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  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
  • rDramaHistorian : ITT: smug r-slurs from both camps who can't do (F-32)/9 = C/5 mentally :roflmao:

I unironically hate celciustists

“Ohh celcius is so much better chud!! its OBJECTIVE :soysnoo:

keep yourself safe. why the frick is the boiling point of water objective, and why is it relevant to the outside temperature.

if you really wanted OBJECTIVE :soyreddit: you should use kelvin, but you don't. why not? because you dont want to say its 298 degrees outside. but i dont want to say its 10-30 degrees outside.

fareignheit is actually well adjusted for outside temperature, at least in America. the temperature is rarely outside the 0-100 range, although it does occasionally reach there

and i wouldnt care if it were for the smug autists :marseyautism: from American vassal states with a superiority complex. you seriously have to be neurodivergent to INSIST on using a system based in HECKIN SCIENCE



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0 is cold as frick, 100 is hot as frick. If you can't remember that then you must be r-slurred I mean european.

But seriously, let me ask one question of our euro friends. On a day to day basis, how often do you use the 40C to 100C range of your temperature scale? Seriously, how often? The answer is never, you never use it. Because you based your scale on the comfort of water instead of the comfort of people, because you're all demons. The boiling point of water is completely and totally irrelevant to the layman, even those who drink gallons of tea each day. It's either boiling or it's not and you can tell which with your eyes. You never need to distinguish between 65C water and 75C water because it's still just fricking water.

So over half your temperature scaling is useless. It will never be 75C outside and if it is then everybody's dead. What a useless system, wasting precious numbers on fricking water temps that nobody will ever measure. Meanwhile in the sensible world we can just say "it's 65 outside" and everyone knows that's a reasonable temperature and dress appropriately. You backwards c*nts hardly use 0-30C and even need decimal points to further clarify, fricking christ get some sense.

0 to 100: logical, intuitive

-26.7 to 35.2: illogical, irrational, gay

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This post is a fine example of why most of the world thinks that americans are r-slurred. Good job :marseythumbsup:

0 is cold as frick, 100 is hot as frick.

-1°F and 1°F are also cold as frick, while 99°F and 101°F are hot as frick, lmao. It's a completely arbitrary cut-off.

On a day to day basis, how often do you use the 40C to 100C range of your temperature scale?

All the time. There are other reasons for measuring temperature than just the weather. Heating water in a boiler, cooking, etc.

The boiling point of water is completely and totally irrelevant to the layman, even those who drink gallons of tea each day.

How about the freezing point? Below zero, it will be slippery outside and the snow won't melt. Pretty important, if you ask me.

Meanwhile in the sensible world we can just say "it's 65 outside" and everyone knows that's a reasonable temperature and dress appropriately.

This is what fascinates me. So many americans genuinely can't understand that people who are used to Celcius find it intuitive. It's just inconceivable to them. They think that people outside the US just can't talk about temperatures.

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Celsius is not intuitive and Fahrenheit allows for more precision.

-1°F and 1°F are also cold as frick, while 99°F and 101°F are hot as frick, lmao. It's a completely arbitrary cut-off.

when has it ever been 100 degrees Celsius outside????

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Fahrenheit allows for more precision.

The average American when he learns about fractions: :#marseymindblown:

when has it ever been 100 degrees Celsius outside????

I guess many of you don't know that temperature isn't just a number they show on the weather forecast. It has other uses.

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Wut... Metric uses decimals not fractions. Americans are much more familiar with fractions than europoors. Do you ever say its 30 and 1/2 degrees outside?

Fractions are more intuitive however that is why they are often used in imperial systems of measure.

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decimals not fractions


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You know perfectly well what I mean.

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But i dont. Care to womansplain?

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Decimals can be expressed as fractions and vise versa but no frickin europoor says for example 180 1/2 cm. It would be expressed as a decimal like 180.5 cm.

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Decimals can be expressed as fractions and vise versa but no frickin europoor says for example 180 1/2 cm. It would be expressed as a decimal like 180.5 cm.

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It doesn't matter what side you pick in the Farenheit vs Celsius battle, the people on the other side will just call you r-slurred.


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>I guess many of you don't know that temperature isn't just a number they show on the weather forecast. It has other uses.

I guess many of you don't know that you can change units of measurement based on context. Absolute brainlets.

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more precision.

Neighbor... :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

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Its LITERALLY more precise. You think a scale of 100 degrees could be more precise than a scale of 180 degrees? You fool

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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On a day to day basis, how often do you use the 40C to 100C range of your temperature scale? Seriously, how often?

When I'm cooking and need to keep something hot, I set the stove or oven to 50, 60 or 80 °C. The dishwasher I set to 65 or 70 °C, depending on the load.

More on a weekly basis, but I wash towels and bed sheets on 60 °C. Occasionally 90 °C for white towels.

What a useless system, wasting precious numbers on fricking water temps that nobody will ever measure.

I know you mutts have a poor educational system, but numbers greater than 100 exist.

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>how often do you use the 40C to 100C range of your temperature scale?

Do you even bake?

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This post wins

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They blow the scale so far out, for things they actually CARE about like thermostats, they need to use half-degrees. The climate in my truck has 30° of tuning in F (60-90) but only 13° in C (17 to 30)

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