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Is it a 'scam' if the African diaspora respawn in Ghana? Are racists still salty about Rhodesia? The redscapeepo argue amongst themselves




First fight: is it a 'scam' if Black folx are the gentrifiers? :marseypearlclutch:

what part about this is a scam

Ghana is not the home of all people of African descent. They are taking advantage of diaspora black people's confused cultural identity to convince them to move to a poorer country with a poorer standard of living so that they can increase their population of educated foreigners (and foreign currency). Unless you believe it's an inherent good that Black people live in Africa, it doesn't make sense for diaspora black people to do this.

I think black Americans they can do what they want. I don't think they'd be making the most facts and logic decision :marseyshapiro: by moving there, but still failing to see how this is a 'scam'. Unless you believe black Americans are inherently incapable of understanding what looks like a fairly straightforward arrangement.

I don't think very many African Americans will fall for this because they are "capable" of understanding the arrangement, but that has no bearing on whether or not it is a scam. This might blow your lib mind, but black people are regular humans who can be tricked into doing things outside of their best interest, and people can exploit that capacity.

I very much doubt you would similarly describe white Christians getting scammed by Russia to move to their anti-gay paradise or American Jews having to move to Israel to defend the "Jewish homeland" as being able to "do what they want." I think you would immediately understand those are scams without discussing inherent capabilities.

Second fight: do racists like it when Black people leave, or hate it when Black people get free stuff?

This has been a thing in various African countries for years. This has been a thing that racists in America inexplicably seethe over for years. I refuse to elaborate, but I'm sure /r/redscarepod will have a very even-handed and respectful discussion on the issue!

Wouldn't racists like it??

They're still mad about Rhodesia. They don't want any kind of home when it comes to black people, just servility.

You are completely beyond lost if you think American racists are anything but pro-remigration.

Why you telling me that? Tell the commenters I was responding to.

I'm speaking to you. White racists are not mad about Rhodesia's fall because it "gave a home to black people". They're mad (and this is their take not mine) that whites were violently dispossessed of their country they earned by conquest. I would charge you to find a single white racist who is opposed to blacks going back to Africa l. Listen to how silly that sounds.

Cameo by rdrama's very own diaspora /u/snallygaster make aliyah to your chosen people.

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Someone posted this article and it does sound like kind of a scam...against the people whose land they stole to give to rich Americans.

Then in 2020, the traditional ruler of Asebu Town, the "paramount chief" of the area offered a golden opportunity. He announced he would set aside 5,000 acres of farmland in his town and offer free plots to anyone in the African heritage diaspora planning to settle there.

"We've been farming there for generations," says 59-year-old farmer Kwesi Otu-Bensil. "Now it has been destroyed." Otu-Bensil and a group of farmers and members of his extended family, the Akoa Anona's, sit outside his modest bungalow in Asebu, surrounded by small vegetable patches and cockerels.

Otu-Bensil used to farm yams, coconuts, oranges and several other crops, on 123 acres of his family's farmland, which is now a part of Pan-African Village. But in 2020, the paramount chief seized it and the fields were leveled. The destruction and dispossession of their farmland has had hit the livelihoods of Otu-Bensil and over 150 farmers that relied on it. "If I earned 100 cedis before [$8.33], for example, now I earn 30," he says, describing how he struggles to support his family of five children.

The paramount chief refused to pay him for it, Badu says, arguing the chief would not be earning any profit as it would be given for free. "We met so many times about this very land and I said, no, you can never tell me it's for free"

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Also check out this hotep queen:


Sixty-nine-year-old Hoyen Vivalee is Lenval Skiers' neighbor. She arrived from Atlanta, Georgia, in 2022. Her two-story lime-green and orange home, with guest quarters rented to visitors, sits like a colorful dollhouse within the village. While the land dispute by farmers in Asebu continues, her dream of a new life in Pan-African Village goes on untouched.

At the far end of her white living room, she sits on a wooden throne, her feet on a stool, resting on a lion-print rug. Traditional Ghanaian kente fabric is draped over her shoulder. She is now known by her Ghanaian name, Na Bwafwoyena Oyem Mpese Tulu I, and a new title. "My title is Diaspora Development Queen for all of Ghana," she says.

