wednesday is his chosen :marseymerchantelf: fasting day.

'I typically try to start around 11pm the previous day, then go the entire day Wednesday just drinking :marseysipping: water,' he said, adding that he also works out daily :marseydose: in preparation for a show.

Dr Fatfrick noted that fatigue and headaches are common side effects that can start as early as the afternoon.



jealous :marseyjelly: or just the most critical. i swear she's secretly competing with me. when i gain weight :marseyoverheadpress: she makes nasty :marseydisgusted: side remarks but when i'm dropping the pounds suddenly she acts all concerned.

moving out was one of the best decisions i ever made fr.

anyone else?

umm happy :marseydrunk: fathers :marseyfranklin: day everyone :marseynorm: i guess?

Azealia Based?
"anorexia" recovery destroyed my body. My life is finished.

Hello :)

I'm not new to EDSF - for years, I have viewed the site, reading posts for advice and support - but I have never posted. To be honest, sharing my ED journey is embarrassing.

I live in England, in the countryside, with my mum and dad. Before I struggled with my mental health, I was a high-achiever and a perfectionist. I attended a selective all-girls school, played musical instruments, acted, participated in orchestras, volunteered and was in the top team for every sport. I worked 24/7; education was my life. I had ambitions and aspirations. I was determined and resilient to reach them. Typical story - a perfectionist struggles with mental health… My life began to fall apart in 2021. First, I developed anxiety, then, OCD and depression and lastly, my ED.

I have Binge Eating Disorder. I will not lie, writing that is humiliating and mortifying. I am so ashamed. Pre-ED, I was naturally underweight and had no interest in food - I ate healthily, skipped meals and hated junk food. In 2022, I had urges to eat food I did not want, then eating when I was anxious/stressed/depressed became a habit. The binges started small and grew. I gained a lot of weight and felt suicidal because of my body. I began therapy to recover from Binge Eating Disorder. I learnt to control myself around food 60% of the time, the other 40%, I binged. Thankfully, I over-exercised, so I managed to lose weight. I was proud of my body and the happiest I'd ever been in my life. I was confident, determined and 1000x better than the ‘normal' me. Then, my life began to fall apart again. Long-story-short, I was incorrectly diagnosed with Anorexia (I binged weekly on 10,000+ calories and had binge urges everyday) and forced into recovery. A lot happened. It was traumatic and the medical professionals and CAMHS were AWFUL. They made me gain weight without providing any therapy or even advice/support. CAMHS think eating disorders are weight disorders and do not care about what you are struggling with mentally. They encouraged me to binge (I had BED!) and told me to eat junk food. I lost my willpower and control over food that I had learnt in BED therapy, I lost my motivation and I began binging more. Now, I binge every single day, all day. I do nothing else. I have at least 5,000 calories each day, up to 25,000. I have gained 5st in less than 3 months. I can't exercise, I can barely walk up the stairs, my mum helps me to shower, I look disgusting and unrecognisable, I'm uncomfortable 24/7 and I pray each night that I won't wake up the next day. I attempted suicide because I hate this body. My body is ruined - my teeth, hair, skin etc, everything is ruined. I'm having private therapy to help my Binge Eating Disorder but it's not working. Anorexia recovery and all the people who forced me to gain weight have destroyed my willpower/determination and now, I have zero control over food.

I want my body back. I wish I had hidden my weight from everyone or faked weight gain and recovery. Now, I'm just waiting for my life to end.

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