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Hello computertards help plz.

The cpu on my laptop goes to 90% then then wifi turns off and it crashes. What does this mean?


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blow the dust out of the fan vents and run clamav

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Thnx! Its pretty hard finding a good antivirus so ill download that

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Reinstall your operating system

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I did a system restore but kept my files. Should I do the one where it wipes everything?

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Thinks codecels can troubleshoot hardware

lol. Lmao. :marseyxd:

You should see the fluoridated-water stares I get when I try to instruct codecels on how to remote to a development VDI to do their code monkeying.

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I am racist so you all look the same to me.

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How old is the laptop?

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Pretty old. Its not good enough to install windows 11 on. I use it for watching movies mostly but sometimes that causes it to crash.

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Probably dust accumulation then, unscrew lid and clean the airways out .

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Ill try that thnx!

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Potential Causes of Laptop Crashes

A CPU reaching 90% utilization on its own isn't necessarily a problem; it depends on what's causing the high CPU usage. It could be a symptom of various issues, such as a runaway process, malware, or an overloaded system. However, the fact that your WiFi turns off and the system crashes suggests a broader issue.

Potential Explanations

1. Overheating: When the CPU gets heavily utilized, it generates more heat. If your laptop's cooling system isn't adequate, it could lead to overheating, which may trigger thermal throttling or shutdowns to prevent damage.

2. Software or Driver Issue: There might be a software application or driver that's causing the CPU to spike and, in turn, causing the WiFi to malfunction and the system to crash. This could be due to a bug, compatibility issue, or malware.

3. Hardware Problem: There could be a hardware issue with either the CPU, the WiFi adapter, or another component on your laptop. This could include faulty hardware, loose connections, or aging components.

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Check your laptop's temperature using monitoring software. If it's excessively hot, consider cleaning the vents and fans or using a laptop cooling pad.

  • Update your drivers and operating system to the latest versions to ensure compatibility and patch any known issues.

  • Run a malware scan to check for any malicious software.

  • Monitor your CPU usage closely to identify any specific processes causing the spike.

  • If the problem persists, consider seeking professional assistance, especially if it's a hardware issue.

If you can provide more details about the circumstances surrounding the crashes (e.g., specific activities you're doing when it happens, any error messages you receive), it might help narrow down the potential causes.

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Also opening up task manager immediately causes the cpu to go to 90%

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Downloaded a temperature app and said everything was normal. Also downloaded malwarebytes and scanned. Found nothing so i guess its a hardware issue right?

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Thnx! I suspected it was hardware issue but havent tried the heat thing. Ill check that out. Updated drivers etc but weirdly enough it started after a windows update so uninstalled it but didnt stop the problem.

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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That shit was copy pasted from chat gpt

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Install windows :marseybsod: 7 ltsc enterprise :marseypicard:

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delete system34

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i am cute twinkgayboy

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have you tried turning it off and on again

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You must not have tried it in good faith. Problem between keyboard and chair, moving this issue to closed.


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Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

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