Soon after she arrived, she acquired land in Pan-African Village.. "It was a salvation for me," she says. "I didn't have to pay a mortgage." According to another resident in the village, most of the homes cost $40,000 to $50,000 to build, a small fraction of the cost in the U.S. But while her life has flourished in the village, with new land and status, her disconnect with the community she now lords over grows clear. In explaining how local people live, she repeats a racial, African trope, describing their poverty in glowing terms.

"In Ghana, people are humble. They don't need much to live. Food is the most important to a lot of people. They don't even need a fork, they use their hands. They have no problems sleeping flat on the ground," she says. "I mean, it sounds like poverty, but when you think about it, how much do we really need to survive?"

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Man the '70s did a real number on American blacks, didn't they?

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Another settlement formerly called Wakanda One City, named after the fictional kingdom in the Marvel comic book and movie Black Panther, is also planned in Cape Coast.


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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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what is the point of giving away the farmland for subsistence living if an 100 acres brings in less than 8 dollars a month worth of economic activity? Diaspora could contribute to this society 10x more by just staying home, working at mcdonalds and donating a hundred a month. Does Africa actually need more people?

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Queen, do you know you can edit a post in drafts on rDrama?

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Yeah, I do. But I'd usually rather post a shitty post and then improve it a bit if I can be bothered

That way even if I don't come back to it, hey, one shitty post :marseyshrug:

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Okay. But send me marsey coin as reparations for upmarseying your post when it sucked peepee.

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They are taking advantage of diaspora black people's confused cultural identity to convince them to move to a poorer country with a poorer standard of living so that they can increase their population of educated foreigners (and foreign currency).

If they're gonna compare it with Israel, they should acknowledge that Israel was an impoverished malarial swamp and desert for most of early Zionism. It was so bad that the journals of the first Zionists talked about the deaths and suicides from the brutal living conditions.

Of course, it takes enormous drive to turn things around from that state -- but it's possible.

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Except Israel attracted people willing to live with nothing for years to desperately build a state where they could be safe.

The people that will move to Ghana are the types that discovered check fraud from a Tik Tok video

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@peepeehands (2% Ghana peepee) rn: :marseybee:

(He's flying back to Africa. Fr no cap)

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I get to choose between 3 different euro citizenships and i'm basically just a brown guy. Very common in Brazil btw


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17324776113176696.webp !macacos !chads !commenters

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>guy has recent euro ancestors from 3 different countries

>says he's brown


The self declared "pardo" who's 1/16th African

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>Sou pardo mestiço, sou considerado "brown" nos EUA e na Europa, e já sofri racismo por ser Brasileiro


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17233397660673566.webp !macacos !burgers

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Americans have laughed at the suggestion I'm white upon seeing me, ergo putting "Pardo" down on the census is perfectly valid.

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Americans have a twisted and myopic view on race and ethnicity. That's we every country has it's own parameters.

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One of my great grandmothers may have been half guarani so I'm pretty much a native

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Soon brozzer

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!macacos are being genocided by the Chinx, 20-ish years ago Brazilians were the biggest foreign group in all Japanese prefectures minus Tokyo and Okinawa :chuditsover: !asians

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The Brazilians living in Japan are mostly Nikkei who can get a Jap passport through descent.

That also explains the dozens of thousands of Peruvians in Japan.

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The prefectures with the Gooks are the ones with the most fun nightclubs BTW.

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The Chinks couldn't conquer Gookland but the Mongols and Japs did.

Makes you realize who the real inferior Ricecel is :marseysmughipskorean:

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>They're still mad about Rhodesia. They don't want any kind of home when it comes to black people, just servility.

Are our strawmen of libtards equally r-slurred? :marseysweating:

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Conservatards know libtards' positions way better than vice versa. Many people are saying this. :marseytrump:

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Unless you believe it's an inherent good that Black people live in Africa, it doesn't make sense for diaspora black people to do this.

Yes, I believe it is an inherent good :marseyagreesuperspeed:


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Black people are more prone to vitamin D defficiency because of their dark skin. They should stay in Africa to be healthy. :marseyfluffy:

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!coalburners would you?

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People think its the homeless pooping on the streets of San Francisco but I was an employed software engineer making 6+ figures and pooped on the street one time since I could find a restroom.



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jimie how old are you want whats your kik my sweet princess

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33, I'm way too old for kik

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ohhhh mommy

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