:marseyme: :wishthatwereme:

Noticing, is a product. Steve Sailer is the Elon Musk of this product. And Anna is currently the bikini model in that product's commercials.

It was so embarrassing hearing Sailer mention how wild it is that there are now “beautiful stunning women in fancy evening wear at his events” and then they go on to reveal it was just Anna and Dasha.

Unsurprisingly, the King of Race Science and his two head Courtesans, Anna (Ms. “I'm like a pig in shit on this topic”) and Dasha (spineless and lazy), like all race scientists, will always and can only talk about this stuff in terms of “noticing.”

“Wow this episode has so much information.” “Wow, that's so interesting.” “Huh, that's an interesting fact.”

Anna embarrassingly spends this entire episode salivating not only over Sailer but the idea of “Noticer” as a unique kind of special modern individual. She asks “is being a Noticer (tm) something that can be taught?”.

And I have for a while now believed it is because these people either refuse, or are near incapable, of taking this ideology, and applying it to on the ground direct action that does not immediately pay lip service to the Republican Party. Because that's all it is.

I wonder if, during this podcast recording, did Glenn Greenwald's black children ever enter Anna's mind. Or the black guy she lots her virginity to. Or the black guy they've had on the podcast. If I'm being honest, these are pathetic examples, and it's kind of hilarious how easy it is to know the basic contours of Anna and Dasha's social circle, yet not one prominent black person can be named among them. If I was in the room, I would ask Anna and Dasha “who would you say is the closet black friend in your life, and how often do you speak to them? What do you talk about?”

And regardless of the answer, I would then ask “What would you suggest that person do in the face of all this ‘noticing'?” And I'd hazard a guess that 8 out of 10 times they'd say “they don't have to do anything except not be a race-hustling, cancel-culture vulture, libtard shill for the establishment” if they were being honest.

I find race scientists to be extremely malicious, bad-faith, snaky actors.

This so-called pursuit of knowledge is a hat they can put on, and say “I did my part, I exposed the knowledge!!” And Anna and Sailer can spout all this bullshit about the “moral responsibility to not exploit stupid low-iq blacks” but never actually talk about their hypothetical dream scenario where everyone is on the same page on human bio-diversity. (which they don't actually want because then no more grift. The grift would suddenly become about ‘noticing' hey black people actually do all these amazing things!)

They never talk about what we should do in the hypothetical dream race-science future to actually COMBAT the gargantuan amount of exploitation that would actually happen. Sailer says “welfare for the left half of the bell curve is good, but when you give it to black single mothers, bad things happen.

I know Anna and Sailer aren't so stupid that they would ever actually advocate or expect that black people would all suddenly go “yup, we are dumber, and lower iq!” They would obviously have an instinctive revulsion to that kind of self deprecation.

So while these guys are doing all this Noticing (tm) and hawking Sailer's book, what is an individual black person actually supposed to do?

You can't talk on and on about how modern American society has some great fault of “wrongthink” or stuff about “moral responsibility toward the left half of the bell curve” without the immediate implication being that there is a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to proselytize, incept, discourse and be informed by what they believe is the reality of human biodiversity. They believe it is a duty, and that it will make America a better place for Americans.

So why do the so often only talk about how much “noticing” they are doing and all their “interesting stats and facts” and “seeing with your own eyes” and so little talking about what actual direct action to take to improve a local community, a family, a social circle, a job site? Why do they not have anything to say to the black retail worker or black union organizer who might be listening to this or be exposed to all this information? Why did neither Anna or Dasha ask this kind of question that you know someone like Amber Frost would?

It's because they are well-off, white and do not care about those people like they claim to. They are speaking to an audience of young, mostly straight white male podcasters, substack writers, wannabe artists, tech/finance guys and Internet posters.

Chances are there is at least ONE black single mother in Chicago who has read a Steve Sailer article. What should SHE do? And if the answer is “Nothing”, then why the frick is it so important for Sailer to be making piles of cash screaming from the rooftops “blacks aren't as smart and do more crime!!!!”

“We know something you don't know!!!~” sticks out tongue

That's the entire point.


I thought this thread was going to go in an entirely different direction based on the title.


No seethe, just sad

Attention :marseyselfharm: internet :marseymetokur: racists: new Sailer Socialism :marseytrotsky: just dropped :marseyautismcap:

!redscarepod !chuds

What's happens when Hamas wins :marseysmugsideeyes:
It's so easy to trigger these strags kek

Bonus seethe after my last post:

:ragemask: you seem mad that you got made fun of online

:surejan: Sure Jan

:ragemask: how are you gonna make fun of people for being white and then hit me with a brady bunch reference man

:marseysmug: I'm making fun of them for being white and caring about rap beefs lol

:soyjaktantrum: At least edit out the fact you're the OP getting clowned on.

