Just added a random assortment of users as jannies to this hole.

Cause why not?

I’m bored.

Bussyphobia 😢



So much this


So much this

What the frick is wrong with Westoid academia?

I just read :marseylongpost2: about some r-slurred feminists who think a neolithic site in Turkey is actually a shrine to mother Gaia and this b-word is a prof who pretends that this schizo bable should be given an equal place with archaeological conclusions in the exhibit.

This is as embarassing as histories based on folklore and BS like that, do femoids just get a pass for any degree of r-sluration? :marseywtf2:


The dating site is an idea for a profitable business

Dating sites are getting more and more popular nowadays. Many lonely people who have not found their love in the real world try their luck on the Internet.

They create profiles on various dating sites, hoping that this way they will find the right candidate with whom they will spend their old age. Such a portal works on the basis of matches. Both halves fill out special forms and pairs are made on their basis.

Next, such people can start interactions with each other via internet chat or video calls on portals such as Skype to get to know each other better and see if the match was correct.

If both parties are satisfied, it may come to a first date, already in the real world. Not long ago, people did not believe that a lasting relationship could be created on the basis of an online chat, but today hundreds of marriages have been concluded in this way.

People are starting to find out that this is an effective way to find someone to fill the void in their lives.

For this reason, dating sites are becoming more and more popular. People create their profiles en masse and expect their lives to change for the better in this way. Setting up such a portal can therefore be a bull's eye and a really profitable business.

Of course, in today's world you have to reckon with a lot of competition in this industry, but the demand for this type of service is so great that it seems that a well-designed website with interesting forms and a good pairing system is a way to earn a lot of money.

The largest dating sites nowadays are able to advertise on the largest websites, as well as on television.

However, it is worth considering how to get a single to register on our dating site if they have a whole range of similar websites to choose from.

First of all, you need to be a professional - the registration form should not scare you away, and yet eliminate possible scammers who want to set up a fake account just to trick other users.

It is a constantly taking place on this type of portals, so it is worth taking care of security to gain the trust of your users.

For example, you can verify an account against a Facebook or other social networking site to make sure that the person who creates the profile is providing truthful information and is actually setting up an account to look for the long half and not cheat on a massive scale.

In addition, in order for a dating site to be called popular, you need to take care of highly developed advertising. You can start with various things: advertising among friends, banners placed on friendly or your own websites and blogs.

It is worth setting up a new dating website with a fanpage on Facebook, where news from the life of the website will be published. In today's world, it is also worth releasing mobile applications to the Google store and the App Store. This will guarantee a significant expansion of the target group of the website.

happy fridey r/The_Donald!!!!!!!!!
penguin neetmaxx
Mercenary Drip

Video has funny comments, but I don’t know how to link to them. https://youtu (dot) be/KGEPPgeauzE

For what reason or reasons are foids obsessed with expensive vacations, dinners and showing them off?


who wrote the glowie award desc

pretty good

Enlightened atheists of HCA are euphoric

Why is that sub even a thing did they not get the memo about covid being over.


If only doctors/hospitals would do this, then maybe it would lessen my absolute disgust for the selfishness of these people. They not only disrespect science and their fellow humans, but they take up hospital beds and abuse scarce medical resources that should be used in cases where people hadn’t become ill solely due to their own willful ignorance. (I have more sympathy for smokers/over eaters/drug abusers/etc., because at least most of them would prefer not to be slaves to their addictions. These folks wear their ignorance as a badge of pride. My well of sympathy is drying up.)


Notice how he says over eaters and not fats or obeses? Guaranteed fat. :marseyagree:

Edit: Apologies for the length of this Fwiw. The other day I asked my doctor if he was boosted and he said:"well, no and I don't think I will. After my second shot I got tinnitus"When I pointed out there was no relationship and millions got the vaccine without tinnitus his response was:"You don't know that it didn't cause it"Given that I was the only person in his clinic wearing a mask I asked him why. He stated:"Masks only help protect others if you have Covid". Then said "but if I'm examining a COVID patient I wear a mask and a face shield"At that point I left. I've known this guy for 12 years. I'm not pointing this out for any other reason than to remind people that the medical community has it's share of imbeciles. Stupidity is the new American Reality. Baseball, apple pie and dumbfrickery


Trust the science, chud

Ever notice ambulances never take the sick to the local temple? That there are no ICUs in a church? First aid kits never include a prayer book. Has an intubated covid patient ever jumped out of bed after a preacher layed his hands on them? Not a single documented case of a recovery miracle due to the power of prayer, and yet?

It's human behavior. Think about how many people have killed each other in wars over the past 1,000 years. Most of those wars had a religious element to them. Humans love killing other humans but if we can get religion into it, it becomes some kind of sickening craze that never ends.

You know I'd definitely convert to a religion that preached slaughtering redditors.


It's always God the healer, all. In his plan, all within what was written for us, until you ask why God gave you a disease in the first place. Suddenly you're rude and insensitive

Because fearing death is heterosexual and fake.

I would like to live in a world where saying "prayers are healing me" gets you a trip to the psych ward. It is insane people believe stuff like that in the 21st century.


😂 get maced lmao
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