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Chinese strategy of world dominance explained

I believe most of you are westoids who don't really understand how Chinese Geopolitics works. So I am here to dumb it down and explain it to you.

The Chinese believe in the middle kingdom story. There are meant to be the center of the world from which all the goods and gifts of the world flow.

In the old days ( the good ones for China ), they used to have a tributary system through which they would receive gifts and trade deals from smaller weaker states in exchange for protection and benefits from China.

China is very clearly copying its old strategies while trying to adjust them to the modern era.

The core of the modern day Chinese strategy goes as follows:

1. Improve trade ties with everyone possible. Make them dependent on you in one way or the other while increasing integration with their economic systems.

2. Inner circle ( Chinese territories ) - Fully homogenize this region and have it constantly on the same page during every single event that occurs. Like an ant colony. This region is constantly expanded every decade until the structure breaks down once it reaches its limits.

3. Outer circle/ the tributaries - These are the neighbors that are fully dependent on and subservient to the Chinese state. Constant demands of these regions is made every decade, such as huge sums of money, human resources, or land holdings. In return China provides them with an overabundance of resources that increases dependence while oftentimes letting them make bad political decisions or even encouraging them to further weaken these states/ make them more dependent on China.

4. The feisty children/ the uncontrolled outer circle - These are the neighbors that China will keep pushing around every few years. So a new emergency situation or new conflict arises every decade that costs resources and focus. The point is to bully these places a bit and always keep them on their toes until they concede Chinese dominance at some unknown point in the future. Generally these are the territories where you will see the most frequent small changes to land markings on a geographic map just to piss them off and expend military resources.

5. The distant neighbor/ rest of the world - These are all the territories that are not directly connected to China and cannot be pushed around by China easily due to geographical distance. China's primary focus with these territories is improving trade ties and influence. They genuinely couldn't give a shit what these places believe in, fight for, or care about. Imagine the I don't care what happens in the -stans as long as I am getting paid mindset. The only time you might see active hostility against these territories is if they loudly proclaim failings of the Chinese state or the ruler.

How this strategy unfolds in the modern era:

1. Increase influence on the global stage through pushing forward their own global institutions and pushing for more influence in the global institutions that already exist.

2. Primary economic focus on competing with nations at their level. Only looking 2 steps ahead at a time. Five year plans.

3. Pushing for constant loans towards smaller nations so as to increase dependency irrespective of whether they fail or succeed in economic growth globally.

4. Fully converting the inner population to only support and think within the permitted ideological ground encouraged by the central government. Full Han Chinese cultural conversion of all internal populations.

5. Constantly remaking maps every few years to include new "historical" territories and new land claims.

6. Making every neighboring territory fully dependent on China as the indisputable largest trade partner, also putting in maximum effort into making them militarily dependent as well. Russia, North Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan.

7. Constant fights with the nations around the South China Sea and land disputes with Nepal and India.

8. Constant competition with the US in terms of total GDP growth, with a less limited focus on beating the US in the cutting edge technological fields ( secondary goal, population advantage allows to surpass US GDP even without surpassing them technologically ).

9. Pushing for a multi polar world so as to create smaller hegemonic groups that would be easier to compete against than the entire rest of the world broken into pieces but all having similar goals of growth competing against China. ( Too many small units take too much effort, too large a group beats China. Middling empires are required the world over )

10. Ensuring a GDP growth rate where there is a constant quality of life improvement for their population. This reaffirming the mandate of heaven.

The bits of conclusion that would matter to the average westerner:

China truly can have good relations with the west as long as the west does not interfere with China in any capacity.

China truly does not care about how the west behaves or acts among themselves.

China primarily only wants to be richer than the US, and would likely be fine if it was still militarily weaker than the US or had an untested military the entire century.

You would likely see China chill out globally everywhere except for in Asia the moment it is undeniably richer than the US and guaranteed to stay that way.

You will see China supporting the formation of Regional hegemony all over the world such as a middle eastern caliphate, a South American Union, and an African Union, as it makes trade deals easier for China to develop with entire segments of the world without getting economically left behind.

Also separate point but it is very clear that the EU is going to keep pushing to further separate itself from US influence over the coming decades. So expect a EU with its own geopolitical and cultural direction separate from the US post 2050's. Something along the lines of US influence on ASEAN.

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I read the first paragraph and recognized that this is literally America's strategy, thanks for your time

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Incorrect. The US does not constantly try to expand into Mexico and has a general strategy of spreading western cultural mindset to the middle east and beyond which the Chinese do not have at all to a similar degree.

The US wants you to be like them. China just wants you to pay your share to China.

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hi dont log @racists_ski_for_free out

are you voting :marseyridin: hillary 2024?

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Is Hillary going to exterminate any ethnicity?

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hillary 2024 will only wipe out indians but im hoping too get nepalese added too the list

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why not?

do you hate hillary 2024? do you hate women?

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if indians don't deserve too be wiped out by hillary 2024, post an essay length response too this post

if u dont i will take it as a sign of defeat :marseybritbongitsover:

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