Not your personal army.

:marseysmug: I made a joke about wiggers, they got offended lol. People here can't handle mild banter.

:soyjaktantrum: What banter? You didn't even show what you posted to get these responses? (Not an invitation).

You said something you probably knew would get a rise out of people, you got a rise out of people, then you skulked off to your safe-space to point and laugh at the people who got mad at the thing you knew they'd probably get mad at?



:marseysmug: I struck a nerve in you, huh?

:ragemask: Whatever helps you sleep at night.


>Post makes a joke about how predictable vegan discussions are on the sub by likening it to a computer simulation generated at someone's prompting

>The comment thread proceeds to completely adhere to the description with zero self-awareness on the part of the any of the posters.

I pissed off all the wiggers in r/redscarepod and they got really mad

:marseyblackface: Why is this sub pretending black people aren't talking about this?

:chudsmug: Post skin

:marseyblackface: You wish honky

:marseyseethe: RS users rush here to be contrarians on every topic as it comes up in their social media algorithms.why would you take the time to make this as if you didn't also listen to this shit, Kendrick just called drake a “certified p-dophile” and you don't see any fun in that? Boring!

:fatbrain: Fake Beef

They share a publicist

:zoomersoy: He literally called him a p-do bro I don't think this shit is fake 😭

:fatbrain:Wasserman Group knows what they're doing. They even have redscare redditors talking about it.. this is a promo stunt.

:soyjakanimeglasses: Bro if your facial hair is this bad just wax your face and save some money on razors

:marseyfedpostyes: We need a final solution for wiggers

:marseysoyseethe: We need a final solution for people on this sub who don't really know what wiggers are.

:marseyblops2cel: get laid

:zoomersoy: Y'all gotta stop posting selfies I swear 😭

:marseyunamused: :marseycricket:

!redscarepod, why are you guys so sensitive that you can't take a joke at your own expense? :marseysmughips:

Asian dasha



When schools send a bunch of cops in to fight college students, it immediately makes them look brave and justifies their cause. Everyone roots for the underdog especially when they're actually risking something.

Meanwhile at UCLA they're just letting the protestors do whatever. So they're inevitably making themselves look bad.

Beloved parts of campus are spray-painted with cringe anarchy symbols. Walkways are blocked so students can't get to class. Protestors keep climbing onto building scaffolding which impedes construction for no reason. There's a PSA that no bananas or peanuts are allowed at the encampment because someone has an allergy.

I can feel the vibe slowly beginning to shift against them just because they keep doing stupid college-student type stuff.

They really only win when images of cops arresting them are promulgated through the mainstream, because they invoke the cultural memory of Kent State and student protests of the 60s. Columbia is the most embarassing example because the administration is allowing Elise Stefanik to dictate their response because they're more afraid of protecting their jobs, which is ironic because they'll probably be losing them soon and having a Scarlett letter going forward in left spaces because of how they treated them. The Republicans couldn't be happier that this implosion is happening in an election year, it's just impressive that the Biden administration has been able to side step for this long.

Please COPS! PLEASE BEAT US TO DEATH! :marseybegging:

The video of the Columbia students who took over a building requesting humanitarian aid at a press conference was so embarrassing. The video of the horse cops breaking up the UT protest was embarrassing. Ignoring seems to be the only good method.


A picture of themself being arrested is what they need to propel their post Uni activism career.


This sub gets too caught up in optics. The reality is repression is effective. It may strengthen passive activism and sympathy, but those people don't do a thing. They're not a problem. Meanwhile repression actively hinders a sizeable part of the demographics that aren't useless, the ones actively doing something. It's a net positive to dissuade them with violence. This is based on my experience in France, maybe not fully applicable to the US where protests are a lot more performative in nature.

:marseyconfused2: neighbor wat

I thought this sub would be sympathetic to the protestors :marseyconfused:

everyone here probably aligns with the protestors morally and ethically but it's always frustrating to see the left lose the war of optics because we can't help but be cringe. :marseycringe2:

I'm so checked out, how are they being cringe? All I see is them having occupied the national spotlight and a heightening of political tension :marseysoycry:

They took over Hamilton Hall (I'm fine with this) and then during a press conference today talked about the need for students occupying the Hall to receive "basic humanitarian aid" unless Columbia wants them to "starve and die of thirst". When told by a reporter that they are simultaneously calling themselves revolutionaries while also asking to be fed by Columbia, she says they aren't asking to be fed but asking "that they don't violently stop us from bringing in basic humanitarian aid". When asked if Columbia is stopping delivery of food, she says they are "looking for a commitment that they won't". Just unbelievably cringe. To top it off stood behind her during this conference is a bearded man wearing a crop top and keffiyeh

Seen another one of students who were asked what the goal was. She said showing support for Palestine and demanding NYU stops. When asked "stops what?" she says "Honestly I'm not so sure" then she asks the girl next to her what they are protesting for NYU to stop and she says "I wish I were more educated on that".

