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following case of cobra bite presents certain

features of interest :—

R., male, aged 36, accidentally stepped on a bino-

cellate cobra, some three inches in girth, which bit him

On the back of the leg about 4 inches above the heel

at 9 P.m. one evening. I saw the patient twenty minutes

later, and discovered two puncture marks from the

fangs, some three-quarters of an inch apart in that

Situation. When first seen, the patient showed no

Symptoms except numbness of the part bitten.

Having no antivenene available, I applied an indi-

genous treatment which is much in vogue in the Ratna-

giri district. The fang marks were well incised and

Chickens, one after the other, with their anuses well

Stretched were applied to the site of the bite. The

first few chickens dropped down dead within a few

minutes. From the 42nd chicken onwards, the patient

stated that he could distinctly feel the aspirating action

Of the chickens. In all 74 chickens died, 12 more were

half-dead but recovered in about six hours, and the

last 6 lost consciousness but recovered speedily; in all

96 chickens were used. The whole treatment took

three hours and a quarter. Most of the chickens died

within three minutes. The strongest suckers were hens

in their prime. Hens which had laid eggs were quite

useless, and young peepees unsatisfactory. Three or four

Incisions were made at the site of the bite, and from

time to time refreshed with the knife.

Cases of cobra bite are generally treated in this way

in the Ratnagiri district, and the patients are usually

cured if the treatment is begun early enough. This

case shows that cobra venom can be sucked out. Those

who are in a position to do so, should try whether wet-

cupping cannot cure such cases.—Yours, etc.,


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with their anuses well stretched


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Killing 74 chickens with well-stretched anuses because you don't have a fricking vacuum pump, holy shit how can the standards for becoming a doctor there be so low

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I still refuse to believe that a stretched chicken anus sucks harder than wet cupping


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Supposed to pee on it r-slurs

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I've got a theory about this urban legend. Back in the 50s, some brilliant coomer was on the beach with his :marseytrad: gf who he desperately wanted to introduce to watersports. Fortune strikes, and she gets stung. Seizing the opportunity, he announces that urine relieves the sting. She says that she doubts him, but is willing to go with it. Thus, he gets to fulfill his need. But now, he realizes that he's got to show her this is common knowledge. He quits his job, moves to LA, and spends the rest of his life inserting the idea that pee helps jellyfish stings into whatever media he can, so she never suspects a thing.

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Good theory but a real coomer would have convinced her she needed to drink it

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Some piss fetishists like seeing it on, not inside, the person in question.

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The human wine decanting is much more interesting.

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Lol if a dang puller/venom extractor isn’t in your go bag/edc

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Wait is the chicken supposed to suck with its anus or what does one have to do with the other :marseybeanquestion:

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96 chickens, how does one find so many chickens on a short notice.

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