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:chudette: All non-white women's politics boils down to the fact they're insanely jealous of white women. : red_scare_pod :marseydasha: 1 hour ago, 86 comments




:chudette: They're so bitter and neurotic it's kind of sad. Please pray for them. There's genuinely nothing that triggers a non-white woman more than a blonde haired blue-eyed girl living enjoying the life she deserves. There are many white women that are beautiful, smart and kind and they deserve to be treated well because of it. Hating on other women is never cute. If you've befriended any non-whites you'd know this is irrefutable.

The whole Idea of white feminism is them getting angry that white women won't spend every two seconds thinking about the poor brown woman. The funny part is that white women are the kindest and most likely to care for others. I've never heard a white woman talk shit the way I've heard Asian, Black and Indian girls talk about "white girls".


Wait you've never heard a white woman talk shit?? Maybe I just hang out in the farms/telegram too much but the aryan ladies are racist as heck and tired of the โ€ฆ"darkening" of society

:chudette:Maybe the brown women should stay in their own countries

:chudette: Yeah because they don't want melanated men coming here in droves and for good reason

:chudette: White races are less than 10% of the global population, blue eyes even rarer, blonde hair exceedingly rare, green eyes are the grand prize, and ginger hair is for the fairest of fair. Ginger women with green eyes are the envy of all others. Blondes seethe at gingers because it's the only time they feel inferior. Blonde hair and blue eyes are second place in terms of race. Sorry ๐Ÿคท brown is brown, everyone's brown. It will never be sought after.

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White races are less than 10% of the global population

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17296007910270088.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17296007912958987.webp

Ginger women with green eyes are the envy of all others. Blondes seethe at gingers because it's the only time they feel inferior.

lmao lol okay enjoy looking 65 year old leather skin when you're 30. Burgers went off the rails with vanity shitlibery and circled back to eugenics. But not for any useful thing like getting rid of neurodivergents or r-slurs. No, we must save Carrot top.

What the frick happened to normies online not interested in 24/7 race discourse, parasocial relationships with streamer freaks, palestine, cooming, anime, or vidya? Did they all just stop posting?

latinx americans have an average of 65% european ancestry. so your "brown queen" is just a white woman :chudsmug: !latinx

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The guy posting that is not a lib lmao and I'd wager he'd be very much down with eugenics. Do you know what sub you're talking about??

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idk redditoids in general seemed to go from white guilt to "being 5% ching chong means YOU must go, you cannot coexist with us" all of which was a result of the 24/7 tiktok (chicom psyop) race talk. "I feel so guilty for being white, I hate myself. We're a curse on the planet"

Then encouraging "people of color" to hate whitey and form their own groups with no white people instead of just fricking getting along with everyone.


Then they get a few years older and go:

"No...why hate myself? It's the BIPOC's fault they were oppressed. Ebony cupcakes smell like shit" doing bipolar backflips from cognitive dissonance from the Burger obsession with race and ancestry and female obsession with appearing moral and pious which in the absence of God turned into the concept of inherited guilt/accomplishments instead of just realizing their black and white thinking is r-slurred and self-destructive.


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Oh yeah I see what you're saying now, I agree. I find that kind of bipolar swing in opinions really stupid, like their worldview truly is formed entirely as a reaction to what is currently annoying them or what they think makes them look smart to oppose. So many in the rs sphere went socialist because they were reacting to their democrat parents/upbringing, and they thought that Marx actually figured out the truth of the world. When all that shit kind of fell apart in 2020ish, they began to pivot to right wing politics because they were reacting once again, they had been badly embarrassed and "owned" by TPTB so they decided to hop onto the ideology they NOW thought made them look the smartest and strongest.

My guess is that if Trump loses you will see another shift as these rw trend chasers desperately reorient themselves. And I think that's why these people annoy me so much. They're so in favor of whatever bullshit they're posting about today but I know that in a few years they'll be on something totally different.

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latinx americans have an average of 65% european ancestry. so your "brown queen" is just a white woman

That varies wildly from country to country and region to region, if we're talking about Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil yes (varying from region and race in Brazil as pardoids are 60% european while hwites are typically on 85-95% range). If we're talking about central america plus Peru and Bolivia then not even close lmao. If we're talking about Mexico it will depend on the state. Contrary to popular belief, Chile's autosomal studies show them at the 55% euro range (big differences on social class). I believe Argentina and Uruguay need no introduction but Argentina is very far from the euro pure ethno-state racists think it is.



!biology !latinx !macacos

Also, !historychads look at the northernamerindian section. US injuns have a significant Han Chinese contribution while South American injuns have none, why is that? Railroad workers?

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A lot of Chinese moved here during the Gold Rush. I think the US was the only place Chinese could migrate to in the 1800s, so anybody who wanted to leave would come here.

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The k=5 "chinese" disappears on the k=13, dipshit. Siberian ancestry in Eskimos / Na-Dene most likely

You're tarded, as is @Redactor1 for taking shit at face level to bloviate

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Depends on the ginger. It's either an immortal Jessica Rabbit or gollum Carrot Top path.

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