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How often do you have existential thoughts?

Not a day goes by that I’m not at some point taken out of life by thinking about my own existence, and the existence of the world around me. They’re not even particularly deep thoughts, in fact most of the time they’re so abstract their hard to put into words. I’m often forced to phrase these questions as “Why am I me? Why is my consciousness locked inside of my body and lifespan, and of all of the possible lives it could’ve been bond to why mine?” and “Why is the world locked in this specific singular state of affairs?” Is this abnormal? Is this unhealthy?

Recently, In order to be able to discuss it without being seen as a kook I’ve started framing it as an effect of getting stoned, but while getting high makes it worse, the thoughts go all the way back to my childhood.

Posting this here instead of talking to a therapist or some gay shit because psychology is the work of the antichrist.

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Lmao strag

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