There was a student with a "severe banana allergy" so the encampment was made a banana free zone, but Zionist anti-protestors brought bananas and laughed while eating them from a distance which made the students furious.

For anyone averse to cringe its really hard to cheer these people on

!chuds laugh at the absolute state of !redscarepod :turtoiserofl:

Why protesting :marseypussyhat: is out
red Dasha
RSP :dasha: finally admits the righitoid :chudspin: :marseyschizowave: conspiracy :marseytinfoil2: theories are real :chudcheers:

!redscarepod !chuds

Never have I seen so many governments and powerful institutions bend at the knee for Israel to silence overwhelming public support for Palestine

its literally illegal to question certain things in many countries, that should be all a person with critical thinking needs to know


Don't worry, soon enough the government will start planting Nazi flags, Trump flags, and flat Earther nonsense in the protests to demonize you. There will be marches by some folks in matching clothes who arrive in the back of a U-Haul.


Get out and talk to real people. There is not overwhelming support for Palestine in the US. Americans identify more with the cops than the fat enby protesters. Not a judgment call - just reality.

this party pooper ruining things :marseyparty: :crap:

You are getting it backwards, really. >Israel has no power, they exist because America wants them to. They're a useful regional power and ally against Iran. If the US stopped supporting them they wouldn't exist. Criticism of Israel and zionism gets shut down so fast because its criticism of US imperialism. Zionism is just a convenient cover.

2020 Lockdowns had nothing to do with Covid, and everything to do with expanding. the bounds of governmental control, surveillance, and propaganda (I'm not saying Covid wasn't real, I'm saying it's not why we had "Lockdowbs" shutting down schools, hospitals (yes, hospitals), and other vital services leading to overall more death, comorbidities, and mental health issues---which we are ABSOLUTELY still in the wake of and will be for a while, check Sweden against it's comparable neighbors. :marseymeds:

That is to say, a LOT of this, has ZERO to do with neither Israel NOR Gaza, and everything to do with power-grabs & power-moved which can serve as a guise for being "about Israel" or "about Gaza" or about "maintaining civility" "peace" "safety", etc.

Remember the phrase "Abundance of caution" in 2020? There are so many games being played at so many levels. That's why the gravitation towards conspiracy feels so strong.


Daily :marseydose: dasha

I guess the jannies removed it because they realised it makes the hamas shills look like r-slurs

how does she do it
one down

u/AlicentAlicent is dead:marseydead:. She's probably moved on to another sockpuppet:carpsockpuppet: but I'll take what I can get. I didn't get a screenshot of it but shortly after @cyberdick posted my first post on r/rspod she changed her avatar to Candace Owens,:marseychudnny: presumably because she and Ben Jewish chadpiro :marseyshapiro: fell out. She made a few other posts, naturally about G*d's chosen :chadjewrentfree: before deleting her account at an unspecified time. Rest in piss, bozo! :marseycalvin:

Gaze1112 is still chimping out every day at a decreased pace, managing only 77 posts in the past week. Low energy; sad!

Particular_Log_3594 has not slowed down. In fact, his posting rate has multiplied by a factor of five! :4::8::3: 483 posts in the last week by my reckoning. What a cute twink! :nikocadoavocadodance2:

He's posted 3 more times in /r/redscarepod and none in /r/rspod (probably because it's too small) and has been noticed once more, unfortunately by two videogame posters. :marseysoyswitch:

If the numbers don't mean much to you, maybe a graphic example of his posting will mean more to you :marseybrainlet::

Right now there's only one sandBIPOC:chudmuslim: seethe:soyjaktantrum: post on the /r/redscarepod front page and it's about some nerd foid at USC. The poster is odd, a 12 year old account whose oldest visible post is only 6 months old, and started posting in /r/redscarepod about 2 months ago. The karma seems to match the visible posts, so whatever. Their first post was about that libtard :marseyselfflagellation: who got stabbed in New York by the 0400 lunchtime rowdy, which is funny because a poster on /r/redscarepod was seething because he was a friend of the libtard and the whole world was dunking on his waterheaded friend. (I couldn't find that post so you'll just have to believe me, frick you :marseyfuckyou:)

Anyways, frick sandseethers.



fellas you ever wanna just lay back and let her do all the work?

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