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Tfw no hot neurodivergent redscare gf :marseyitsover: "Attractive women with autism have it rough : redscarepod"


Sometimes cool guys think they like us. But once they see how we are, they don't. I get approached by trashy guys and nerds.

If anyone has tips on how to cope with this, or can relate, please comment. People are honest here.

A few other alleged neurodivergent rs hotties in the comments if any dramneurodivergents would like to try sliding in the dms.

A month ago she posted to aspergirls

He broke up with me because of my autism


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Lol try being an ugly neurodivergent woman. Luckily I dislike most people so being nearly invisible is a plus but the type of woman who thrives on attention. She could never walk a mile in my neurodivergent shoes.

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!incels foid thinks being nearly invisible to most people is something that you have to be an ugly neurodivergent to experience as a scrote :marseyrandom: !slots100 :marseyitneverbegan:

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Are you r-slurred? Your lack of reading comprehension certainly implies it.

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are you r-slurred

:marseyretardchad: yes

lack of comprehension


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bottom tier bordering r-slurred foid has it about as bad as an average moid.

99% of foids would commit suicide after walking a mile in a moid's shoe :marseymanysuchcases:

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Lol try being an ugly neurodivergent woman

She is also an ugly neurodivergent woman.

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>This summer, I (36F)


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You would keep yourself safe if you spent 20 minutes as a man

Israeli lives matter not

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well the biofoids here seem to get plenty of attention


of course idk if it ever lasts

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Biofoids here lose out to train foids tho. Transb-word and xer testicular gene therapy arc outshines the attention whoring of any other foid. Frozen hand has nothing on TRANSTICULAR INJECTIONS

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oh god lol :marseyvaxxtroll#:

tbf frozen injected that weight loss drug (forgot the name) ozempic didnt she

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Frozen probably faked that shit tbh. I dont think she provided proofs. Transb-word tho has shown pic of some materials. If not trolling we will soon get confirmation when the full kit arrives. I'm very excited, were gonna have some serious in house drama with literal gene therapy gone wrong or full nobel prize winner

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@transb-word @FrozenCorpse they're talking about you :marseypearlclutch:

Marseysnitch :marsey69:

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Sorry @FrozenCorpse but @transb-word and xer transticular injection arc beats your hand posts every single time. Literal human medical experiments on rdrama might just be peak content forever

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That rna sperg out was so cringe and childish. Not even the specifics, just the tone was straight out of an /r/teenagers post.

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Well, I am a teenager lol. Anyways it was just kind of a quick overview of the idea, it was sloppily done cuz idk about "good" writing on rDrama

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idk about "good" writing on rDrama

Imagine Ernest Hemingway marching to kill a foid for her 5th multi paragraph overshare post here today.

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You have cured my transphobia. Cut off your feet.

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Stfu, this is going to be amazing when it happens. It will be glorious when it stops being larp territory

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Incels are true degenerates.

Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter

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you're back


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Mostly lurk now. Going too have Shreddedmanlet posts be events moving forward.


Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter

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I imagine most RS girls to be like Anna, skinny but ugly in the face. The sub is made up of them and pathetic moids that look like Ethan Klein.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I imagine them to be like Dasha. We are not the same.

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Right, most rsgirls are ugly because that is a coping sub for women who don't get enough attention but want to posture as if their anxieties are due to some heightened cynical awareness they developed as a result of their deep cultural connoisseurship. If they found a hot guy who would score coke for them they would never even think about that sub or any of its made up problems again. The rsmen are worse. They are human worms.

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too skinny IMO

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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:marseyfacepalm: Don't start simping for neurodivergent girls. They're not lonely damsels looking for their dramatard in shining armor to save them, they're still whores except they can't hold eye contact.

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They have a higher tolerance for neurodivergent moids but at the end of the day they too don't want to be with you.

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This is literally the post op mentioned. She couldn't stand neurodivergent brad after a neurotypical chad discarded her like used tissue after just a month



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I dunno I'd imagine it instead causes a meltdown feedback loop whenever there's a dispute.

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Probably that too that too.

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Fine :marseyhmmhips:

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Extremely based, king.

Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter

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I think it was @Mom that said neurodivergent girls often were whores.

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They confuse s*x with normal social behavior so men will like them.

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How is this different from normal women :#marseysmughips:

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Normal women know they don't even have to put out to get men to do whatever they want.

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:marseygiveup: don't tell me this

there has to be some hope left

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Have you tried men?

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Cooler than anyone I've ever dated. He took me to parties with millionaires.

Literally "all women are whores" but "autism" edition.

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I got together with my safe option when I was 27.I left him at 33.There hasn't been anyone since then who's lasted, and I'm 36 now. You don't want to settle in your 20s, trust me.

>Got with my 'safe option' in my 20s

>left him

>hasn't been anyone since who's lasted

'Don't settle down in your 20's trust me!!'


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>"settled" at 27


>Still single at 36


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Told me on the first date, it's incredible what attractiveness will make you overlook. She literally had zero emotions, everything she did in her life was purely as a means to an end. She was tall and fit and had a nice flat and some sort of well paying office job. Very out of my league. It was actually kinda terrifying, like that movie Species

Doesn't rly sound like autism. The neurodivergents I've known have been anything but unemotional. More like emotional meltdown at any small inconvenience.

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>be sociopath

>call it "autism" so people give you a pass

who else here /sociomaxxing/?

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:marseywave3: hecko am cute neurodivergent, pls ignore my personality disorders

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Self diagnosis and it's concequences.

People think focused and goal oriented means autism.

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Neurotypical foids are fricking saints compared to neurodivergent ones

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What a way to advertise your availability


I can fix her

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Neurotypical foids

Good one

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Neurotypical for women is 1/2 of a cluster B disorder

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:marseysurejan: AWALT

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Of all the people who have autism attractive women have it the least hard.

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Not when you consider that only attractive people have any worth.

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I just met a new guy with autism. He's attractive (he's a personal trainer!) but he will never compare. He was just outside about to pick me up for the night and I blocked him. I can't do it. I can't stand how people see me. I've been fighting all my life. Please tell me this life is worth living. Please.

>Rejects dude who wants to date her

>Hates her life because no one will dare her


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I get approached by trashy guys and nerds.

It's called assortative mating sweaty

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When foids think they're neurodivergent, they're usually just undersocialized. When moids think they're neurodivergent, they're usually just r-slurred.

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I dated a high functioning once on accident. Her thing was she couldnt handle the roughness of my beard and wanted my face baby smooth. Hard no.

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He broke up with me because of my autism:

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