Some cool race and IQ data. Enjoy besties!


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But Malaysian like you have an average IQ of 92?

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i will murder you like a BIPOC would

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Displays Malaysian tendencies towards violence :marseyterfdomesticabuse:


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i laughed

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Eh I would rather be a Malaysian since there's no malaycide but there's alwasys chinkcide.

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Malayocide has a ring to it

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sounds like the name of a bug spray or smth

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>there is a sizable amount of people dumber than gypsies in the UK

it's so over for the bonglanders :marseydespair:

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>Chinese-White !gayporn

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If he included Ashkenazi Jews he would've needed to extend the scale :marseyjustice:

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funny how indian-americans clown on british indians with a cool 112, while british blacks clown on american blacks (85). it's like a weird alternate universe over there where racial equality is approximately true.

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A lot of the early Indian immigration here was farmers kicked out of Uganda by Idi Amin rather than white collar professionals

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despite being 5% of the population, brahmins are responsible for 30% of indian emigration to the US.

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Yet they can't stop slaughtering each other. Sad!

Anyway this is likely to be fake since Pakis are inbreeding non-stop. No way they wouldn't be the lowest IQ among all.

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cousin marriage only lowers offspring IQ by 6 points, though you can increase that if you're "double cousins" (i.e. related on both your mother's and your father's side) as is common in some parts of the world.

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By 2100 this means that a country with a mean IQ of 60 will have a nuclear arsenal and has yet to commit to no first use :#marseydespair:

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I am talking about first cousin marriages. These induce severe genetic disorders.

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yes so was I. granted it's probably worse in these communities due to previous generations of inbreeding, but if you're a white guy like Charles Darwin it's not that big a deal. of course aside from the minor IQ hit there's also some risk of a rare disability or whatever.

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if you're a white guy like Charles Darwin it's not that big a deal

Then how do you explain white trashes?

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white trash communities aren't actually inbred, they're just brain-drained.

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Imagine losing to Gypsys lol

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gypsies are 70% white so it's actually impressive that they're as low as they are. clearly the whites who ran off and joined them were disproportionately low-IQ scumbags.

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Gypsies aren't people

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!mottezans !BIPOCs

Igbo-bros... :#marseydeux: :#debunked::#marseyitsover:

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if you break down the african category nigerians are at the top, pretty close to whites IIRC. somalis are at the bottom of course.

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No email address required. !BIPOCs !soyteens BiafrARYANS have been scientifically proven to be high-IQ aryans, a lot of FulaniCLITTY seething itt @Lv69_Slime @garlicdoors

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The GCSE is not an IQ test. they're (as far as i can remember) 50% coursework, and 50% exams. which means the teacher has a lot of discretion in the marking of her/his students.

You also can't discount that fact that most of the people who've been having children in the UK for the last 20 years haven't been middle/upper middle class, they've been working class, or benny scroungers with 5+ kids. dumbasses shit out dumbass children.

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This is true. Britbongs would :marseymid: be considered r-slurred :marseyautismchonker: in america :marseypepsi:

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/ Anyone with a cursory knowledge of what GCSEs are and what IQ is knows the claim OP talks about is ridiculous on the face of it. GCSEs are effectively a measure of knowledge, while IQ tests are a measure of intelligence. Of course they correlate, but you cannot extrapolate heritable intelligence from the result of a knowledge test.
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!nooticers !kowalski


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There is an interesting study that shows that Black children raised in White households, either through adoption or marriage, are about the same performance wise as Black children raised in single mother Black households, i.e. both very bad. The same study also showed that wealthy Black households, particularly those which are generationally wealthy, do perform on the same level as their White contemporaries. Furthermore it showed less rigorous data that suggests that the children of Black families, former American ones, raised in foreign countries are much more successful, particularly when they are wealthy(though this would be assumed). The overall takeaway was that the main factor was not race or upbringing, but surrounding culture and general status in the community. Middle class rural Black children perform significantly better then even rich urbanite Whites and Asians.

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Elaborate more on surrounding culture.

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As in the culture that the child is immersed in as they grow up. Urban Black children in America are going to be exposed to the urban gangster culture, as much as I hate to use the phrase as a pejorative, no matter who raises them. This is why the rural Blacks perform better because it's the most removed from this. If the child grows up in Norway or Japan they are even more removed, to the point that they very well might not ever really be exposed to it. The ideas planted in the head of a child are extremely important to development from an early age, this is why rural children are more included to "hard work", suburban children are more inclined to mediocre success in a modest but well paid career, and urban children are more likely to chase some grand career path. Of course this is not iron clad but in general this is the academically commonly agreed upon reasoning for poor Black performance compared to their peers. The urban Black culture commonly features this idea of "making it out of the hood" wherein the only path out of poverty for Blacks is art, athletics, and crime, this leads to children who believe that studies are worthless because even the smartest blacks will never "make it out". The "surrounding culture" of a country like Japan is effectively a mirror of that of suburban American, it heavily encourages a mediocre job in a simple but well paid field, which in turn the Black child internalizes as the goal.

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Where is black pearl clutch? Is it some racism thing like BIPOCs are too careless to ever worry about something enough to clutch pearls over it?

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Hidden because waycism

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i don't get it

what's racist about it?


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That's a lot of words just to say that he has never seen a woman naked.

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I heart Bushies

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but muh twin studies

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Got two scam calls today and I swear to God, my first thought was "this is good, covid-19 cases in India must be low enough for people to go back to the office."


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