DONKEY KONG.EXE [スーパードンキーコング D R E A M A K E]

What? An ".exe" game that isn't just "OMG IT IS THE REGULAR GAME BUT BECAUSE IT IS HAUNTED OR CURSED OR SOME SHIT IT IS ALL EDGY AND BLOODY AND HYPEREALISTICALLY SCARY!!!"? Shocking, but it exists! :donkeykongbooba::kiddykongscared::diddykongscared:

I'm not sure if there is any lore to this particular game (other than perhaps an A E S T H E T I C being haunting the Kongs), but hey, it's pretty cool and trippy - why not give it a go? :funkykong::funkykongtpose:

And if you want to play the game? Sure! Here is the link -> :funkykongdrunk:

P.S - the old link was rather choppy and low-quality, which is why I deleted that post and got a better one instead

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