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Leftoids are getting blackpilled in real time


Apparently all of those city council resolutions and conventions aren't real praxis after all, who could have thought? 🧐🧐🧐😱😱

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:#gaydar::#marseycomrade: :#gaydar:


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This, but unironically. LGBTQ+ rights flow from the barrel of a gun.

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I cannot think of a single country with LGBT rights that does not either possess a strong military or is not closely allied with a country with a strong military.

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Geopolitically, is it possible to not be allied with a strong country except in like, fringe cases?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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lots of places arent worth fighting over, so they mostly kill themselves repeatedly in civil wars or minor border conflicts

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:marseytrollgun: gay marriage is not negotiable. I am no longer asking

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Violence is our eternal natural.

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If the neolib world order could just stop messing with my vidya I wouldn't have many complaints :#marseyneet:

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Bro it's not our fault. People who are really into video games tend to also be pathologically lazy and unproductive, so every game dev from the modern age (i.e. raised on vidya) has political views somewhere to the left of Lenin

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>protects boats

God, I love boats. !commies I am changing sides. Mao probably hated boats

@johannesalthusius accept me into neolibs

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Protecting boats is unironically the foundation of both neoliberalism and the entire current world order


America starting a war after being an (unrecognized) nation for all of 10 (ten) years to protect boats


America bullying the nips into letting our boats sleep there after directly causing a devastating civil war 50 years earlier… over boats

World wars? Not about Jews or sandwiches or archdukes or any of that gay shit. It was about kraut submarines 41%ing bri'ish trade ships. What was Japan's final hail army? Flying dudes… into boats

Cuban missile crisis? It was about Soviet boat houses

9/11 was about airplanes (the boats of the sky)

Israel and Palestinians? Fricking boats in the gulf of Aden


I could write a 300 page dissertation on this topic

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This is the weirdest reductionist history theory I have ever heard. I love it :marseyschizonotes:

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Mao probably hated boats

Every time I learn something new about that chigga, he sounds even more r-slurred.

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There is nothing untrue in this statement.

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And then pay infinite dollars for bombing them. Neoliberalism is a cash drain to the third world via Raytheon.

This would never happen under gommunism

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Just buy some $RTX then

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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>can't handle some mild chattering in a crowd of several hundred

>planning to win a violent revolution to overthrow the capitalist regime and then the following civil war

It's the little things that make this all so special :marseysatisfied:

On a sidenote, I've always seen leftists talk about "what will you do/what will happen WHEN the revolution is won, not HOW the revolution will be won." I guess it's just someone else's job to do all the work :marseyshrug:

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Real commie revolutionaries were violent, rough laborers. If you aren't willing to take a gun to a political event to get the people you don't want speaking to shut up then you aren't gonna make it.

Reddit commies all want to mimic the exiled intellectual revolutionaries with none of Lenin's intelligence or chutzpa

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It feels good to be right about everything, but this ice pick feels bad



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!historychads Trotsky and Mussolini speaking English if anyone is curious.

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!commies why was Trotsky allowed to walk around freely in Fascist :marseyhomohitler: Italy :marseygodfather: while Antonio Gramsci was imprisoned? :marseynooticeglow:

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Because Gramsci didn't read Bordgia


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Lenin didn't even overthrow the Czar. He overthrew the democratic provisional government that followed because the people didn't vote right. In that sense, the DSA has much more in common with Lenin than say Makhno

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>when the revolution is won

Myself, and other opportunistic semi-sociopathic people who make up the professional-managerial class in America today will form a new Cheka and put them all in camps

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>limp-wristed white collars will form death squads


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See even in Soviet times it was mostly just filing paperwork and presenting proposals in boring government offices.

The end result was that a bunch of people were sent to Siberia

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I always feel bad for the qt Chinese apparatchik leader there who are supposed to incite the revolution for china but instead end up at r-slurred kindergarden.

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i dont, death to commies

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the qt Chinese apparatchik leader there who are supposed to incite the revolution for china but instead end up at r-slurred kindergarden.

!ranchers anyone has the video of Mr. Metokur commenting over this classic DSA video? in it, he said that the Chinese girl whose sole life goal is to overthrow the white cishetero patriarchy is just in there to frick her white aryan chad boyfriend :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

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That never gets old :marseychefkiss:

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Point of privilege.

At least nobody died like on Jan 6th and this video is entertaining.

Thank you, comrade.

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